Newbie Here!!

Hey Everyone,

I normally don't like putting information about myself on the web, but in the interest of taking this as seriously as possible, I'm reaching out and trying to do it right.

I'm 30 years old and live in the Bay Area. My stats are 5'6', and as of this morning, 191.4 pounds.
I was born and raised here, but I have traveled the country, lived on both sides, and can't wait to see what the rest of the world has to offer me. As some of you may be able to tell by my name, I am a Red Sox fan!! GO SOX!

I have been heavy all of my life, but have lost a good amount of weight twice in the past 10 years. Unfortunately both times I have gained it back for different reasons. 3 years ago I met the man of my dreams and have gained about 25 pounds, but I am determined to get that off as soon as possible. We are getting married in August and I would REALLY like to at least be the size I was when he met me. I know I am loved no matter what, but who doesn't want to look their best on their wedding day?!

I know one of the best ways to learn new habits and stick with them is to have a support group, so I'm enjoying reading the message boards and hearing success stories and trials just like mine. Whoever started this is a genius!

So that is me in a very brief nutshell. I look forward to going on this journey and seeing what I can learn.


  • racin65
    Hi, I am also pretty new to this website as well and I am really enjoying this website. This website definitely makes it easier to record calories, and for me, it's the 1st time in my life I've ever tried to do this. I don't know what you're doing to get rid of your weight besides watching your calorie intake. I am a coach for, they have many different fitness programs available for most everyone. I am currently doing P90X that has been advertised many times through infomercials on TV and I am about 50 days into a 90 day program and already seeing good improvements in strength and changes in my body in addition to 8 lbs lost. My website is If you are interested in getting into some kind of fitness program to also improve your body composition, this would be a good place to start. I would also be glad to talk to you more if you are interested. Amy
  • cmcheekie
    cmcheekie Posts: 2 Member
    Congrats on making the decision to get healthy! This site has been a great tool for me, I hope that you find it one as well. :smile:

  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    Welcome and well wishes to you on your journey to better health! :flowerforyou: