Snow Day

AHHHHHHHHHHH NY is getting killed today again ! I need to get to the gym ! Good thing is its down the block.Bad thing is we havent been plowed yet .. HELP !!!!:bigsmile:


  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    shoveling snow is a great workout!! lol.. good luck and glad it's finally leaving us alone for a change (WI)
  • pcaseyco
    Snowing like crazy here in Western PA also. February 2010 is officially the month with the most snow EVER in Pittsburgh area and it's still snowing! Shoveling snow is definitely a good all over workout, I'm just tired of being a human snow shovel :grumble:
  • ErinWhi
    ErinWhi Posts: 9 Member
    Here on Long Island, I have a hanging sign on my window that says "Let it snow" last night I heard a must have read my mind because the sign came down on it's own hahaha...enough is enough. We had just gotten rid of the two feet from the last storm!

  • fayepatterson
    fayepatterson Posts: 12 Member
    Snowy day nin VA we are under blizzard advisory as well went to work and was there 30min. and they closed our offices.
    guess I'll clean house ugh!!!:grumble: :grumble:
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    guess I'll clean house ugh!!!:grumble: :grumble:
    Cleaning house can be a good workout if you don't do it too slowly! :tongue:

    SEND SOME SNOW MY WAY!!!! I haven't seen a white winter since college :sad: Guess that's what I get for living in Phx, AZ and now southern TX lol :laugh:
  • miss2cuteny
    Kel- On the news this morning they showed that my gym was closed! Right after they said the school closings. Maybe I'll get on our treadmill for the first time tonight!
  • IrishKeLL
    yayayya col :) dooooooooooo it !!! My gym was open but i just shoveled out for 50 minutes..thats a fair trade for cardio..and i have to waitress tonite so im ok for today :)