I /should/ be losing, but instead I'm gaining. Help!



  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I'm 22, female, 5'8", currently 175 lbs.

    I log in regularly and try to stay around 1200-1500 cals/ day (more protein, less fat and carbs than mfp thinks I should eat). There are definitely days I'm over that (mostly due to drinking on weekends with friends), but I still log EVERYTHING I put in my mouth, and probably have five or six days a month at about 1900 calories. I walk or run 1.5-3 miles 3- 4 times a week... and I just keep gaining weight and inches. I'm ten pounds heavier than I was when I joined mfp in June... and I'm not sure why.

    Any advice? I'm getting frustrated and am tired of not seeing results!

    You are 5'8" so you will have a higher RMR than most of us shorter girls. You are not doing a whole lot to help shape your lean body mass. Cardio alone isn't enough.

    I would encourage you to start a beginner weight lifting routine. Just 3 days a week. Why?

    Lifting weights is KEY. I recently had my DXA scan done and at 51.5 years of age I have the bone density of a super athletic 30 year old. That is a direct result of lifting for over 30 years. Now if that is not scientific proof that lifting weights keeps you younger I don't know what is! Also I believe it is why most people think I look much younger than I really am.

    Start lifting now, lift heavy and change it up often, find a lot of weight routines with free weights, make it fun, embrace it, make it part of your life. Only 3 days a week is all it would take. Crank up your tunes and learn to love it, because your body will love it and it will make your quality of life better in many ways, especially when you get older like me.

    Because of this I don't have to worry about osteoporosis. If you wait until you are older and your bones start to deteriorate it's a bit too late, you can't get back what you lost, you can only start a resistance routine that will prevent further damage.

    If you are a girl you don't have the hormones to get big naturally. I lift heavy and I'm still really tiny. My lean body mass is only 104 lbs and that is fairly heavy for a 5'1" female, and quite a bit of this is due to my having very dense bones from 30 years of lifting, not all muscle, and I'm still quite tiny.

    My muscles really are not that big, but they show a lot of definition because I'm quite lean. If I gained some fat then I would have a softer more toned look (which is OKAY too!). Then if I gained more fat I would look bulking and hefty like I did most of my life until last year. YOU CAN HAVE WHATEVER YOU WANT. Lean and ripped, soft and toned, or hefty, it all depends on how much fat you leave on your body. Calories are the only thing that changes fat. Exercise is for changing or maintaining your lean body mass only. Lifting weights will give you the best bang for your buck for shaping your body. I finally changed my shape by putting lifting first and cardio 2nd. You cannot out exercise too many calories.

    Your body loses weight in chunks, not linear. I have found that you can do everything right and your weight loss seems to plateau but if you are patient and keep exercising and eating at a deficit (however slight) you will lose it, it will suddenly "whoosh". There are so many variables for the scale; water retention, digestion, hormones, allergies, sodium, carbs, water intake, DOMS, inflammation, the list goes on. People mistakenly think they lose or gain weight when they eat more or less because of these fluctuations.

    Losing weight requires tremendous patience. You will not lose it when you want it or where you want it. The body does its thing. Some apparent plateaus can last a month or so. You cannot make it happen faster. You must focus on two things; calories and exercise. Nothing else matters. Scales and metrics don't matter. The day in and day out grind of exercise and calories are all that matters. It is not very exciting until things fall into place. You get your victories and you ride one victory to the next.

    The scale is a trend tool. The scale is good but put it away and only check once a week and only use it as a trend tool. It will fluctuate, it does not matter. Take front side and back progress pictures at least once a month. You will see differences that the metrics won't tell you and it's that little bit of NSV that will keep you going until the next victory.

    To say eat more is wrong.

    To say eat less is wrong.

    To find the exact calories needed for YOU to be in a healthy sustainable calorie deficit is the right answer. Wait, if you need to adjust by 100 do it, wait, adjust, wait, adjust, wait. The tortoise wins this race.

