Bride-to-Be Challenge



  • PoisonSugar
    Congrats on losing THAT much and on your engagement!! That is phenomenal!
  • 2723obriens
    Oh my goodness. I'm getting married on the 28th as well. I have been engaged for almost 8 months and you are the first person I have met with the same date! Awesome!! I'm totally in girls!

    Starting weight- 151.8
    Goal weight- 130
    Current weight- 148.6
    Current fitness routine- Slim in six.....week two!
  • 2723obriens
    LOL...I definitely meant to reply to a post....oh well....I'm still learning this thing. What is everyone doing fitness wise??? I'm gonna complete my Slim in six challenge (I'm on week 2 of six) and then I'm thinking about doing the 30 day shred. I lost three pounds last week and I'm not really that big (150). I was shocked that 3 pounds came off in one week! My Fiance told me he is planning to do P90X three months before the wedding.....I might join him.

    What are you ladies doing for fitness???
  • teirney
    I am getting married in July of 2011, but I'll join !
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Ok girls, I need all your help and motivation.

    I'm getting married on May 27th this year. I need to loose around 25-30lbs for the dress to fit. It just arrived in the shop this week but my fittings wont begin for another 10 weeks or more.

    I have been sick with a bug all week so I've been knocked out of my routine so that is what i will concentrate on for the next week and cleaning up my food.

    I have access to gyms and good exercise dvd's so there isn't any excuse for me :tongue:

    My starting weight was 185lbs and today I weigh in at 170.6lbs. How realistic is it to drop 30lbs by May1st??

    (By the way that is not my dress in the pic, I was going to go for this but seen a nicer one!)
  • EmmyBee
    EmmyBee Posts: 54 Member
    Deedun - Well I've heard that the MAX amount of weight is 2-3 lbs per week, to do it the healthy way. If you can stick to that, you might be close to losing 25 lbs by May 1st!! You can do it :happy: Do you have a workout buddy? I feel like that helps keep me in check when I want to skip the gym :tongue:

    2723obriens - how do you like slim in 6? I was considering it. To answer your question about what we're doing as far as exercise, I go to the gym about 3 times a week for an hour or so (trying to up it to 4). I have tried 30 day shred in the past and didn't stick with it. I think I'll give it a shot again :smile: My biggest issue is sticking to my calorie limit everyday!!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Deedun - Well I've heard that the MAX amount of weight is 2-3 lbs per week, to do it the healthy way. If you can stick to that, you might be close to losing 25 lbs by May 1st!! You can do it :happy: Do you have a workout buddy? I feel like that helps keep me in check when I want to skip the gym :tongue:

    2723obriens - how do you like slim in 6? I was considering it. To answer your question about what we're doing as far as exercise, I go to the gym about 3 times a week for an hour or so (trying to up it to 4). I have tried 30 day shred in the past and didn't stick with it. I think I'll give it a shot again :smile: My biggest issue is sticking to my calorie limit everyday!!


    I have a personal trainer that comes to the house each week and really gives me a good workout then gives me "Homework" to do during the week. I've only started this in the past two weeks and i was sick for most of this week so not really seeing great results as yet.

    I'm going to start back on the 30DS - I really noticed a huge difference in my tone when I was doing that but not so much in the scales - but I suppose every little helps :laugh:
  • PoisonSugar
    Remember muscle weighs more than fat. It's inches that should matter.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I also have been sick for a couple of days so I haven't been able to workout. I finaly feel good enough to eat again so I gave myself a "free" day and now it is time to get back on the calorie wagon. I am down in weight from being sick so I guess that is a plus, not a good way to lose though. I am going to do some Insanity in the morning maybe only 15 mins or so, I don't want to push to hard to fast.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Eating my way through paying vendor bills....ahhhhhh STRESSED.
    I need to forgive myself for today and move on to tomorrow.
    Full Insanity work out in the morning, walk the dog, and maybe treadmill, (I watch the biggest loser when on the treadmill it keeps me going.)
    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Anyone want to join me in a mini-challenge?

    Drink 64 oz of water everyday, and 20 crunches everyday for a week. Starting WED Morning
  • EmmyBee
    EmmyBee Posts: 54 Member
    Don't dwell on mistakes today, start fresh tomorrow! Great outlook! I'd love to join you in the mini-challenge! Let's see how we do :)
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    I'll join you on that mini-challenge! I just started Jillian's 30 day shred so I'm doing more than 20 a day anyway. I've gotta say though, it's a lot more painful than I thought it would be. I have new-found respect for BL contestants - I can't imagine doing this for longer than a half hour a day!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    I'll join you on that mini-challenge! I just started Jillian's 30 day shred so I'm doing more than 20 a day anyway. I've gotta say though, it's a lot more painful than I thought it would be. I have new-found respect for BL contestants - I can't imagine doing this for longer than a half hour a day!

    I know, and you'd have to put up with her shouting and in your face :noway:

    I'm starting back the 30DS today - does anyone do it every day or take breaks inbetween?
  • PoisonSugar
    The first time I did it I had to take a 2 day break in between because my legs were on fire everytime I moved. Go downstairs for laundry?? I think not! But it does get easier. Push through and you will be amazed with yourself at the end of just ONE week!! You can do this!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I'll join you on that mini-challenge! I just started Jillian's 30 day shred so I'm doing more than 20 a day anyway. I've gotta say though, it's a lot more painful than I thought it would be. I have new-found respect for BL contestants - I can't imagine doing this for longer than a half hour a day!

    That and she has more equipment to at the BL gym, I can't imagine. ((shudder))

    Mini challenge complete and Insanity Max Interval circut done and walked the dog for 10 min. So I had a good day :smile:

    how did everyone do with the mini challenge?
  • EmmyBee
    EmmyBee Posts: 54 Member
    got my 20 crunches in, but didn't drink 64 oz of water. i was probably closer to 40 oz. what do you guys do to make sure you can get all your water in for the day? I feel like I'm sipping and sipping all day long, but I still struggle getting in 8 full glasses
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I use Crystal light to flavor once a day.
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    I find that's way too much water for me to drink in a day. New studies have been showing that drinking 8 cups of water a day (in addition to anything else you're drinking) can actually put a strain on your kidneys so it's best to drink when you're thirsty and perferably only water. I usually end up drinking 4-6 cups a day - I find that slicing up half a lemon and half a lime and putting them in a 1 litre bottle filled with water helps.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Jillian's stats

    wedding: 8 May 2010
    weight: 148lbs
    goal: 135

    about two months to go
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I had my bachlorette party this weekend. I had a blast. Now back to the program only 12 days to go. Went to get the marriage licence paper work done today. It comes up fast.