TDEE or not?

23 yo female
I recently lost 37lbs on weight watchers and I recently switched from ww to mfp...I usually do cardio monday-friday for about 30-45 minutes, combined with resistance training about 2 times a week.. I am about 40% body fat and Im down to 220lbs from 260lbs (since Jan). But the scale seems to not be budging. I am getting very frusterated. I usually consume anywhere to 1500 cal per day and I will eat back back calories. I think that going by TDEE might benefit from me but Im not really sure about it. What do you guys think about TDEE? Should I increase my calorie intake to 2000?
That seems like a bit much for me...and I really dont want to gain any weight.


  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    TDEE is the total number of calories you burn including exercise
    If you eat at TDEE you will maintain your current weight
    If you eat below TDEE you will lose weight
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    TDEE is the total number of calories you burn including exercise
    If you eat at TDEE you will maintain your current weight
    If you eat below TDEE you will lose weight

    300 calories below TDEE is suggested as the appropriate range to burn fat and avoid losing muscle.

    I think that was the question that you were trying to ask. It makes for slow progress, but when you add in strength training, you will lose inches much faster than pounds.
  • sedonaluvsher
    sedonaluvsher Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks guys. I appreciate your feedback. I think increasing my calorie intake will be a better option for me. But Im not gonna be hitting my TDEE, Im gonna be keeping it at 30% below! (which is what is recommended for my size).:glasses: