Hello, hello, hello!

Hi! Just wanted to introduce myself and make some friends to keep myself motivated.

My name is Allison and I'm 19. My goals are pretty normal: lose fat, get stronger, improve cardio and stamina.

I have a pretty bad relationship with food. I want instant gratification when I'm losing weight so I severely control my food intake when I'm on "good behavior." I pretty much starve myself to the point where my body takes over and I end up binging.

So I need to gain a better relationship with food as well. But I do have a ton of experience counting calories so I've got that down.

I'm getting into running (Just bought Zombies, run! For my cell) and have been lifting weights for a couple months now. Some of the things I know are that I can deadlift 125 lbs for 5 reps... With pretty bad form... AHEM! And I can squat 95 lbs for 8 reps.

So I'd like to get stronger overtime which I know is going to be difficult if I want to lose weight as well... But I'll manage something!

So yea! Anyone else in a similar situation? Or if anyone lives in NoVa we should totally work out together or something! Hah!

Ok! Thanks for reading!


  • worshiptheking148
    feel free to add me ^_^
  • palfrd180
    palfrd180 Posts: 3 Member

    You are of to a great start with joining my fitness pal. This site has helped me in the past to lose up 11lbs in 2wks.
    Just by eating and writing my meals down. Then out of nowhere I STOP and gain 11bs back and more which sucks really bad. I have admitted to myself I have issues with food and join get in shape for women. My official weight lost journey will start on 10/27/12 5/27/12 I will lose 60lbs by eating healthy and working out with a trainer.