am i active or lightly active

i am a custodian for an elementary school, and through out the day i have two times a day where im working an hour n a half straight, totaling 3hours(and i still do slow paced walking around the facility to check on things)

would this make me active or lightly active life style, btw i work 5days a week, 7hour shift, but as i said before theres only three hours where im actually moving, cleaning and breaking a sweat


  • thingeringer
    thingeringer Posts: 241 Member
    My vote is active!
  • thank you, thats what ive chose
  • thingeringer
    thingeringer Posts: 241 Member
    I'm checking back to see what others thought - but it turns out that you and I are the only experts!
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I'd say active. I put active for myself as well, and I'm up and down the hall a lot, up and down stairs, lifting boxes etc. About half my day I'm on my butt but the other half I'm standing/walking.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,187 Member
    I am a stay at home mom and started out on lightly active but was too tired so upped to active and still lost weight just fine