I am new and having the hardest time!

Hi my name is Liz, I live out in Cali.....

I am so new at this and already having a hard time.
I know that I am not hungry because I ate but how do you stop the mental part.
What has worked for you guys?

I need friends!!


  • Vinjol03
    for me it was eating nuts and drinking lots of water - that got me through.:smile:
  • JayStu
    JayStu Posts: 332 Member
    I appologize if I have read your question wrong, but a way that I have found helps is to chew a mint flavoured gum or brush your teeth with a mint tooth paste. It seems to trick the mind into thinking your not hungry, it works for me.
  • zhahn
    zhahn Posts: 10
    Well I eat 3 meals a day with 2-3 snacks so I feel like I am always eating. I'm always under my calories for the day though because I have changed what I eat. I've been doing this for 50+ days and I now find it easy. I exercise 7 days a week because I'm doing P90X, but even if I wasnt doing that.. just getting out and walking for 30 minutes or so really helps.

    Just start gathering some friends on here and focus on why you want this change and it will come with time.. just make sure you think of it as a lifestyle change and not a diet.. lifestyle change is long term. :)

  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    i rocked like a crack addict on the couch! After 2 weeks or so, i was fine. I had to keep reminding myself what would happen if i threw in the towel. Did i want to stay the same, or worse, get even bigger?? I know it dates me, but knitting or doing cross stitch helped.
  • NYAnnie33
    NYAnnie33 Posts: 61 Member
    I think this site was a big help. Before I never realized the calories in certain things. Once you start logging everything you realize how much extra you were eating. That was what really started me on the right track the accountability. It's nice to also have a group of people going through the same struggle. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want support!

    You can do this, you just need to REALLY want it. Nothing is impossible check out the success threads. People on here are amazing. Don't beat your self up about not eating perfect either. To me it's not about eating perfectly and not giving up when you have a big eating day. Slow and steady... it's def not a race :)
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Lots of water or herb tea and toughing it out, telling myself "you can wait you can wait youcanwait". I have 4 meals per day and 1 bedtime snack - absolutely no eating at any other time. It's only hard some days. There are other days when I'm caught by surprise "oh, it's time for lunch already; where did the time go?" Today I'm under a lot of stress and my mind interprets the way I feel as hungry.

    But we can do this; we really can.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    If you're talking about emotional eating, it takes some time but you can conquer it:

    1st, get all the bad snacks out of your house. Have veggies, fruit, nuts, low cal popcorn, things like that so you can snack but keep it healthy and not go overboard.

    2nd, do not sit on the couch with a whole packet of whateve unless it's already portioned out. Things like those sleeves of nuts or trail mix usually actually contain 3 or 4 servings so you may be getting more than you think. Check your labels and portion things out before you eat it.

    3rd, put a big sign on your fridge and/or cupboard that says "are you really hungry?" so it stops you and makes you think.

    4th, if you're just bored, stressed or lonely, find something to do. Sitting on the couch watching TV can do this to me sometimes, especially since I love watching cooking shows. All that yummy food and next thing I know, I'm heading to the fridge for a snack. I stop myself with that "am I really hungry?" thought and 99% of the time the answer is no so I have to think about what my problem really is and what I can do about it. Boredom is my big trigger but this would help with stress or lonely too - swtch off the TV and read a good book instead or go for a walk or go window shopping or log onto MFP and read my pals' updates...that cross stitch idea is good too. Whatever it takes to stop that mental hunger.

    I'm 3 years into this and still have times when I wonder if I'll ever kick the habit but it's soooo much better than it used to be. I'd eat crackers and chocolate practically all day long before because I was so unhappy. Now I exercise and find other things to do with my time. And exercise doesn't mean you have to kill yourself in the gym. Just go for a stroll around your neighborhood. It's a nice way to clear your head...

    Good luck!
  • lizrodca
    Thanks Everyone for awesome advice!
  • natalovesmusic
    natalovesmusic Posts: 49 Member
    I saw something that said "If you're not hungry, food is not the solution." It is very true. If I ever do feel like snacking and I just really want to snack, I grab some carrots or something else healthy. Just keep yourself busy and before you know it, you'll feel hungry again!
  • tedsmama
    tedsmama Posts: 178 Member
    Water, water WATER!! It will get easier.:flowerforyou:
  • ceejay1982
    eat 6-8 smaller meals a day. I'll continue to quote my nutritionist as she's great and talks alot of sense!
    But if ur not hungry dont eat find a distraction....
    When I started out I kept a diary and wrote when I felt temptation writing about my temptations distracted me. Your stomach will soon addapt to its new intake.

    Stay strong buddy you'll get there
  • madlittleoldme
    i drink lots of water and herbal tea, also if i start obsessing about food then i go clean my house hehe,
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    For me, lemon water and sugar-free mint gums really help. But yeah, it can be pretty hard at times, just keep asking yourself "what do I want the most: a yummy snack right now or seeing that I've lost some weight next time I step on the scale?" :)
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    For me what worked was not depriving myself of my favorite foods. And then I would tell myself I can have more tomorrow if I want so I never felt deprived. As long as you stay under you calories you will lose so make sure you eat some of the things you enjoy and also for me is snacking in between meals. I have breakfast, then at 10 I eat fruit and have another bottle of water, then I have lunch and usually a small snack with that, and again at 3 I have another snack. I then graze the rest of the day because I prefer to have my larger portion at noon. You have to test it out and see what works for you
  • SusieQ103
    1) TRACKING/LOGGING your food really helps. 2) PLAN meals, exercise. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. 3) Lots of WATER, HIGH FIBER fruits, veggies. 4) EXERCISE...even a 5-10 min walk makes you feel awesome! 5) Keep LOW CALORIE, HIGH FIBER SNACKS on hand and get rid of junk food (aka "TEMPTATION"). I've found when I think I'm hungry, drinking water helps tremendously as sometimes it's thirst, not true hunger. YOU CAN DO THIS! Stay motivated by staying connected to MFP and other healthy living sites ("Made to Crave", ALI Vincent, Biggest Loser, etc.) Wishing you much success!
  • CariBgood
    CariBgood Posts: 88 Member
    I'm learning that a lot of protein helps me stay full longer.... I have been matching up a low cal/carb protein shake with some of my meals and it really does get me over the hump. Since I can't see your diary I would be sure that you're eating all of your calories... maybe not the exercise ones yet, but if you need them hit it. If you go over, log it and move on. It took years to get where you are it's going to take some time to change your habits. Just be honest with yourself.
  • 22christy
    22christy Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Liz - what has helped me is this site. Simply counting calories helps my awareness. That, and taking a little walk or a little exercise each day. Easy does it, but do it! I can't get smug (even though I'm from the UK) - it just seems that one little step at a time is what works for me. Feeling a little better is what makes me feel better about myself. Also, not blaming myself if I go off-course. Remember, you're not alone. Best, Christy
  • BrookeBQ
    BrookeBQ Posts: 163 Member
    I find when I am hungry, I exercise and drink water and I don't feel hungry anymore. Up your water intake!
  • Type1Rachelle
    when I'm in a "snacking" mood and not really hungry, it's usually from boredom... use it as an opportunity to get up and go for a walk, do a set of pushups or squatz - usually something active to release that energy helps.
  • nikkig25168
    I have just recently started really getting into this aswell! We can do this! :) my goal is to lose 67 lbs, no matter how long it takes. I was always a big snacker, but am getting better at snacking on healthy items and not going over my calories. I dont know how to add anyone yet, but we can be friends and support eachother from afar!! I live in Alberta, Canada :)