    All that matters is calories. A healthy balanced diet within a calorie budget for a deficit that is right for YOU is all that matters for weight loss. Don't make it complicated.

    It really depends on your RMR. If you are short like I am then your RMR is really just above the 1200 limit so you really don't have much room for a calorie deficit and going up is less likely to work. If you are taller you will have a higher RMR and can go up or down and still be in a deficit so you can lose no matter what. All that matters is a calorie deficit.

    Some people can eat at a big calorie deficit and some people can't. Everyone is different. Even a small calorie deficit puts your body in a state of flux with hormones as such, add a new workout routine, and those will make more spikes. This is a huge waiting game and requires much patience. Add in emotional eating issues and then you have more complications.

    Also people play mental accounting games with calories just like with finances. Make steps to make sure you are making accurate measurements. Packaged foods can have MORE than they say but not less (they get in trouble if less so they would rather error with MORE).

    If you typically intake sodium at a certain rate your body adjusts, but if you make a sudden change then you will see a spike.

    Exercise is for making your lean body mass pretty (especially lifting weights) for when the fat is gone. Losing fat with no muscle is ugly and cardio alone will not make you pretty. You cannot out exercise too many calories.
    What is the exact number of calories for you?

    We’ve been trying to figure out an exact NUMBER of calories that everyone should be eating, without recognizing that everyone is slightly different. In truth, the calories aren’t the end game. Your body is. So the EXACT amount of Calories that are right for you is the EXACT amount that will allow you to maintain your ideal bodyweight no matter what some calculator or chart says.

    In other words, an online calculator might tell you that you need to eat 2,500 calories
    per day to maintain your ideal bodyweight. But the only way to know for sure if this is
    the right amount for you is to test it out. If you gain weight or can’t lose weight eating
    that much, then you know you need to eat less to lose weight no matter how many
    calculators and text books say otherwise.

    This doesn’t mean your metabolism is broken, it just means the estimate of your needs
    was just a bit off.

    -John Barban (The Body Centric Calorie Guide from the Venus Index and Adonis Index Manuals)

    The good thing is you don't have to worry about the starvation mode myth if you are fat. Only skinny people have to worry about starvation mode. It does not mean you have the capability to eat at a large calorie deficit if you have emotional eating disorders or other issues going on, but at least you don't have to be afraid of it anymore.

    The Theory of Fat Availability:
    •There is a set amount of fat that can be released from a fat cell.
    •The more fat you have, the more fat can be used as a fuel when dieting.
    •The less fat you have, the less fat can be used as a fuel when dieting.
    •Towards the end of a transformation, when body fat is extremely low you
    may not have enough fat to handle a large caloric deficit anymore.

    At the extreme low end, when your body fat cannot ‘keep up’ with the energy deficit
    you've imposed on your body, the energy MUST come from SOMEWHERE. This is
    when you are at risk of losing lean body mass during dieting (commonly referred to
    as ‘starvation mode’). This happens at extremely low levels of body fat, under 6% in
    men and 12% in women [Friedl K.E. J Appl Phsiol, 1994].

    -Brad Pilon and John Barban (from The Reverse Taper Diet in The Adonis Index and Venus Index manuals)
  • Kendralh
    Kendralh Posts: 40 Member

    And I understand that you think I'm stupid, but I'd appreciate it if you'd try to not be condescending. This is me trying.
    My condenscion brought out your defensiveness though. Sure you might have days that eating well that I didn't see, but getting defensive and excusing your binge days is not going to see you losing weight.

    If you look at cals in and cals out over a week or over a month, on average, what do you see? My guess is that all the cal limiting and exercising you do is completely undone on the days when you indulge and socialise.

    Perhaps a little more consistency, and a little less takeaways/eating out, will see you losing weight and getting fitter.

    On average, over a week or a month, I vary from just under to just over my "goal." Which is below both my bmr and tdee. Hence this post.

