Too thin??

Alright, I have a question I want to ask but I feel like it requires a little bit of background info. I started my weight loss journey in August of 2011. I am 23 years old, 5'8, and I started at around 208 pounds. Since that time I have lost a little over 70 pounds, mostly through calorie counting but also with the off and on help of a treadmill. My lowest weight was 131, and my current weight is between 133-135.

My grandmother, who is a nurse, and other family members & friends have recently expressed concern that I look too thin and should stop losing, or even possibly gain some weight back. The thing is, my weight is still concentrated in my mid-section. I still have a bit of a tummy and thicker thighs, but my arms and legs look like sticks, I have no breasts AT ALL, and I can count the bones in my chest. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I am bigger boned, if that matters.

I suppose I'm just looking for opinions at this point. I don't like discussing my weight with anyone I know IRL because it feels too personal and almost embarrassing. I hope this sort of post is appropriate, because I'm starting to feel desperate. This is the first post that I've made on this website, and I've been wanting to make it for a few weeks now but I've been too afraid. So, hello. And what do you guys think I should do? The idea of gaining weight back after all the hard work I've put in is just terrifying to me and I'm reluctant to go that route, but it's starting to look like my only option for purely health reasons.


  • elishazf
    elishazf Posts: 332 Member
    I used to have the same issue so I started doing ab exercises like plank and stuff and that's really helped me but from your picture you look fine
  • mysnailshell
    mysnailshell Posts: 6 Member
    I've tried a few different ab exercises and none have shown results so far... might try that again, though. And thank you. I'm just nervous because I started doing this for my health, and being too thin is just as unhealthy as being overweight. I might just be overthinking things.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    I am your height and I was once around your weight so I know exactly what it is like. 135 and 5"8 for me was exactly what you are describing, thin upper body but still had a bit of lower tummy pudge and thicker thighs. I am not advocating this but I decided to simply lose 10lbs. So at 5"8 and 123-125 I am very, very slim but I enjoy how I look!

    However, if everyone around you is telling you that you look thin enough, maybe work on toning instead of losing? Do what feels comfortable for you but being 5"8 and 125lbs is STILL in the "normal" BMI range, it's not underweight or anything.
  • Princess2012forever
    You look fine. Do you have alot of chubby or overweight family members? If so, then they will always comment of your body being "too thin". I find that my family's idea of thin and mine are two completely different things. It sounds like you will have to lose more weight inorder to get rid of your stomach and take more off of your thighs. You will lose all over but mainly from these areas because that is where you put it genetically.

    I have the same issue too but as a pear. Everyone says I'm fine but I want to lose more weight but I know that there will be a time when I don't want to lose more weight all over and have "trouble areas". If I can't live with them then I plan on getting lipo. But I want to lose all the weight so that I'm lean first.
  • elishazf
    elishazf Posts: 332 Member
    I've tried a few different ab exercises and none have shown results so far... might try that again, though. And thank you. I'm just nervous because I started doing this for my health, and being too thin is just as unhealthy as being overweight. I might just be overthinking things.

    Yeah I found with ab exercises they take more patience than others like running or something. But maybe that's just me
  • mysnailshell
    mysnailshell Posts: 6 Member
    Most of my family is overweight, yes, and I did notice a spike in their comments when I lost the last of my visible chub... My mother in particular only started making comments to that effect when she discovered I weighed less than she did :ohwell:

    I think I want to start exercising more, that would make me feel a bit better. Toning will give me something to focus on since I'm mostly eating maintenance calories (WHICH IS DIFFICULT!!!) instead of actively restricting them. I keep telling myself that this is a LIFESTYLE change and not a diet, but it really is incredibly hard to get used to living this way.
  • thethingirlinside
    I don't think you should gain if you don't like tummy there are exercise for that maybe dont lose any more you are tall from your pic you look great familys always worry look at a chart .or ask the trainer that on here helping people.just to put iyour mind at ease.good luck
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Congrats on losing all that weight! You look nice. I would say though that working out is not only to lose weight but to be healthy. I think a regular workout is great for you inside as well as outside. Being strong is a great feeling.
  • mysnailshell
    mysnailshell Posts: 6 Member
    Most of my weight loss has come from pure calorie counting, so I really would like to get a regular exercise routine going. That's probably the change I need. I also quit smoking two weeks ago, so I think that could be the answer to a lot of my problems right now. Thank you all so much for answering! I'm a really neurotic person and I felt super silly even making this post so I really appreciate it.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    You look fine to me. I wouldn't worry about what other people say, as long as you are happy.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I think you look fine, but if you lose more you might get the PoW (Prisoner of War) look.

    I'd suggest a small bulk... Lift weights and build some muscle, eating about 250 cal over maintenance. Do that for 2 months, then lose weight while lifting to get to where you feel comfortable. If you had some muscle, you wouldn't look so small, so it might solve the problem.

    Seriously though, all that matters is your opinion... so as long as you are getting sufficient nutrients to be healthy, I don't think what your family thinks should factor in to your plans.
  • NotHopelessButHopeful
    As long as you're healthy I say you're doing fine. You may just need more toning. I have a friend around you're height and weight who lost a lot of weight but in her case I do feel she is too thin. It's only because she has been so sick and the doctor told her to gain 10 lbs and incorporate more fats into her diet. If you're healthy and comfortable it doesn't matter what others say.
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    i would recommend starting and sticking with a regular exercise routine. you will tone up and you will get to keep eating (eat more, actually) and probably end up a lot happier and healthier than starving down another ten pounds. an exercise routine will help keep you off the ciggies, too (i quit smoking 6 weeks ago after many years of smoking! so happy:)
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Are you healthy?
    Are you happy?

    That's all that matters.
  • jheartj95
    jheartj95 Posts: 34 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss!!!! You look great, and I love the pink hair:smile:)
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    You do look great.

    At 5'9 at around that weight I was healthy and a dancer (and never ever restricted my eating). When I hit 128 my dancing instructors told me I was too thin.

    It sounds to me like you should be on maintenance and working out and seeing how to reshape your body. Resistance training and also cardio. It doesn't sound like a weight loss issue at this point.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Lift things. Heavy things.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    You look great, but its hard to tell from the photo the specific characteristics you described. Just because you are close to your goal weight doesn't necessarily mean you've achieved your desired body composition goals. Perhaps eat closer to maintenance calories and focus on working out and doing plenty of strength training to reduce body fat. Just an idea, I'm no where close to that yet.
  • mysnailshell
    mysnailshell Posts: 6 Member
    You guys are all awesome and I appreciate your feedback so, so much! I think you're right, too; exercise is key right now. It will help keep me focused and help me feel better about my body, and better in general. I expected to gain a little weight when I quit smoking, and I've gained about a pound in the two weeks since I quit, so getting a routine going is crucial. I think I'd be comfortable putting a couple more pounds back on as long as I was still doing some good for my body by working out regularly.
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 392 Member
    I am your height and I was once around your weight so I know exactly what it is like. 135 and 5"8 for me was exactly what you are describing, thin upper body but still had a bit of lower tummy pudge and thicker thighs. I am not advocating this but I decided to simply lose 10lbs. So at 5"8 and 123-125 I am very, very slim but I enjoy how I look!

    However, if everyone around you is telling you that you look thin enough, maybe work on toning instead of losing? Do what feels comfortable for you but being 5"8 and 125lbs is STILL in the "normal" BMI range, it's not underweight or anything.
    I don't mean to be disparaging to this poster, but I noticed that you are planning to go down to less than 120 and that enters the underweight BMI range...
    That being said, for the OP, I think that everyone is different and should decide for themselves what weight is best for them. However, I think you should consider toning up (exercises) before losing more weight...