Need Healthy Vegetarian Recipes for picky eaters!

kaileym_91 Posts: 6 Member
Hey! My boyfriend and I just started our weightloss journey and we are stuck eating microwave meals most nights. This is because he is a vegetarian and I am not and we can't agree on anything healthy to eat together! (We usually just fall back on pizza or pasta, which would not help us lose any weight at this point.) I'm allergic to mushrooms, and most vegetarian recipes include them as a staple. Does anyone have any good vegetarian recipes we could try out? Thanks!


  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    i finely dice some egglant and cougette, about 3 cups worth total, dice up an onion, and chuck in a cup of corn, mix with 1 to 2 eggs, 1/3 parmerzan cheese and 1/3 cup panko breadcrumbs, some pepper and mustard powder

    then line a muffin tin with baking paper and press the mixutre into each muffin hole then bake until golden brown

    each "muffin" is about 50 calories. i will either just have 6 of these for dinner, or have a couple in place of potatoes.

    i really love these, and until now have never eaten any other vegetables aside from lettuce carrot and cucumber!
  • I seldom use mushrooms when making meals, and I cook with loads of vegies. Sauteed in a small amount of olive oil, a variety of chopped up vegies served with a small amount of pasta can be very tasty. Add this and that spice/herb to change the flavors. An example:

    Chop or slice up: 1 onion, 3 stalks celery, 2 carrots, 2 summer squash (zuchini or yellow or other), 4 cloves garlic, 2 tomatoes,

    slice some fresh parmesan or romano cheese, add some fresh basil leaves

    to cook:
    2 tb olive oil in non stick pan. add onion, celery and cook 5 minutes on medium heat. add carrots, squash and garlic and cook another 10 minutes. Make sure heat is high enough to brown things a bit. Stir every few minutes. Turn off heat, add basil and tomatoes.

    Serve with 2-4 cups cooked pasta with a sprinkle of the sliced cheese, salt and pepper.

    To vary the dish, change the vegies a bit, but always use the onion and garlic because that really helps flavor it all. When sauteeing, make certain to lightly brown the vegies as that adds a lot of flavor. Use a lighter olive oil if the oil flavor is too strong. Change the herbs a bit. Instead of parmesan and basil, try adding a jalapeno, bell pepper and cilantro to the mix, along with oregano and cumin. Change the grain to rice.
  • I have loads of healthy recipes, none of them with mushrooms. What kind of things DO you like?
  • KellyKelzs
    KellyKelzs Posts: 6 Member
    Bob Harper's The Skinny Rules has a bunch of great low cal, tasty, vegetarian recipes.
  • Csitri
    Csitri Posts: 132 Member
    would like to know as well
  • ritoosh
    ritoosh Posts: 190
    my brother is vegan, and hed eat same stuff as me, but would use saiton meat or tofu i suggest you go to whole foods or whatever type of natural market you have and buy saiton meat, or tofu meats and just cook what you normally would but using those products. also it wouldnt hurt to invest in a vegetarian/vegan cookbook, they have some bomb recipes lmfao (and im VERY picky)
  • kaileym_91
    kaileym_91 Posts: 6 Member
    These all sound great! I personally love almost all veggies, with the exception of mushrooms of course, and I'm not much a fan of beans, or tofu unfortunately. Thanks for all your help!
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    i fill my slow cooker with chopped veg, i use different herbs and spices to make either curry , Italian, chili con carni or even just stock cubes.
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    We usually just fall back on pizza or pasta, which would not help us lose any weight at this point.)

    I eat lot of pasta and I have lost 20 lbs since January. Pasta, in and of itself, is not the enemy. That said, if your BF eats eggs then you can do omelettes, fritattas, crepes all filled with veggies. Quinoa is a delicious grain that has protein and fiber and can be subbed in many pasta recipes. There are also many good and hearty vegetarian soup options.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Look up recipes for quinoa - I'd recommend quinoa stuffed peppers and quinoa casseroles. Tasty, high in protein, and easily adaptable to your personal tastes.

    I wasn't a fan of tofu either until I started baking it. Put it in a marinade like you would with chicken, then bake it in the oven for 20-30 minutes depending on how done you want it.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    there are loads of great veggie recipes out there! Here's one of my fav recipe sites
  • gothomson
    gothomson Posts: 215 Member
    Hi! This is easy to make and is really nice!

    Chickpea Stew
    • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
    • 1 finely sliced Red Onion
    • 3 finely sliced Garlic Cloves
    • 2 teaspoons freshly grated Ginger
    • 2 seeded and finely chopped green chilli's to taste
    • 1 teaspoon sea salt
    • 800 g tinned Chickpeas drained
    • 1 teaspoon ground Cumin
    • ½ teaspoon Turmeric optional
    • freshly ground Black pepper
    • 1 tablespoon Lemon Juice
    • 250 g Cherry Tomatoes
    • 100 g baby English Spinach leaves

    1. Heat a large deep frying pan over a medium to high heat.
    2. Add the oil, onion, garlic, ginger, chilli and salt.
    3. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes, or until the onions are soft.
    4. Add the chickpeas, 80 ml (1/4 cup) water, cumin, turmeric and pepper and cook for 5 minutes, or until the water evaporates.
    5. Add the tomatoes and cook for another 2 minutes to soften.
    6. Remove from the heat, stir through lemon juice and taste for seasoning.
    7. Stir through spinach and set aside.

    When serving top with plain / natural yogurt and serve with tven baked pitta bread roughly ripped up and sprinkled with paprika and salt and heat for 10 minutes
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Pizza and pasta don't have to be unhealthy or high calorie, but you could take your veggie pasta sauces and serve it over spaghetti squash for a low calorie alternative.

    Mexican food made with beans is another option - bean burritos, bean tacos, bean enchiladas, whatever.

    You can do an internet search and find a plethera of vegetarian soups, stew and chili recipes that are filling and tasty.

    Wraps are good and filing yet low cal if you fill them with the right things - plenty of leafy greens, a protein (hummus or other bean spread, tofu, cheese or eggs (if he includes those), whatever) and any other seasonings or chopped/shredded veg/fruit you'd like.

    You could make a tofu scramble using the same ingredients you'd put in any omelette.

    Stir fries with vegetables and nuts are quite tasty.
  • thai stir fry
    sweet and Sour Stir fry
    spring rolls with mustard sauce
    falafel wraps
    loaded baked potatoes (I like to use greek yogurt instead of sour cream)
    egg plant parmesan
    no-meat chili with crackers or corn bread
    bean burritos
    veggie quesadillas
    get biscuit dough and fill with veggies, 1/2 cream cheese 1/2 sour cream or greek yogurt and parsley/salt/pepper so it's like a dumpling then fry, or bake in muffin pan - add shredded cheese too if you want
    just a few
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    These all sound great! I personally love almost all veggies, with the exception of mushrooms of course, and I'm not much a fan of beans, or tofu unfortunately. Thanks for all your help!

    If you don't like beans or tofu but your boyfriend does, Mexican dishes would be a good option. You could make your burritos, tacos or whatever with shredded chicken or beef and he could use refried beans.
  • kaileym_91
    kaileym_91 Posts: 6 Member
    Look up recipes for quinoa - I'd recommend quinoa stuffed peppers and quinoa casseroles. Tasty, high in protein, and easily adaptable to your personal tastes.

    The stuffed peppers sound like a great idea! I need to try that. Thank you!
  • jennadelane
    jennadelane Posts: 121 Member
    My favorite site for "diet" food is, love everything I've ever tried there and they have a great vegetarian section.

    This MFP thread has a LOT of links to other recipe sites, both vegan and vegetarian: