"Cheat" days



  • I have the occasional cheat meal, but I think like alot of people say, once you are eating healthy some of those horrible cheat foods that used to be sooooo good, just don't have the same appeal.

    I do have a question also. Believe me I do not have any eating or food disorder such anorexia. I do have to take a fair amount of medicines due to a medical disabiity. Occasionally they will upset my stomach as I eat and immediately after I finish my meal
    (like just swallowed the last bite) it all comes right back up. I end up having a snack of some sort later as I get hungry again.
    Does anyone know how long food needs to be in you before the calories are consumed? I don't know whether to count twice when this happens.
    Not a pretty subject I know, but I'm at a loss.
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    I don't have a designated cheat day per se, but when i first started I did allow myself 1 day a week to take it easy and not workout and eat whatever. But as time started progressing I didn't feel the need to "cheat" so often anymore. I have a weakness for sweets and pizza and sometimes I will take a piece of a brownie or a spoonful or some awesome cheesy lasagna my mom made. I always try to keep it at a nibble and not eat a full serving and if i do want a treat or something special every now and then, I don't beat myself up over it. I just try to let it satisfy me for a while, eat a little less the next day, and move on guilt-free.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I treat myself almost daily but still fit it in my calorie goals and try to fit it into my macros as best I can. If I'm going to go out for dinner or eat lunch at fast food, I just budget for it with my other meals or walk a little extra.
  • I've just started a few days ago. Have been enjoying using the food tracking software. I have actually been under my calories each day. Guess I'm just afraid that I'll miss some calories that I eat so I give myself a little leeway. MFP informs me that I need to up my calorie count. I will try to let myself eat all of my allotted foods.
    So, I do enjoy a dessert after dinner and have either a low fat brownie or some lower fat ice cream. Would that be considered a cheat if it's within your days calories? I know that it isn't the best choice nutritionally...just keeps me happy:)
    Would love to hear people's thoughts .
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    i dont have cheat days. i actually enjoy everything in my diet right now as if it were junk food, but its not.

    I'm not on a diet really - I just count calories so cheat days would mean that I would either not work out, go over my calories for the day, or, both....

    What are you eating that you are enjoying so much?! I would love to add some new food to my grocery list!

    haha well im weird, i eat the same stuff every day. currently my fav is low fat cottage cheese + sugar free strawberry preserves... so good.. my food diary is open.
  • Me and husband both have our cheat days on the weekends. But just here recently I have started feeling bad about my weekend food choices. My eating schedule is small portions every three hour throughout the week except for the weekends. For awhile I was not even recording my weekend calories but I finally realized in order to be accountable and to stay on top of things .....be honest with myself.
  • I occasionally have a day where I'll exceed my calories only because it's good on my body to give it a bit of a surprise, so to speak. I don't do it because I deprive myself throughout the week though. If I want something, be it a bowl of ice cream, a slice or two of pizza, etc, I'll have it. As long as it stays within my calories for the day, I'm good to go.
  • haku23
    haku23 Posts: 18 Member
    I had a major cheat day yesterday but by the end I felt so unhappy with myself that I decided that I'm never going to go that over again. I was sitting there thinking "no I need to hurry up and burn these off!" rather than "that was delicious". Though those donuts and apple crisp were very delicious at the time I think I'll stick with just one dessert next time. :'D
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    No, not really. I'll have a cheat "treat" maybe once per week. Last night I had a pumpkin pie blizzard that wasted 600 calories (still had a baby loss today) but if I had a WHOLE cheat day I think it would counteract my hard work all week.
  • torrini
    torrini Posts: 78 Member
    I don't really have cheat days. If I want to eat treats I fit them with my daily calories. If I know I'll be eating more than my calorie goal I try to save up some calories in other days.
  • Great question! I'm only 2 weeks into MFP so these are the types of things I wonder about. I don't exercise on Sundays. Ever. Today I've had BBQ ribs, turkey, carrot cake, mashed potatoes and wine and still have 7 calories left over. Was just sitting here pondering a second glass of wine when I came across your post. Coincidence? I think not...LOL It would put me 107 calories over for the day, so I'm hesitating...but I REALLY want that second glass AND I'm under my weekly goal by 478 calories. So maybe I'm not really cheating...? *she asks hopefully*... :-)
  • I don't usually have an entire cheat "day" but I do have days that I give myself permission not to track. After tracking for a little while, most of us have a sense of things & are aware of our intake. For me, not tracking for a day is a real treat.

    Activity (exercise in all its forms) helps me feel happy and reminds me to take a break from life-stress. While I don't officially "workout" everyday, I do try to find a way to move my body so that I can feel well - physically & emotionally.

    We do enjoy dinner out with friends & I don't enjoy "tracking" restaurant food. If I want a nice meal without worries, I just lighten up a little the day of, the day after or both.

  • I didn't work out today and so that is what I consider my cheat. I did walk the dogs (and my husband). I ate out for two meals and had two beers but still stayed within my calorie goals. I feel bad about not working out... I feel okay about my food choices... and, I really wish beer had zero calories! Especially on football Sunday!