Please look at my Diary and help!

I've been at it for 4 weeks now. I track religiously M-F and DO NOT track on the weekends (mostly because we are always out and about and I do not have a smart phone so I can't do it on the go). I splurge a bit on weekends, but no binging, nothing crazy.

Week 1- lost 4.6 lbs
Week 2- lost 1.8 lbs
Week 3- gained .8 lbs
Week 4- gained again (I think about .8 again)

I aim for 1200 calories a day.

I weighed myself this past Wednesday and had lost the 0.8 I gained last week. Then, when I did my weekly weigh in this morning- I had gained that back, and then some!!

I decided to look at sodium content and saw that I went way over the suggested guidelines, could that be it?

I have 60-80lbs to lose. I do a 1hr Zumba class 1x a week and just started the C25k program. I have a desk job, but I also have a 2yr old and a 10month old to chase/carry- so I get a little bit of exercise other than planned workouts.

Please help. I'm so discouraged. :-(


  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Calculate your numbers BMR/TDEE. Take 20% from your TDEE and eat that. 1200 calories is not enough for you unless you are super tiny already in which case you wouldn't be here with 76 lbs to lose. If you eat 1200 calories your weight loss will be the most painful experience you can imagine, You will be constantly starving and you will hit plateau after plateau after've already slowed down..
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    1. Take a small note pad with you and try to log weekends. Simply write it down and log it later. You might be shocked at how much you are actually eating.

    2. Search MFP for the roadmap (version 2). I pleatued after 44lbs lost and upped my calories. Im losing again.

    3. Drink 80+ ounces of water a day.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    Calculate your BMR, you need to eat more, likely 500 calories more a day, especially on days you exercise.
    Sodium~ WOW, ditch the pregresso soup for one, find a tortilla with less sodium, and really watch everything else. I can be right on with calories, but if I am over 1800, I know I will have a slight gain the next day.
    Water~ do you drink plain water, if so how much? Definitely at least 8 glasses a day, preferably half your weight in ounces of water daily. I only count water in this total, not milk, soda etc
    Fruits and veggies~ add more of these to your day, it will give you more nutrients and high quality calories you need.
    Weekends~ try and track for a couple of weekends and see how bad (or good), it really is.... you might be shocked at the calories or especially the sodium.

    You can do this!
  • hilarysgiants
    hilarysgiants Posts: 132 Member
    Eat more real foods and less processed. A lot of your meals are all processed and junk type food. Also, calculate your TDEE and BMR, like others suggested. 1200 is too low for most people. Good luck!
  • cardozojoann
    cardozojoann Posts: 85 Member
    I totally agree. All that processed foods are full of sodium. Eat more natural foods and cut out the processed foods.
  • kriselayne1
    kriselayne1 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi KH,

    To start with your not eating enough calories overall and your choices are not really too good either when you do eat. Cookies for breakfast is not going to cut it. Maybe with small kids its difficult to prepare a proper breakfast but if your serious about losing weight then put the time and effort into having complete meals. Even a protein shake in the morning would do a better job nutritionally than a 90 cal cookie. Also, your logging is spotty. Log every single thing you eat!!! Hold yourself accountable for what goes in your mouth. You'll see how it has a miraculous way of keeping you from those tasty snacks and treats we all love, thus the reason we are apart of MFP. Also, your work outs (not sure if your not logging them all) are spotty at best. Again, maybe since you have 2 small children its difficult to find the time to get in a good workout but on some days you find an hour to dance. So that indicates there is some time in your schedule to get your workouts in. I would suggest upping your calorie intake with whole meals, try to consistently log what you eat, cut the snacks down a bit and try to workout more consistently. You'll gain and lose as you take this journey. Don't be discouraged just keep pushing yourself harder when you notice you start to slack or do not log, etc... Good luck to you! Also, being out and about should not hamper your weight loss goals. Bring snacks that are travel friendly and satisfy you. Banana, handful of nuts, trail mix, water, water, water and even some of the quick bars like fiber one, etc... anything that will keep you from overloading while running around or not eating anything at all until your so starved that you make a poor choice because now you HAVE to eat before you rip someone's head off!
  • theskinnylist
    theskinnylist Posts: 286 Member
    Just from a cursory glance, I'd say:

    a) less less less processed foods
    b) sodium is a bit high (esp. because of the processed foods - try to keep at 2000-2250mg max)
    c) lower your macros for your carbs (perhaps 100-120g per day max, and don't go over)
    d) increase your macros for your protein (double what you're at - at least 100g per day, in my opinion)
    e) try to get 25g of fiber in your macros as well
  • ltl_leah
    ltl_leah Posts: 57 Member
    I agree with what everyone has stated so far.

    Eat food that must be prepared; not convenience foods. Processed food has a lot of sodium.
    2 days can derail 5 days of hard work. Track on weekends and be mindful of what you're eating.
    Consume more calories than 1200, especially more protein. Try to double your protein intake and eat more carbs in the form of vegetables and fruit and less from starches.
    Make sure you drink a lot of water. If you're drinking soda, stop.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 638 Member
    You need to eat more on days you exercise, but no lays, fritos, ruffles or mcdonalds!

    What happened over the weekend? you didn't log.
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    Honestly, you are staying within your 1200 (which seems to be to little considering how much you need to lose) but what you are eating is not healthy.

    For instance, on Wednesday you had toffee cookies for breakfast, peanut butter and jam for dinner and more of both for your snacks as well as Special K pastry crisps and mini bagels. All up that alone is about 511 calories!!!

    Why dont you make something that is both healthy and nutritious. Fresh fruit and vegetables are so cheap! I just ate a punnet of strawberries, they cost me $3 here in Aus and that is only 80 calories, and much healthier than you breaky :)

    Stirfrys, salads, meat and three veg. And they are super quick to make and wont take time away from your family. All very good starting points which will fuel you for the rest of the day. Good luck!
  • jesloseit23
    jesloseit23 Posts: 10 Member
    Hang in there! I'm no expert, but here are a few tips:
    1. Jackie Warner says not to eat anything with more than 9 grams of sugar. For example, some Greek yogurts that may seem healthy are actually loaded with sugar! Some over 19 grams! Fage 0% is a great one low on sugar.
    2. Drink 64-80 oz water daily.
    3. Track what you're eating on weekends! Even though u don't have smart phone, write down what u eat and add it at night when u get to computer. You could be in taking a lot more than u think.
    5. More cardio. Zumba once a week is awesome, but more consistent cardio at least 3-4 times per week. If you can, go for stroller rides with your kids for 30-45 mins.

    You're in the right place for support! We all need it hence we are here. Good luck!
  • KH9107
    KH9107 Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you for all your advice!! I'm going to take all of it. I already looked into the Road Map and I'm going to start cooking/prepping on Sundays so I can have some non-processed lunches/snacks.
  • sweetiepaia
    sweetiepaia Posts: 68 Member
    Eat a bigger breakfast. less processed food, more real home made foods, more fibre, filling food, fruits and veggies

    you can do it