Recovering from Bulimia...

Hi everyone!
I'm a recovering bulimic with 50 lbs to lose. Dieting triggers binging for me, so I'm hoping to find some support and assistance on this site. Anybody out there with the same issue who has managed to lose weight, and not succumb to binge/purge behavior? Your input would be greatly appreciated!


  • 1_day_at_a_time
    i love the honesty. we only succeed once we admit the truth, and then we are ready :heart:
  • carolinagirl0
    carolinagirl0 Posts: 51 Member
    been there with the binge and purge, hoping to avoid that roller coaster ride ever again. Good luck
  • missashleybeth
    Ooooooooo this is me too! I went through the same. Became bulemic 2 years and 26lbs ago. I have since gained that and am now working to lose it. I struggle with urges to binge and *knock on wood* have been good for almost 2 weeks now. It's tough so I'm here for support if you need it. I'll send you a friend request if you'd like so we can check in with one another :-). For me, it's difficult to discuss these issues with anyone who hasn't gone through them. My bf thinks its as easy as just not doing it but oh if it were that simple, I wouldn't have gained 26lbs, 15 of which i gained in 1 month alone :-(.

    Anyways, just wanted to reach out to you and let you know you are NOT alone and we are HERE FOR YOU!
  • kellyirisheyes
    kellyirisheyes Posts: 137 Member
    if you need support, feel free to add me.
    I've been on the recovery train myself, not from bulimia, but from a different ED.
    here for the motivation if you need it :)
  • JenniferLeigh12
    JenniferLeigh12 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a recovering binge eater trying to loose my "binge" weight. And I have the same problem with dieting. It always triggers me. But I find that when I feel like I'm going to binge, it's best to have good food on hand like chicken, broccoli, whole grain cereal, or any vegetable. I don't worry about the calories when I feel it's gonna happen. Once I start eating those foods, it's takes away the desire to binge. I'm learning it's also really good to stay busy. Keep your hands busy especially. And eat enough. I find that I feel MUCH better when I eat enough.
  • melmonroe
    melmonroe Posts: 111
    Have something available that you've figured out can make it stop.

    I keep hard boiled eggs and/or a tablespoon of super fresh green organic first pressed olive oil handy- I build binge control into my calorie count for the day. SO far it's working. By the way, the oil is spicy and bitter. I use it like medicine for MY INNER BINGE MONSTER. My monster (body) loves it but my taste buds lose all interest in eating any more. Short-circuiting the monster! LOL!
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member

    I'm so proud of you that you're being so honest and laying all your cards on the table. I suffered from bulimia for 7 years... it started when I turned 18. I knew it was wring and that it wasn't a solution to my problems. I knew I needed to stop. I have gotten so bad that I didn't need my fingers or hand to trigger myself. I was so disgusted by what I was doing that I kept biting my hand and fingers as it was happening. I came to a point that I started throwing up blood every time I purged. That was my breaking point. I quit cold turkey. It was hard, but I didn't allow myself to slip... I have been bulimia free for 5 years now. It will be a part of my forever though. There are times here and there when I think I have overeaten that the trigger is intensified, but it goes away quickly now :)

    I have lost 79 lbs naturally through hard work and eating right. You can do it, too :) Please feel free to add me if you'd like to be friends. You can definitely do it!
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Also a recovering bulimic here. Feel free to add me. The urges to b/p get so much easier if you're not starving yourself; proud to say I haven't restricted calories in 60 days and during those 60 days, I've had two very small binges, one purge, and no laxatives. 60 days ago, I was b/p-ing 2 or 3 times a day and abusing the hell out of laxatives.
  • ClaireM8
    Hi, I am new to the site and also have this problem.

    I eat too fast, comfort-eat and crave sugar and salt when I'm stressed. I don't know if your food relationship issues are similar to mine, but if they are, dealing with the emotional side of eating may mean that dieting becomes less of an issue. I'm not there yet - I still treat myself with food and relieve stress by eating, but I know it's not ideal. I eat fantastically healthy meals - but let myself down with all the snacks that I don't need.
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    You aren't alone! I was diagnosed with anorexia when I was 14 and bulimia a couple of years later. I started using myfitnesspal a couple of months ago and found it's actually helped me to stay on a healthy track. It's really useful to have a food diary/exercise diary in a 'healthy' environment... think the key is having a good group of people on your friends list to encourage you and keep it lighthearted if you've had a bad day- eg. I panic if I go over my calorie goal but there's always a lovely bunch of people there telling me to calm down and be my reality check (: I'm by no means 'recovered' but I try my best each day, and I think i'm doing pretty well (: Feel free to add (same goes to anyone!) as i'm happy to support anybody, we all know what we've been through!
  • ClaireM8
    It's funny - some people are told to let go of the scales, it's only a number. However, I need that number as a measure of whether I'm a healthy weight, as what I see in the mirror changes from day to day. The disease really screws up your body image perception. The main thing is not to reach a goal weight and be tempted to lower it and lower it.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Oh wow, I am exactly the same. I haven't suffered 'seriously' from it for over 20 years but, as you said, dieting triggers it and it has reappeared albeit just very occasionally which is a worry. I am currently trying to eat small meals but regularly in order to stop any possibility of afternoon bingeing which will lead to it. Do feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to encourage one another. I'm not doing very well at the moment and am a better encourager than I am example! All the very best with your journey xxx
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    I suppose one of the biggest things this site teaches is you that it's not a diet, it's a life style change. Diet has so many bad connotations to it and gives the idea that it's only temporary. The site is about setting you into good life style habits that means the weight will be off for good rather then a roller coaster of weight loss and gain.

    Yet again it's another one of those accept and move on type things >__<

    More then happy to give a bit of help :3 good luck on your way
  • ladyallen18
    ladyallen18 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm a recovering bulimic with 50 lbs to lose. Dieting triggers binging for me, so I'm hoping to find some support and assistance on this site. Anybody out there with the same issue who has managed to lose weight, and not succumb to binge/purge behavior? Your input would be greatly appreciated!

    Hang in there, love, I've been there too. I have been able to lose weight without turning to binging again, thankfully. But I understand it's a hard habit to break. Just know that you are definitely capable of anything if you set your mind to it. Just believe and have faith in yourself =)
  • Aurorakitty
    I used to b/p every day for many months but then I stopped purging because I stared restricting calories (can't purge if you don't eat enough) and then purging when I know I went over my diet calorie intake. One day after a major purge I said I needed to stop because I know its unhealthy. I realized that I could lose weight without resorting to purging, but i'm still struggling with it because I use it as a stress reliever so i'm trying to focus on other things as stress relievers like exercise, reading and talking to people when I get stressed out. Basically its a work in progress but I haven't done it in a month so I'm getting better. Good luck!
  • zebisis
    zebisis Posts: 157
    Feel free to add me as a friend, I am here every day. I also had ED issues- anorexia and then bulimia. I would eat healthy things and keep them down, "bad" foods got "rejected". Once I got pregnant, I had to force myself to stop- started again after she was born... then with my 2nd pregnancy stopped all together.
    I gained 70 lbs with #2, and kept 50lbs on for 4 years. As you can see from my ticker, I am down 23 lbs from eating a calorie deficit with low carbs, exercising and lifting.
  • Jacium
    Jacium Posts: 6
    This seems to be a female prone condition. It' difficult for me to perceive the conditions under which I would do such a thing, because I am BFL Warrior. I know what I need to do every day, and I'm going to need adequate nutrition to do it. So, my message is to plan activities you enjoy, and focus on gettting the energy and spirit you will need to do them. You might consider reading the Body-For_Life Book by Bill Phillips to better understand the needs our bodies have. I learned to eat for my body, not for my mind. The mind fights back at first, but as results are realized, the mind is re-programmed, and the reward is well worth the effort.:heart:
  • Italapps
    Italapps Posts: 14 Member
    I so appreciate your honesty!! I was bulimic/anoxeric for so long and then had kids and went on the way other side of the fence. Now trying to lose more than 100+, I'm about half way there and I was very very very tempted to resort back to my old ways. I just kept being honest w/myself and told people close to me about and had them keep me accountable. Don't eat anything that will make you struggle (in other words, trigger foods that would make you want to binge) and if you do, you've got to tell yourself the truth that's it's okay to fall down, just get up and do it the right way. I made a commitment to myself that I would never go down that road no matter what...I can't even put enough in this box as too how much of a fight it has been, but I can say it's a battle and just start where your at. If you were here, I'd give you a hug. Add me if you need support, and that goes for anyone else too.
  • vanillapot
    vanillapot Posts: 17 Member
    It may not sound nice to say...but I'm happy I'm not alone. I still struggle with bulimia, I can eat healthy for 3-4 days and then binge like crazy on junk food. Then I feel guilty and ashamed and I throw up but after throwing up I feel like a failure. I'm basically saying that it's a lose-lose situation. I know it's bad, I know I shouldn't do it but it's like my brain stops working and I just move like an idiot in the kitchen and stuff myself with whatever I find. I tried not to buy junk but it's not working. I've just bought a book about overcoming binge eating and bulimia. I hope it'll work.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Since you are looking for a healthy lifestyle (YEAH!!!), try thinking of it in that way instead of a diet. The stress of the "D" word is what triggers my binges. I have started journaling in a calendar so I can start monitoring my moods, hormones, and trigger points.

    You are and can continue to be successful. Take everything one day at a time, maybe even one hour at a time on some days. Find support here and a close friend to confide in.

    Oh yeah, one more bit of advice. Don't get too hung up on the number on the scale. Take measurements, pictures. Or small exercise challenges. Use these to monitor your successes. Then post them so we can all bask in your successes.