How bad is it to eat under 1200 calories?



  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Listen to pink princess.

    Also, there are plenty of girls who eat 2000+ calories a day here and aren't fat. Sounds like a lot of calories to people who are dieting, but it's not really.
  • 1200 calories is not much at all. On days where I feel like i've hardly eaten, it's still around 1200. I don't understand how people can eat less than that every day and not be hungry.
  • We have all been told about the "starvation mode" your body goes into when you don't eat enough calories. I always assumed that was when you were starving yourself at 500-800 calories a day... but my (personal) reality is that I am only 5'2" and 1200 is not enough for me. When I am under 1200 my weight loss FREEZES. I plateau and even gain a bit. BUT if I eat between 1250-1350 calories the weight just comes off. I consider it my sweet spot.

    My husband has a similar experience, but his calorie limit is a little higher because he's 6'2". BUT it's the same in that if he is under his daily calories he with not lose a pound, may even gain. Then he eats a little over the MFP suggestion and the pounds come off.

    I know we all love to see "Some and so was under her calories for the day" on the mini-feed, but unless you did some serious exercise, it's NOT A GOOD THING to always be under your needed caloric intake. You have to feed your body enough good stuff for it to let go of the fat on our bodies.
  • 1200 was a number put out there as an average. For most people eating at or below 1200 is a major calorie deficit. However if you are shorter and sedentary this might not be that drastic of a cut. I think there is a pretty strong consensus among experts on eating disorders that severely limiting calories - whether it seems easy or not (this part is my opinion) - will perpetuate disordered eating. It seems most of them recommend not eating more than 250-500 below your maintenance level.

    I recommend reading:

    The Learn Program for Weightloss by Kelly Brownell
    Overcoming Binge Eating by Christopher Fairburn (also discusses other disordered eating)
    Eating in the Light of the Moon by Anita Johnson
  • KellyKelzs
    KellyKelzs Posts: 6 Member
    If you go over your calorie goal you can and should exercise away the remaining. Jogging one mile burns about 100 calories! Walking it burns about 50 on average. Always remember when your eating so few calories that every calorie should be adding nutrients to your body. No junk food or processed food.