    I recognize I'm not perfect. Not even close :) And I am definitely defensive; picking my weakest moments and rubbing them in my face is the exact opposite of the encouragement I came here to find. It was hard for me get to the point where I could honestly track my foods because I'd feel so guilty (which, by the way, makes me want to eat more because I've already failed).

    Thank you for your input
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    The first week I was on here I lost 4.2 LBS the first week then I only lost .6 LBS the second week. I changed my cal intake from 1500 to 1310 I have lost 1.5 LBS -2.5 LBS per week ever since.
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    I agree with most things listed here. If you are drinking mixed drinks, they are LOADED with sugar.

    Also, be patient. Sometimes you got to get up to get down. Mix up your workouts every 30 days or so. Add strength training to your regimen. The more muscle in your body, the more better equipped you are in burning fat (as long as you are eating properly).

  • teenio7
    teenio7 Posts: 104 Member
    My recommendation at least for the drinking is to do shots (less calories) and use a no calorie drink for a chaser like diet coke, but don't go overboard. :) When you do mix drinks also use no calorie like Fresca. You could also drink wine. My skinny friends slowly sip that and they also count calories. I am usually the DD, so I will just drink water. It helps because people won't be trying to buy you drinks and you can still hang out and have fun. Hope that helps.
  • Kendralh
    Kendralh Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 22, female, 5'8", currently 175 lbs.

    I log in regularly and try to stay around 1200-1500 cals/ day (more protein, less fat and carbs than mfp thinks I should eat). There are definitely days I'm over that (mostly due to drinking on weekends with friends), but I still log EVERYTHING I put in my mouth, and probably have five or six days a month at about 1900 calories. I walk or run 1.5-3 miles 3- 4 times a week... and I just keep gaining weight and inches. I'm ten pounds heavier than I was when I joined mfp in June... and I'm not sure why.

    Any advice? I'm getting frustrated and am tired of not seeing results!

    You are 5'8" so you will have a higher RMR than most of us shorter girls. You are not doing a whole lot to help shape your lean body mass. Cardio alone isn't enough.

    I would encourage you to start a beginner weight lifting routine. Just 3 days a week. Why?

    Lifting weights is KEY. I recently had my DXA scan done and at 51.5 years of age I have the bone density of a super athletic 30 year old. That is a direct result of lifting for over 30 years. Now if that is not scientific proof that lifting weights keeps you younger I don't know what is! Also I believe it is why most people think I look much younger than I really am.

    Start lifting now, lift heavy and change it up often, find a lot of weight routines with free weights, make it fun, embrace it, make it part of your life. Only 3 days a week is all it would take. Crank up your tunes and learn to love it, because your body will love it and it will make your quality of life better in many ways, especially when you get older like me.

    Because of this I don't have to worry about osteoporosis. If you wait until you are older and your bones start to deteriorate it's a bit too late, you can't get back what you lost, you can only start a resistance routine that will prevent further damage.

    If you are a girl you don't have the hormones to get big naturally. I lift heavy and I'm still really tiny. My lean body mass is only 104 lbs and that is fairly heavy for a 5'1" female, and quite a bit of this is due to my having very dense bones from 30 years of lifting, not all muscle, and I'm still quite tiny.

    My muscles really are not that big, but they show a lot of definition because I'm quite lean. If I gained some fat then I would have a softer more toned look (which is OKAY too!). Then if I gained more fat I would look bulking and hefty like I did most of my life until last year. YOU CAN HAVE WHATEVER YOU WANT. Lean and ripped, soft and toned, or hefty, it all depends on how much fat you leave on your body. Calories are the only thing that changes fat. Exercise is for changing or maintaining your lean body mass only. Lifting weights will give you the best bang for your buck for shaping your body. I finally changed my shape by putting lifting first and cardio 2nd. You cannot out exercise too many calories.

    Your body loses weight in chunks, not linear. I have found that you can do everything right and your weight loss seems to plateau but if you are patient and keep exercising and eating at a deficit (however slight) you will lose it, it will suddenly "whoosh". There are so many variables for the scale; water retention, digestion, hormones, allergies, sodium, carbs, water intake, DOMS, inflammation, the list goes on. People mistakenly think they lose or gain weight when they eat more or less because of these fluctuations.

