
Mandino788 Posts: 226 Member
The scale moved and in the right direction!

I've been on MFP for a while, I signed up just to see what it was like and look around but didn't start to use it until like......late July-ish? and lost about 7 pounds in the month or so before I stopped caring. I was going through a REALLY stressful time at work and made the bad decision to stop paying attention to calories for the 6 weeks that I would be in that work situation. I gained back all that i had lost, plus 4 pounds. I went freaking nuts when I wasn't paying attention to calories. :embarassed:

So I got back on track in early September and have been doing pretty well. I slipped up a few days here and there but in the end have had more good days than bad. I got back down to my original starting weight, well actually 0.9 pounds below it and the scale completely froze. I was at ***.1 for what felt like forever. During that time I had one day that I wasn't "on" where I went to a cook out and a wedding, it just wasn't going to happen, and one day where I said "I'm having whatever I want to dinner, it's not like it's making a difference anyways." I've been doing what I can for exercise, between my back problems and my work schedule I didn't get exercise in every day but when I did I made sure it counted (it included a 7 mile hike).

Wellllllllllllllllll, I got on the scale this morning, fully prepared to want to chuck it out the window and *drumroll* I'm down 2 pounds from where the scale has been stuck! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


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