Hello from TEXAS

New member, started 3 day ago, finding it very helpful, I was told that I could at start 3000 cals, but instead I started 2130 cal, .because I thought that was too high, 1st day was looking pretty good, until we had a fish fry. Man, went 2000 cals over, dang. 2nd day went over by 650 cals. So far today I;m doing good. Funny, when you think 1 thing as being right, then the truth comes to light, floored !!!!!!!! Its ok though, going to stick with it


  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    I'm not an expert - but 3000 seems very high unless you are exercising a lot
  • rayray61
    rayray61 Posts: 68 Member
    I did too, but this is my 1st week & losy almost 4 lbs, but 2130 calories
  • izoom3
    izoom3 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi from California!
    Good luck with MFP! I have used it over a year...but seriously, about a year. It took me a few months to get the hang of it and also stay within the calorie limit!
    I was shocked with the amount of calories that I had been eating before I was on MFP. No wonder I gained so much weight.
    I don't know if it will help you but I downloaded the app to my phone and I keep it with me all the time. When I eat out I can log and don't have to rely on my memory. Also, people with you just think you are checking your phone they don't need to know what you are doing if you don't want them to. LOL
    A few times through the year I've lost my way and plateaued. I have found that happens the most when I havent set a mini goal. I set one the first of each month. Either to accomplish something in the physical activity department, weight loss or inches lost. I also find that I lose more if I take a moment with MFP while I drink my morning coffee and plan my meals for the day. Usually I plan backwards....I figure out dinner and adjust the other meals accordingly to stay withing my alloted calories. If I need to exercise a bit more to get some extra calories for eating something special I have all day to do it too!
  • BluEydDreamer
    3000 calorie intake for wanting to lose weight is too high. The main people who would intake this many calories are professional weight lifters looking to pack on more muscle mass. I have found that the automatic calculators on this site for caloric intake are not quite what I need. There are also caloric calculators on a site I use, bodybuilding.com, which you could use and then just edit you're profile on here, which is what I did. All my calories, protein, carb, fat, intake requirements are personalized.

  • rayray61
    rayray61 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks !!!!
  • rayray61
    rayray61 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks !!!