Who here is using a HRM? I've been debating over the last couple of months whether to get one or not (money is a little tight). Do you find it is worth it, and do you use it often? Any clue where I could find a good one for a cheaper price? Thanks :)


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I have a Polar FT4 and I love it. I use it daily because machines lie and most online calculators are just using averages. I like to know for sure how I'm doing. I also use it for running to monitor my heart rate.

    If you decide to get one don't go cheap unless you find something marked down. I really recommend any of the Polar models but most important is to get one with a chest strap for accuracy. I've also been told that Timex HRM's aren't very accurate for women.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    I just started using the Polar FT4 as well. I am so glad I did! Every single exercise I've checked in the MFP database is much higher than my HRM reading :frown:.
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    I also have the Polar and use it during every workout. I convienced myself I had to have one to track my calories to the T but in reality I didn't REALLY need it. I don't usually eat all my exercise calories so being completely accurate isn't really a must. However if you do tract every calorie and want to be sure your not over eating then I say you need one. I did lots of looking to find the best prices and this web site was the cheapest I found, good luck!
  • Tinkerbell1010
    Tinkerbell1010 Posts: 134 Member
    I use the PolarFT7 and love it! Use it everyday for every workout. I agree with previous poster dont buy cheaper, i did this to try and save money and ended up not being able to return it and purchasing another. Make sure whichever you choose has a chest strap, which makes the readings accurate. I know the Polar series is very user friendly and I wouldnt give mine up for the world :)
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    You guys got me convinced on the Polar! I'm going to have to shop around and see where I can find it. I'm not a huge fan of Timex, and I guess you are right, cheaper might not be the way to go. Maybe I can find a Polar on Ebay for cheaper :)
    What's the difference between the FT4 and FT7?
  • Tinkerbell1010
    Tinkerbell1010 Posts: 134 Member
    my understanding is that the FT4 is basic model and FT7 I think saves more of your data and workouts for longer. Heres a link I found that may be helpful. I was going to get the FT4 but at the time the FT7 was on sale for $10 more so I just went with that
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Thank you Tinkerbell! :)
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Probably my best fitness purchase ever, except for maybe my running shoes.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    I got the FT4 just a few weeks ago and I love it! It's not as big as it looks in the pictures the chest strap is not uncomfortable and it give me a MUCH better reading on how many caolies I actually burn.

    I kinda wondered about BodyMedaiFit too only b/c you wear it all day so you get all the numbers for everything you do and it makes lots if pretty reports and graphs...I'm a total nerd for that stuff sometimes. The FT4 works great if you jsut want to capture workout data, and you can find them online for about $60 if you look around.
  • evandehey
    evandehey Posts: 18 Member
    Hey! I think an HRM is an awesome idea, I bought one about a month ago and absolutely love it. Now I wear it whenever I go to the gym to accurately count the calories I burn. I found that the machines didn't accurately measure how much you burn. The brand of mine is Quechua, it's sold at Decathlon here, but I'm not sure if that brand is available in North America.

    Either way, you can't go wrong! It's a little bit of an investment (mine was 30€) but I think it's worth it in the long run.

    Good luck! You're doing awesome no matter what you do... :) Keep it up!
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Remember that an HRM is still a guess. It should be a more accurate guess but it's still a guess.

    Read reviews, do your research. Make sure you buy one that actually calculates calories burned based on your heart rate. It's shocking but some don't. Some don't calculate calories burned either making you do a bunch of math to get any usefull information out of it.

    There was a post here today on how to check if your HRM is accurate. It was an interesting read.

    I bought a zephyr HxM. It's bluetooth and talks to my phone. I'm a gadget freak and I love it. With bluetooth connecting to Android phones there aren't many choices. If you go the phone route make sure its compatible with the software you want to use. Not all of them work with the different applications. I went with the Zephyr based on reviews and features and I'm very glad I did. I love the amount of information it records and the fact that it logs my workouts for me automatically. MFP recently added a bunch of apps to integrate exercise. Unfortunately I didn't like Endomondo when I tried it so for now I still need to enter my exercise calories burned but I don't mind because I like SportsTrackerLive so much better than Endomondo.

    Last nights short run on the treadmill- note that speed and distance aren't accurate because it was on a treadmill. Most HRM's don't track cadence so that's another feature to look for if you want it. When running outside it uses GPS and maps your routes so speed and distance is accurate.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Remember that an HRM is still a guess. It should be a more accurate guess but it's still a guess.

    Read reviews, do your research. Make sure you buy one that actually calculates calories burned based on your heart rate. It's shocking but some don't. Some don't calculate calories burned either making you do a bunch of math to get any usefull information out of it.

    Wow, thanks for the info. I realize that not all HRM's will give complete accurate info, but I don't wanna be too far off the mark either. I know that the pedometer app on my phone is a little sketchy, and MFP estimations seem a bit on the high side. I definitely want a HRM that will calculate my calories burned based on my heart rate.

    kellicci: did your PolarFT4 come with the chest strap too, or did you buy that separately? (sorry I'm really newb,lol)
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Yep. My Ft4 came with a chest strap and it's washable...the strap which is good b/c it gets sweaty. The electronic receiver part snaps on and off of the chest strap. The instructions say to get the rubber strip on the chest strap a little wet for best conductivity. It's really not uncomfortable at all it goes right under my sports bra's lower edge and I don't even know it's there. I've been very happy with it. It will display heart rate or time or calories burned and it beeps when you enter and exit your target zone (you can turn that off if you don't like the noise). It saves I think 10 workouts but I'm not worried about that. I live on day at a time.