Patting Myself on the Back ... After the Shock Wore Off :)

I weigh myself only 1x a week. I try not to weigh more than that because I know if I dont see the scale move Im going to get frustrated.

When I started, the first week I noticed a 8lbs drop each week. Then I hit a stall. No loss the next week. It was frustrating, but I stuck to my plan of eating right and exercising. The next week, I was rewarded with a 2lb loss. I was happy. 10lbs in 3 weeks. Not bad.

This is the end of week 4 for me and I got on the scale this morning and .....DOWN 4lbs!!! I got on that scale 4 or 5 times because I couldnt believe it!

14lbs gone since the beginning of February and I did it with will and determination! No crazy diets, no starvation, no BS.

Ive tried so many fad diets in the past and never lasted more than a week or two and I never actually lost anything more than 5lbs on them.

I am SO excited. I really feel like I CAN do this and I can do this for the rest of my life.

When I entered my new loss in my phone [I have the iPhone app] it asked if I wanted my calories adjusted. I clicked "yes" and it dropped my calories from 1860 to 1780. That was a bit of a surprise. I didnt realize it would drop. But it's not such a huge drop that it's unmanageable.

AND today....Im actually feeling good enough to get my photo taken with my team at work!


  • aweightogo
    Way to go! I get frustrated when I don't see the scale move, too. I try to remind myself that this is the first time I am trying to eat healthy and exercise to lose weight, so I'm not going to see the extreme numbers I have in the past. Keep it up!!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Thats fantastic!! Congratulations. Unfortunately the more you drop the more calories you will need to drop. You wont miss them though since it is a gradual adjustment. When you start maintaining you will get some more back.

    Keep it up!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    When I entered my new loss in my phone [I have the iPhone app] it asked if I wanted my calories adjusted. I clicked "yes" and it dropped my calories from 1860 to 1780. That was a bit of a surprise. I didnt realize it would drop. But it's not such a huge drop that it's unmanageable.

    The less you weigh the less calories you burn, in general, as you use less energy to do the same things.