time to get back on track after baby#4

Jb27 Posts: 71 Member
OK so i used mfp to loose all and more of my baby weight last time and hope to do it again, i gained way to much and feel i have a very long way to go. Baby just turned 6 weeks and Ive been cleared to workout, wanted to add some new friends since most of the ones i had way back are not active and i need support. Also any breastfeeding moms on here? I'm not sure what my cal goal should be while nursing and don't want to loose my supply.


  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    Woohoo for doctor clearance! Congrats on your baby! I just gave birth to my little girl Savannah on October 5th. I AM a breastfeeding mama as well. What are your fitness plans now that you have your health clearance? I've been walking, practicing yoga and doing low-impact fitness DVDs/Wii fit games as well as breastfeeding and watching my calories.
  • Jb27
    Jb27 Posts: 71 Member
    My goal is to stop the soda i started drinking again and actually get a workout in atleast 4-5 times a week. Im not really sure what a good cal goal is so im going to look that up today with regards to the nursing because i know if you restrict too much your supply goes down. I decided to stop working and be a full time mommy (thank goodness for my husband!) so i should have more time to think about me so i can be the best mom to my babies :)
  • MommaKit79
    I have read that you should add about 500 cals because that is about how much you also burn from nursing exclusively as well. It will change as your baby adds solids (when the time comes). Not sure how accurate but, that is what I have been reading. AND, I saw that you can log Breastfeeding as well...not sure where but, make sure you check into that.

    CONGRATS and the new little one and AWESOME job for nursing!!! I dont DISS anyone who doesnt nurse because it quite frankly isnt for everyone but, I LOVE when a mother nurses her baby! :-) It was THE BEST decision I made for my child!! Wish I could have done it longer then 6 months but, I got those important months in! :-)
  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    Congratulations on your new little one! Babies are such a blessing. I nurse my babies and log it under food. I have always heard that it is about 500 extra calories per baby. So that is what I do. How wonderful that your husband is working it out so you can stay home with your little ones! Enjoy those baby snuggles! It is hard losing the baby weight but it can be done. I have lost all of the baby weight from each of mine but one and I have 7 lbs more to go on that one. Then I want to lose 10 lbs more just to be at a little healthier weight. Feel free to add me if you want.
  • laylasmommy67
    laylasmommy67 Posts: 38 Member
    Mine will be 6 weeks on Wed....time sure does fly!

    I havent been cleared yet, but I have been working at it anyways...

    and I still dont have the calorie thing quite figured out....I have been eating low, and I havent lost any supply, but stopped losing weight a few weeks in....so I am goin to up my calories and try to figure it out!

    and I hit the gym 6 days a week...mainly treadmill/elliptical until I get cleared...but I sneak some weights in there too lol
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    Congratulations on your little one!! I had my 4th last October. After he arrived, I also decided to stay home with what I call "my herd". I breastfed all my babies up till they were 9months and I think you should keep a good supply with adding the 500 cals. And drinking alot of water. I was never able to lose weight while breastfeeding, but watching what I ate and working out helped the weight fly off once I was done, at least with the first 2. FINALLY working on the weight from the last 2. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • mileb
    mileb Posts: 12
    Hi, just read your post and it caught my interest. I recently had my first baby, he is twelve weeks old. I joined MFP three weeks ago for the first time, and just like you when I joined I tried to find new moms who are breast feeding and had no sucess. I was very excited to see your post.

    I breastfeed as well, and I had the same concern as you. I asked my doctor how many calories is healthy to lose weight, but yet still make sure it does not compromise my milk supply. She told me 1800 Cals, because just by simply breastfeeding we burn an extra 500 calories a day.

    I hope this helps, please feel free to add me as a friend, we could be great support for one another.:smile: