Work and exercise settings?

Have a question to put out there and I don't quite know how to word it but I'll give it a shot: Some days my job is really physical, on Monday I did 12 hours, 7 of whitch were non-stop physical labour so yes I went over my targets but figured I burned most of the over eat off anyway- but some days I just sit at my computer all day.

In my goal setting I've put my work as 'lightly active' to try and get some balance, but does this mean I'm over eating for the days when I'm sitting? I think I do more sitting days but the labour days once or twice a week are super active not just a little bit of work.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is should I set my work to 'sedentary' and add on the heavy work days as exercise even though I couldn't count the amount burned to accurately?

Sorry if this sounds random, hope I got my point across!


  • Branday
    I tried to explain this the best way I can!

    I have it in my head what my "work" day calories are & what my non work days are. I work 12 hour shifts I consider "lightly active". So I add a food note on those days so when I look back I can justify the red of being over. Sometimes when I work I also go to the gym so it balances out. You can also adjust your calorie intake to what you feel is right for you. You don't have to strictly go by what MFP suggests. I wouldn't count your normal work activities as exercise. If majority of your week is "sedentary" I would keep it on that. You could always average out your lightly active calories & sedentary calories & just make that your daily calorie goal. :smile: