British Fitness Friends


Would be good to have some British based fitness friends to share advice and encouragement, any takers?



  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi add me if you want i am joy i am 41 and live in doncaster south yorkshire. i workout 6 days a week combination of running and weight lifting with the odd dvd thrown in their. I have 3 children and work as a midwife. I log every day.
  • emjaful
    emjaful Posts: 19
    Hey I'm Emma. Would love some UK friends too. I'm in York
  • I'm Katie and I live in London but I'm originally from Yorkshire. I'm currently doing a combination on Jillian Michaels DVDs, 6 days a week and wondering about starting both C25K and heavy lifting. UK friends welcome!
  • Hi
    will love some BFF as well - i live in kent and work in housing. I mainly use the treadmill and walking and i log in most days.
  • yorkshire here aswell feel free to add me any 1