Scale has not moved at all for 2 weeks

Hey All...I have never started a post on here, but I am completely at a loss. I am a weigh every day kind of person as I feel it keeps me honest in my dieting. For 14 straight days I have weighed and my scale has been exactly the same every single day! I even changed batteries in it a couple of days ago. I have been doing MFP for right at 4 months and have lost 33 lbs. I have been very happy with the results as I was out of town for about 5 weekends this summer and was able to maintain during this time. A couple of days out of the last 14, I have gone over my calories some, but my weekly average has been right where it should be. I guess I have hit a plateau & am just not sure what to do to get past it. My calorie goal is 1450 a day & I still would like to lose 73 lbs to reach my goal. I have been doing the Couch to 5K program and today will hopefully finish week 4 day 2---I was hoping the exercise would help even more with the weight loss, but that's not happening either! I guess I am just looking for any suggestions as to how to get past this before I totally fall off of the wagon...thanks!!! :)


  • jjl0412
    jjl0412 Posts: 278 Member
    I have hit platues lasting over 4 weeks. It happens. Just keep doing what you know is right and it will pass. It can really be a bummer, but I have learned it is part of the process in the lifestyle changes I have made. Eventually I move on and lose for a while and then it stops again. Usually I will lose like 5 to 7 pounds over a couple weeks, then bounce around for a week or 2,or 3, then lose 3 or 4 pounds then bounce around for a week or 2.. Go figure. I just keep being good and counting. It finally moves down again. Confounding I know. It will pass!:wink:

    My Reward is I keep punching new holes in my belts, and adding more clothes to the Good Will Bag!!!:happy:
  • Remember you body needs time for adjustment too!
    It can be SO frustrating not to see the scale move... I used to be happy it just hadn't gone UP! :)

    Make sure with your exercise you're drinking water. It helps tremendously!

    Good luck.
  • Pandy1962
    Pandy1962 Posts: 105 Member
    If you have upped your exercise try taking your measurements, you might not have lost weight but you may find you have lost inches.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    it's been a month for me.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Be patient! Had the same thing happen after I bumped up my exercise. It will move if you keep eating right and exercising. I think it took just over 2 weeks for the scale to start moving again. I think it's your muscles storing extra fluid to repair themselves. Don't give up now! It's nothing to worry about! Somebody once posted that they were in the same boat and "then whoosh!" It really does go like that if you can wait it out a bit longer! :flowerforyou:
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Welcome to the club, I've been stuck at 118 for three stinking months. Plateaus suck, you just gotta push through them. Good luck!
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    you have to consider the total body not just the weight I have had the scale stall for up to 6 or 8 weeks but my body keeps responding my BF% would drop or waist get smaller and eventually the scale adjusts as well I have had fluid retention after hard workouts where I will gain 2 or 3 pounds after busting my butt for an hour and a half run enough to make you crazy
    Hang in there be patient and the results will come
  • Plateaus happen, and honestly 2 weeks isn't a long one. Keep doing what you know to be right and take some measurements. I do measurements once a month and sometimes it reveals what the scale won't. Once you hit a certain level, it seems when one doesn't move, the other one does. Months where the scale has been moving, the measurements don't seem to change on me... then when the scale doesn't move, the measurements do. I guess the body just needs adjustment time to shift things around. Keep up the great work, the reward does follow
  • more than 2 months for me my weight just keeps going up, I have tried upping my cals to my bmr but only a few times I have made it that far, I am a pre diabetic so I am very concerned about ths, I try to do every day 30 day shred and couch 2k since last tuesday, dont knw what else to do, I see a dietician who thinks it culd be the fried food, but I have cut that out since august I have no cheat days and I try to eat small meal every few hours:explode:
  • Thanks so much for the encouragement and the info...I just feel so bummed about it...the water could have something to do with it...for some strange reason, as I look back on my log, I realize that as my exercise increased that my water intake decreased...I will definitely trying vamping that up this week...again, thank you all so much...I greatly appreciate it!!! :)