Depression And Hard Times

Where do you find the motivation when times are tough and going into depression? When you feel like the world is just collapsing around you and you try to forget about it by eating or starving? Is there another way? Because i need to know! :cry:


  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    cheer up buttercup! a lot of people go through that. when it hits me, I just keep telling myself that things could be worse and try to motivate myself "away" from the fridge or food pantry by focusing on something else. Make yourself feel better by doing something for yourself :)
  • KarinaaD
    Yes Sir (: Okay Thankyou. I Broke Down Yesterday And Got My Self A Bag Of Hotcheetos, A Snickers Bar, And Then Carl's Jr! Uggh I Felt Horrible After. :indifferent:
  • Pandasarecool
    Pandasarecool Posts: 508 Member
    Its OK girl, I am going through the same thing. No motivation, no energy. No will to do anything but sit and watch you tube all day. I can friend you and we can get each other through this!
  • KarinaaD
    Its OK girl, I am going through the same thing. No motivation, no energy. No will to do anything but sit and watch you tube all day. I can friend you and we can get each other through this!

    Ahaha Sure Thing. Thanks :smile:
  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    I have been diagnosed with clinical depression so it never really goes away. However find something to do that will increase your endorphins in your brain. Go for a walk, up the stairs a few times, pick your favorite song and dance to the tune. I KNOW you don't feel like it. I really do get it. Sometimes if it is situational medicine will help and you eventually get to wean yourself off. I battled against myself trying not to take the meds or I weaned myself off but it didn't work and I made my family miserable. Just get up and move a little. Talk to yourself, set the timer and do something.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    1. If this is a true depression (check the symptoms on webmd or wikipedia), it might be a good idea, if you can to seek some counseling. I saw a holistic therapist and she did a world of good for me. And I didn't believe in all that stuff either...just finally had enough and decided to try it anyway. If finances are a problem, some churches will offer counseling to their members. There may be another organization that can help as well.

    2. You may want to ask you doctor about a prescription. I am leary of these, but I do take St. John's Wort, which is basically the stuff prozac is made from. There are also a few other herbs that can be used to help with regulating mood.

    3. As crazy as it sounds, exercise is a great gets endorphins going in the body and can elevate your mood. This is hard to do when your mood is down, but if you can push yourself to do it anyway, it will become less hard and is a fantastic (negative side-effect free) way to regulate your mood.

    4. Know...and I don't mean half-*kitten* it, but KNOW that you will get through it and there is a better life on the other side. You have to push this through your head until you believe it to the core of your being!

    If you need more information, pm me. I have been through it. If I let myself, I could slip there again, but now, I have decided that I am happy and I am looking forward to the next step. Trust me, the junkfood only helps while you are eating it...afterwards, as I am sure you are aware, you just feel even worse.

  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Everyone gets depressed now and again. You just need to keep thinking of the biggar picture and what would make you happier, then think of realistic ways to achieve it and start working on them.
    That and there is always people out there a lot worse off than you :(
  • Lisa760
    Lisa760 Posts: 113 Member
    Sounds corny, but I count my blessings. Even the simplest things go on my list. I tell myself that as long as there's air in my lungs and a beat to my heart, I have the ability and power to change the next moment into something worthwhile. I tell myself that although my life/situation is currently rough, the Universe gave me this particular hand because the alternative would have been 10x worse - I just don't know about it because I was spared it. Lots of things in life cannot be changed - we need to focus on the things we can. Hope you have a beautiful day!
  • coldplaygirl
    Most of the time my depression is manageable with meds and balance, but Im having one of those days when i cant/ dont have will to do anything. Was supposed to do dinner and movie with my family but im staying in bed instead. I gain a pound or more each week and im in a very dark place right now. Im looking forward to a new day tomorrow hoping ill feel better.
  • gil_u
    gil_u Posts: 165 Member
    Instead of eating comfort foods, I like to work it out... Literally, at the gym. When I am done, those endorphins make me feel a hell of a lot better.