Jillian Michaels body revolution

So, Monday I plan on starting this program. I wanted to hear from others on their thoughts on this dvd set and any results any of you reached while using it. Thanks in advance.


  • sweetpeas2000
    sweetpeas2000 Posts: 42 Member
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I don't have it....I want it....hopefully it goes well
  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    I just started her 30 day Shred and on day 3 it's kicking my butt. I hurt everywhere. It hurts to stand. It hurts to sit. It hurts to walk. I imagine any of her other products will have the same effect. have fun!
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    It is a great system. Make sure you can do all of the dvd's before moving on. If you can't do 20 knee push ups then you wont be able to do 20 military and so on.
    I lost 17 pounds in 2 months with it and 46 inches. I love that its only 30 minutes a day!
  • akvreeland
    I have it and love it. I made it through the 2nd month (I was also training for a TRI in addition to do Body Revolution and it turned out to be a little much). I really really love it. The first month wasn't cake, but I didn't feel like I was going to die either. The beginning of the 2nd month, things started to get a little crazy. Over all I lost about 5 lbs but I lost a ton of inches. I like that there is a lot of variety and it only takes 35 mins a day (some of the workouts are 32 mins some are 35). Highly recommend it to anyone!!!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I bought it to do with my coworker on lunch in our gym. The workouts are progressively challenging. Results??

    1. I was already at goal weight so I did not lose any more. My coworker was not changing any other lifestyle issues and I don't believe she lost any either.
    2. I definitely increased my strength.
    3. Some of the "moves" are nearly impossible. . .just improvise.
    4. I never follow the eating plans, but looking at it, I think anyone with weight to lose will if they follow the eating and activity plan.
    5. I plan to cycle back around to this work out next Spring or early summer.
    6. I use programs like that to balance my running. My cardio of choice is distance running. :-)

    Hope that helps.
  • jlbeals
    jlbeals Posts: 65 Member
    I just started it, but a coworker of mine finished it and she really liked it. I'm in week one which I started right after finishing P90 (not P90X - the one that comes before that - I'm attempting to work my way up to being able to do P90X since it killed me the first time I attempted it!), and I'm finding week 1 very doable. I hear it gets exponentially harder after week 2, but the exercises are good so far with modifications if you don't find them challenging enough at first.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    Just started yesterday. It wasn't bad!
  • Kbjust4me
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I did 30 Day Shred a while ago and it worked, so I decided to dive into JMBR in August. The first month, (including the Kickstart week which was hellacious for me), I lost almost 10 lbs and lots of inches. The 2nd month started off with an injury and illness, plus I stopped following the meal plan, so I only lost 2.5 lbs. However by the end of the 2nd month, I lost a lot of inches! Starting off the 3rd month now, I feel so strong. The movements I could barely do in month 1, are cake now!

    I think this program is a good balance of intensity and reality. 35 minutes a day is easier to squeeze in than other workouts and it isn't as intense as P90x or Insanity.
  • supersmiles11
    supersmiles11 Posts: 50 Member
    I just started her 30 day Shred and on day 3 it's kicking my butt. I hurt everywhere. It hurts to stand. It hurts to sit. It hurts to walk. I imagine any of her other products will have the same effect. have fun!

    I know the feeling! It's killing me too!
  • SCB030911
    I am in the middle of the kickstart week and i really like it. I dont have time in the morning thought to do one and then the other after work, so i do them both together after, cardio first and then the workout. i feel like if i can do this hour workout, then next week for only thirty minutes will be cake, lol! im in the military as well so we workout twice a week in the morings. incorporating that with my daily workout makes me feel amazing! i am 170 lbs now and want to get down to about 140-135 lbs by the end of this. I hope i can do it!! My biggest problem: food. I LOVE to eat! i have gone from a 2,000 cal daily intake to about 1200-1400 in the last three days, and im starving! this has happened to me before. i was doing insanity, motivated everday by my roomate as we worked out together, then she moved, i hurt my ankle, fell comletely off the wagon after being on it for a month! i could actually see my sixpack and those sexy indentions everyone loves and then when i got hurt and my friend left, i lost motivation and got super lazy. now my belly sticks over my belt again. not cute.. how do i stay away from the fast/junk food and keep it going? although, i have to say i think this time will be easier b/c jillian's workout is easy to maintain and builds over time and i dont fear hurting myself like i did with Insanity since it was so crazy from the get go. but- i am so HUNGRY!! lol- help please. give me a way to not be hungry, but not feel totally guilty when i indulge on a couple tator tots lol..
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    SCB030911 - oh man, I was soooo hungry during kickstart! But as you eat less, your body will adjust.