    Losing weight requires tremendous patience. You will not lose it when you want it or where you want it. The body does its thing. Some apparent plateaus can last a month or so. You cannot make it happen faster. You must focus on two things; calories and exercise. Nothing else matters. Scales and metrics don't matter. The day in and day out grind of exercise and calories are all that matters. It is not very exciting until things fall into place. You get your victories and you ride one victory to the next.

    The scale is a trend tool. The scale is good but put it away and only check once a week and only use it as a trend tool. It will fluctuate, it does not matter. Take front side and back progress pictures at least once a month. You will see differences that the metrics won't tell you and it's that little bit of NSV that will keep you going until the next victory.

    To say eat more is wrong.

    To say eat less is wrong.

    To find the exact calories needed for YOU to be in a healthy sustainable calorie deficit is the right answer. Wait, if you need to adjust by 100 do it, wait, adjust, wait, adjust, wait. The tortoise wins this race.

    All that matters is calories. A healthy balanced diet within a calorie budget for a deficit that is right for YOU is all that matters for weight loss. Don't make it complicated.

    It really depends on your RMR. If you are short like I am then your RMR is really just above the 1200 limit so you really don't have much room for a calorie deficit and going up is less likely to work. If you are taller you will have a higher RMR and can go up or down and still be in a deficit so you can lose no matter what. All that matters is a calorie deficit.

    Some people can eat at a big calorie deficit and some people can't. Everyone is different. Even a small calorie deficit puts your body in a state of flux with hormones as such, add a new workout routine, and those will make more spikes. This is a huge waiting game and requires much patience. Add in emotional eating issues and then you have more complications.

    Also people play mental accounting games with calories just like with finances. Make steps to make sure you are making accurate measurements. Packaged foods can have MORE than they say but not less (they get in trouble if less so they would rather error with MORE).

    If you typically intake sodium at a certain rate your body adjusts, but if you make a sudden change then you will see a spike.

    Exercise is for making your lean body mass pretty (especially lifting weights) for when the fat is gone. Losing fat with no muscle is ugly and cardio alone will not make you pretty. You cannot out exercise too many calories.
    What is the exact number of calories for you?

    We’ve been trying to figure out an exact NUMBER of calories that everyone should be eating, without recognizing that everyone is slightly different. In truth, the calories aren’t the end game. Your body is. So the EXACT amount of Calories that are right for you is the EXACT amount that will allow you to maintain your ideal bodyweight no matter what some calculator or chart says.

    In other words, an online calculator might tell you that you need to eat 2,500 calories
    per day to maintain your ideal bodyweight. But the only way to know for sure if this is
    the right amount for you is to test it out. If you gain weight or can’t lose weight eating
    that much, then you know you need to eat less to lose weight no matter how many
    calculators and text books say otherwise.

    This doesn’t mean your metabolism is broken, it just means the estimate of your needs
    was just a bit off.

    -John Barban (The Body Centric Calorie Guide from the Venus Index and Adonis Index Manuals)

    The good thing is you don't have to worry about the starvation mode myth if you are fat. Only skinny people have to worry about starvation mode. It does not mean you have the capability to eat at a large calorie deficit if you have emotional eating disorders or other issues going on, but at least you don't have to be afraid of it anymore.

    The Theory of Fat Availability:
    •There is a set amount of fat that can be released from a fat cell.
    •The more fat you have, the more fat can be used as a fuel when dieting.
    •The less fat you have, the less fat can be used as a fuel when dieting.
    •Towards the end of a transformation, when body fat is extremely low you
    may not have enough fat to handle a large caloric deficit anymore.

