Mirena/IUD problems



  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    If whatever you are doing isn't working do something else. It may be that your body needs a different type of challenge.
  • heykaraoke
    heykaraoke Posts: 191 Member
    I agree that your doctor would be the best source for answers to your questions.

    I've had Mirena for over a year now. I didn't gain any weight, and I joined mfp over the summer and have not had trouble losing weight. I think the hormones will affect everyone differently.
  • I'm interested to read everyone's responses to this. As somone has already said - mirena contains hormones, so it will be different for everyone. I had it put in, not as a form of birth control, but to try & stop the bleeding I'd had contantly for the 2 yrs following the birth of my last child.
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 12mths after having my last child, then 12 mths after that (when my son was nearly 2) I had the mirena put in (to try & stop the bleeding, as oral meds weren't working). I still bled for 18mths after that, but I haven't been able to lose weight since. In fact, if I weigh myself at the same time each day (I know that's not meant to be 'right' but my Dr suggested it 'for interests sake'), I can have a difference of up to 8kg from one day to the next.... Might be time to go & have a better look at the Mirena side effects I think. Because it eventually stopped the bleeding, THAT outweighed (pardon the pun) everything else at that point in time!!
  • wildcelticrose
    wildcelticrose Posts: 40 Member

    But I'm done having babies, so on Friday they're tying the tubes and doing an endometrial ablation to deal with the heavy periods. Until then, I'm on the pill again.

    Yes! THIS!

    I realize this isn't for everyone (ie; those who want to have children) but for me at, 50 the ablation and tubal ligation have been the best things I ever did for myself.

    Hormones are tricky tricky things...
  • The problem with Paraguard is it makes periods heavier, especially if you're prone (I am) to heavy periods to begin with. It isn't an option for everyone. It's why I chose Mirena.

    But I'm done having babies, so on Friday they're tying the tubes and doing an endometrial ablation to deal with the heavy periods. Until then, I'm on the pill again.

    I certainly haven't decided yet to switch to a different IUD since I'd like to rule out other causes first. (Though it does seem like a strange coincidence that I stopped being able to lose weight almost immediately after getting Mirena with progesterone.....) But if I do choose to remove Mirena and get Paragard, I'd much rather deal with heavier periods that this weight issue! For me, it would be so much easier dealing with having mega-periods once a month than being discouraged every time I look in the mirror.
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    Mirena has a bad reputation, but it is a very popular form of birth control. You are bound to hear negatives.

    I have had mine since July 2010 and I have had no issues. I have lost 35lbs since March. And I have lost all 50lbs that you see in my ticker with it in.
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    I've had my IUD since 2007. I'm almost due to get my Mirena replaced and have lost 90 pounds in the last 3 years. It can be done, but it's different for everyone. Good luck with your decision. I'd talk to the doctor about it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The problem with Paraguard is it makes periods heavier, especially if you're prone (I am) to heavy periods to begin with. It isn't an option for everyone. It's why I chose Mirena.

    But I'm done having babies, so on Friday they're tying the tubes and doing an endometrial ablation to deal with the heavy periods. Until then, I'm on the pill again.

    I certainly haven't decided yet to switch to a different IUD since I'd like to rule out other causes first. (Though it does seem like a strange coincidence that I stopped being able to lose weight almost immediately after getting Mirena with progesterone.....) But if I do choose to remove Mirena and get Paragard, I'd much rather deal with heavier periods that this weight issue! For me, it would be so much easier dealing with having mega-periods once a month than being discouraged every time I look in the mirror.

    The problem is that it's not a heavy period once a month. If your body reacts badly to it, you basically don't stop bleeding for weeks and months at a time. Obviously, it's something to discuss with your doctor, though.

    I like the pill. I only went off of it in the first place because I started having two-week-long periods that were getting heavier and heavier for some reason. But so far that problem hasn't presented after getting the Mirena out. Other than that, the pill was never an issue for me. No weight issues (I gained while on it, but definitely not because of it and there was no problem losing that weight).

    My Mirena story is that I got it in August 2009. The month after, I gained 5 pounds out of nowhere. I did start dieting again and was able to lose, though much more slowly than previous attempts. Then I stopped losing, gained 10 pounds and plateaued. I stayed at that weight for months, no matter what I tried. Then I gained another 10 and couldn't lose it. Just before I had it out last month, I had gained or maintained every week for two straight months, adding another 6 pounds to my total. Then I got it out and the gains stopped and two weeks off of it, I dropped 3 pounds.

    I haven't been very diligent about trying to lose since then, but my weight has not gone up, at least. I can definitely feel a difference in my body.
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    I am so glad I am not the only one. I have heard great things and bad things about this and I think everyone is different. I have had the mirena for 3 years and been absolutely miserable. My only pro for it is I have not had anymore kids. I go on November 1 and am talking to my dr about all my issues and seeing if it is related to the mirena and then seeing my options.