    At the extreme low end, when your body fat cannot ‘keep up’ with the energy deficit
    you've imposed on your body, the energy MUST come from SOMEWHERE. This is
    when you are at risk of losing lean body mass during dieting (commonly referred to
    as ‘starvation mode’). This happens at extremely low levels of body fat, under 6% in
    men and 12% in women [Friedl K.E. J Appl Phsiol, 1994].

    -Brad Pilon and John Barban (from The Reverse Taper Diet in The Adonis Index and Venus Index manuals)

    THANK YOU!!! That was a lot of good information :)
  • Kendralh
    Kendralh Posts: 40 Member
    Teenio7 and Deja_blu:

    Good advice! It's a way to still have a life and lose weight :) How do you guys deal with people making fun of you for drinking "like a girl"? ... maybe it's just me because I'm in a male-dominated field haha
  • teenio7
    teenio7 Posts: 104 Member
    Teenio7 and Deja_blu:

    Good advice! It's a way to still have a life and lose weight :) How do you guys deal with people making fun of you for drinking "like a girl"? ... maybe it's just me because I'm in a male-dominated field haha

    Luckily my friends will tease me only for a few minutes but then they will give up. If you like the guy you are hanging out with, I would just tell him you are trying to lose weight to fit into a sexy costume :P. If they are just your friends, they 'should' understand. You will get crap, but I think a lot of people appreciate a DD.
  • Kendralh
    Kendralh Posts: 40 Member
    haha perfect! I'm definitely trying the costume line, Halloween is coming up!
  • rachkayla
    rachkayla Posts: 1 Member
    Stick to the calories intake it recommends including when it adds calories back for your workout. MFP is already assigning you with a caloric deficit so on the days you workout you need to eat a little more to make sure you're body has enough fuel to get you through it effectively. To few calories in a day and you slow down your metabolism. Also, you're calories should be spread out during your day. Your metabolism is like a campfire. It takes much more fuel and work to reignite a campfire that is down to embers. It's much better to periodically add a log or two to keep it going. Food is the fuel for your body's campfire. Your metabolism will stay higher if you periodically fuel your body. It takes a lot more food/fuel to get it started/elevated if you go too long without. Eat 5-6 times a day (including healthy snacks). It's also about quality food. Avoid things in boxes, bags, cans or coming from a restuarant. Be wary of foods with more than five ingredients. Put simply...cook for yourself as much as possible.

    On the exercise side...running just isn't going to cut it and could actually be contributing to your weight gain. Running messes with your hormones in a way that makes you hungry and can causes you to actually keep and put on weight. As mentioned in an earlier post, you need to start doing resistance/strength training. Muscle helps you burn more calories when you're not working out so you can lose fat and inches faster. Join a gym, take some classes that aren't strictly aerobic (e.g. Zumba, spinning, any kind of dance aren't any better than running...classes that include using dumbbells are good), work with a trainer for a few sessions or more and you'll see your body transform. Dumbbells, kettlebells, suspension training, rubber bands, bodyweight, barbells are all your friends and will get you to your goal.

    Also, it might suck but you're going to have to cut out or really cut back on the alcohol. Alcohol has 7 calories per gram and creates nearly no metabolic boost in your body (in other words your body doesn't burn any calories digesting it). Protein and carbs have only 4 calories per gram and cause up to a 25% metabolic boost. Fat is 9 calories per gram but has up to a 10% metabolic boost.

    Also, get a body fat test so you know your body fat percentage. Tracking total weight lost can be deceiving because muscle is more dense than fat. Once you begin weight training you can see your size drop but not your total weight and it becomes frustrating if you don't know your body fat percentage and understand what that means. One pound of muscle is the same as one pound of fat (one of my BIG pet peeves is when someone says muscle weighs more than fat...a pound is a pound is a pound). However, one pound of muscle takes up about a quarter of the space in your body that fat does. That means you could lose 20 pounds of fat but only see a 10 pound total weight loss because you also gained 10 pounds of muscle. Focus on fat loss than weight loss.

    Not only did I lose 65 pounds 4 years ago and maintain that with a combination of weight/resistance training and healthy eating. I'm now a personal trainer and have helped my clients do the very same thing. It's not an easy process but it's the only one that works long-term and science has proven it. Consistency in eating and exercise is important. You can not make up for a bad day that's way over calorie budget by eating way under and exercising like a mad person the next day. Whatever calories your body doesn't use by the time you go to sleep gets stored as fat. Stay within your budget every day. No one has ever said it's easy but most would agree that it's worth it.
  • Kendralh
    Kendralh Posts: 40 Member
    Stick to the calories intake it recommends including when it adds calories back for your workout. MFP is already assigning you with a caloric deficit so on the days you workout you need to eat a little more to make sure you're body has enough fuel to get you through it effectively. To few calories in a day and you slow down your metabolism. Also, you're calories should be spread out during your day. Your metabolism is like a campfire. It takes much more fuel and work to reignite a campfire that is down to embers. It's much better to periodically add a log or two to keep it going. Food is the fuel for your body's campfire. Your metabolism will stay higher if you periodically fuel your body. It takes a lot more food/fuel to get it started/elevated if you go too long without. Eat 5-6 times a day (including healthy snacks). It's also about quality food. Avoid things in boxes, bags, cans or coming from a restuarant. Be wary of foods with more than five ingredients. Put simply...cook for yourself as much as possible.

    On the exercise side...running just isn't going to cut it and could actually be contributing to your weight gain. Running messes with your hormones in a way that makes you hungry and can causes you to actually keep and put on weight. As mentioned in an earlier post, you need to start doing resistance/strength training. Muscle helps you burn more calories when you're not working out so you can lose fat and inches faster. Join a gym, take some classes that aren't strictly aerobic (e.g. Zumba, spinning, any kind of dance aren't any better than running...classes that include using dumbbells are good), work with a trainer for a few sessions or more and you'll see your body transform. Dumbbells, kettlebells, suspension training, rubber bands, bodyweight, barbells are all your friends and will get you to your goal.

    Also, it might suck but you're going to have to cut out or really cut back on the alcohol. Alcohol has 7 calories per gram and creates nearly no metabolic boost in your body (in other words your body doesn't burn any calories digesting it). Protein and carbs have only 4 calories per gram and cause up to a 25% metabolic boost. Fat is 9 calories per gram but has up to a 10% metabolic boost.

    Also, get a body fat test so you know your body fat percentage. Tracking total weight lost can be deceiving because muscle is more dense than fat. Once you begin weight training you can see your size drop but not your total weight and it becomes frustrating if you don't know your body fat percentage and understand what that means. One pound of muscle is the same as one pound of fat (one of my BIG pet peeves is when someone says muscle weighs more than fat...a pound is a pound is a pound). However, one pound of muscle takes up about a quarter of the space in your body that fat does. That means you could lose 20 pounds of fat but only see a 10 pound total weight loss because you also gained 10 pounds of muscle. Focus on fat loss than weight loss.

    Not only did I lose 65 pounds 4 years ago and maintain that with a combination of weight/resistance training and healthy eating. I'm now a personal trainer and have helped my clients do the very same thing. It's not an easy process but it's the only one that works long-term and science has proven it. Consistency in eating and exercise is important. You can not make up for a bad day that's way over calorie budget by eating way under and exercising like a mad person the next day. Whatever calories your body doesn't use by the time you go to sleep gets stored as fat. Stay within your budget every day. No one has ever said it's easy but most would agree that it's worth it.

    Thank you :) WOuld the budget be 1200 - my daily goal? And if I burn 300 calories on a work out, do I necessarily need to eat 300 more calories that day? Usually my work outs are at the end of a day (some of which were over-goal).
  • Rho_Ro
    Rho_Ro Posts: 201 Member
    Hi, I'm 5ft 8 1/2 in tall with a large frame and I'm heading for 156lb. I let MFP calculate my calorie intake and presently it is 1620 based on a weight of 242lb. I try to do a minimum of 30min exercise 3x per week and I have my activity set on sedentary so ANY activity I do has an affect on my weight. I joined MFP 27 April and I've lost 38lb in nearly 6 months.

    I'm juggling my weight loss efforts around my household and our budget. I eat what the others eat but I watch the portion size. I drink rum occasionally but I have diet coke with it and limit myself to 2 drinks. I have a wicked sweet tooth so I keep it under control by having a piece of cake (cut in two sometimes) or grapes or lollies (although I'm finding the lolly thing is messing up my sugar total) - in general this is working really well as I don't have cravings. If I'm a bit late to have lunch I do get hungry but it's controllable. Yes I exercise but because my activity level is set on sedentary I can log washing the car; vacuuming the house; spending a few hours preparing a meal, etc. There are only a few occasions where my weight has increased over the week, but this is offset by the regular losses.

    I don't get too technical - I just see it as it is and try and keep within the numbers. I DO NOT EAT BACK MY EXERCISE CALS. I notice where you try to consume between 1200 and 1500 calories per day. I wonder whether this is a level you have set yourself as mine is a straight 1620 per day and that's it..

    I do admire you for asking for help. It is so very easy to just turn the other way and give up, but PLEASE DON'T. There are soooo many people about who will help and support you and I'm sure you will start losing soon. Keep smiling and believe in yourself because as I've finally realised that's the key - I'm doing this for ME.

    GOOD LUCK!! If you would like to add me as a friend, just send me a request :flowerforyou:
  • cfregon
    cfregon Posts: 147
    I'd also recommend being very careful about serving sizes and measuring everything. Also- I notice that many of the things you're recording are generic-- generic onion rings, generic burgers, etc. Try to part everything out by ingredient to record, also try to get the brand you need to record. There can be ton's of variation between brands. Be as detailed and accurate as possible, it's the little things that can really get you.
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    with the rider about measuring your food for accuracy
    I think you don't eat quite enough.
    You need to keep at or above your bmr, which is not 1200
    mfp calculates to let you eat back your exercise calories so eat most of them back.

    What I would avoid as many people have said is all the salt and processed food. There is a lot of salt in some cheeses and in some trail mixes. keep your eyes open for that.

    If you are going to visit families at dinner time make sure they know you would like "pot luck" rather than a "treat" of takeaway. Some people are embarrassed to cook for guests, you could offer to cook the whole meal for them as a special event if you think they won't be offended.
    Many of my guests come over and cook at my place, but I'm an Aussie and we're pretty cool with all that. No I'm not a bad cook, they are just repaying the favour.
    You are more likely to get a wholesome meal from whatever the family eats than the corporate entities provide.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Step 1: buy a food scale.
    Step 2: use it.
    Step 3: stop having days when you eat almost twice the amount you are supposed to.
    Step 4: stop making excuses.

    Four is the most important. I saw no less than three just in your first couple of responses. A hangover, which you did to yourself using a liquid that makes you fat, is no excuse to eat something else that will make you fat on top of the damage you have already done.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I see you arent eating smaller meals throughout the day, just huuuuge meals. Some of these foods arent really that good for you. You are doing a great job half the time but need some direction. Try eating and drinking water every few hours, limiting sodium and cutting alcohol. Maybe you need to be eating more?
  • PrettyGirlPayton
    PrettyGirlPayton Posts: 93 Member
    Simply measure your food. Measuring supplies are a great investment. And exercise more. Try at least 4 to 5 days a week! That should fix it right there. Also try to eat out only once a week. Give those things a try for two weeks and see if you see a notice. Hope I helped. :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I looked at your diary and it appears that you are hitting your calorie goals but here are the two things that I would recommend:

    1. Measure your food - I made this same mistake when I started here. I thought that I had a good idea of my portions and that I was eating smaller portions than I thought they were. When I purchased a food scale and started measuring I found that I was actually eating twice the amount that I was logging. Once I got the scale I went from a "plateau" to losing immediately

    2. Cook your own meals when possible - Looks like you are eating out a lot and the problem with that is that you cannot really be sure that they are really serving the portion sizes that they are reporting or that they are using the ingredients that they are reporting. This could vary from place to place. In addition there is a lot more sodium in those food. The more foods you prepare, the better is is for you to ensure the correct calories.

    All in all, good job on logging and good luck with your weight loss.

    ^^This is probably the best advice.

    If you are not losing weight in the longer term (ignore weekly fluctuations as they are usually due to water weight) you are not at a deficit. Based on the intake I saw in your diary, you should be losing at that level of calories (assuming your higher calorie days do not negate the lower ones - you should take an average over the last month to see where you actually are). The most likely explanation is that you are eating more calories than you think you are.

    Edited to fix typos
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    Ok, I haven't looked at your diary but from your own writing I see that you are struggling to eat healthy. I too have had my issues with the scale as of late but I do believe myself to be the healthiest I have ever been and the best shape that I have ever been in. I am going to come at this through my understanding of myself because everyone is on their own journey. I have finally put the scale away for good but that is probably not the best idea for you. I have tried many, many things, this has been my issue since I was 9 years old. At one point I weighed 230 lbs and I am only 5'3.5 inches tall. I have found for me that weight training along side running is fantastic!! I push myself on both sides constantly and make sure I have my rest days. I have pretty much cut out all the crappy food out of my diet, I have learned to love my veggies, eat way over the 6 a day I am supposed to. My skin is perfect now. I have dedicated myself to taking care of myself in every way shape and form. Maybe you aren't ready for that now. When I was really wanting the mangic numbers on the scale, I lost sight of what was really really important. That I was finally taking really good care of me. I feel good and look good and everyone has noticed. So, with what you said, you have not been eating right. The biggest gift I have ever given myself is to give up gluten all together. I am now confident for the first time in my life (I am 40) that I will never gain weight again and I will jump back on the horse every time because I have such supportive and loving (real) friends here. Everyone's journey is their own. This is not magic, treat your body well and it will treat you well, that I promise you!!!. It is a psychological battle as well as a physical one!!! You have to be completely ready to change your life for the better. This change is forever and no magic number on the scale will tell you that you are taking care of your body, you have to know that within yourself. Learn to pay attention to how you feel after you eat and give up the foods that make you feel badly. That is what bread did to me, it made me feel awful and tired. I gave it up over 2 years ago now and have never looked back. You can find some yummy healthy recipes or you can experiment with what you like. Open up your mind to healthy food and once you do, you will never want the crap again. I see it as poison now. xxxxooooo
  • Shellsmiley
    Shellsmiley Posts: 323 Member
    I AGREE with sooo many things people have written here and I will just throw in my two cents that really helped me (mainly cause I'm an emotional eater) -- DO NOT CONFUSE THIRST WITH HUNGER. Best. Advice. Ever. (For Me). :wink:

    Also, I work in a coffee shop that sells donuts, premixed powdered sugary drinks, etc and for me, it's hard to be around it every day but I am trying to cut that crap out because I know eating out at work and other places has made me gain 7 lbs in the past month and it's not good. Also, I'm a fan of the sweet drinks, but honestly, a hugely bad thing to be drinking when wanting to lose weight. My doctor told me to "stay the hell away from those drinks because they are your enemy". I only drink them about once a month IF I feel like I want to and IF I hit my goal for the last week of the month. :drinker:

    ALSO, I've been reading a book called "The pH Miracle To Weight Loss" by Robert O. Young. It talks about how the body needs to be ALKALINE (so eat a lot of alkaline rich foods) to lose weight. My doctors agree with this book because the know from personal experience that having an acidic body (and diet) is not good for anyone and can actually cause cancer (amongst other things) because cancer thrives in acidic conditions. (I know Cancer doesn't have much to do with losing weight, but good fact nonetheless). Haha. OKAY So I've said more than planned... hope it helped!!! :bigsmile: