Does drinking water makes you lose weight?

Hey, I heard from some people that drinking water makes you lose weight..
I was wondering How does it work and how many should i drink a day.


  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    They say it helps, but no, unless you aren't eating, which I would not recommend. :wink:

    I drink it whenever I'm thirsty, and end up with about double the 8 a day recommendation, but I always have, and I still became very overweight.

    I would drink at least the 8 a day (drinking it very cold is said to make you burn a few more cals warming it up), and not worry about it beyond that.
  • AnnMombourquette
    It`s recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses a day. I generally drink more water as I don`t drink juices, milk and very little pop. I have a big glass that holds 3.5 cups of water. Three of those a day is over 10 glasses. If you don`t like water, you can get MIO drops, which are sugar free and sodium free. Great to add to flavor water.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Drinking water in itself doesn't do a damn thing for weight loss. It's good for many other reasons, but not for weight loss.

    Drinking water instead of a beverage that contains calories... that's another story.
  • luvsbks
    luvsbks Posts: 51
    You can also buy Vitamin Water Zero! There are people who say drink 8 glasses a day and other people who say you don't have to. A lot of foods have water in them anyway. Someone told me you should drink half your body weight in ounces. So if you weighed 200 lbs you should drink 100 oz of water. And there are other people who say you should go by the color of your urine. If your urine is bright yellow then you need to drink more water, if it is clear you don't have to drink more. Water keeps you hydrated and if you wait until you are thirsty the damage is done. As far as making you lose weight I don't think so.
  • FearlessRobb
    FearlessRobb Posts: 249 Member
    when it says 8 glasses a day it means glasses. no cups. most large glasses hold 2.5 cups of water. so in reality you should drink 18 cups of water a day.
    It sounds like alot but its very easy.
    I buy the 50 cent waters at walmart it holds 3 cups with sports top. drink it all on my break refill and drink threw day then refill it about 5 more times at home till bed time. i use sugar free hawian punch makes the whole bottle tasting good. only 10 calories a bottle . So only 80 calories all day for 24 cups of water. not to bad right? u drink it so fast it taste so good u dont notice

    PS: Drinking a full bottle every 30 min like i do sometimes will make you pee lierally evey 30 min lol
  • laceyfowler
    laceyfowler Posts: 127 Member
    Drinking water helps with weight loss for a number of reasons. Here are a few:

    - Often when we think we are hungry, we are actually thirsty... this happens to me a lot. So, when I think I'm hungry I try to drink 16oz water, then wait a few minutes, and see if I still feel hungry or if it was thirst

    - Water will fill up your stomach a bit, which can help stave off feelings of hunger for a little while, though in my experience if I'm truly hungry it only staves of the hunger briefly

    - For many of us, one of our big issues with eating is that we crave the act of eating - the act of consuming something. Drinking water can help meet that oral fixation to some extent. I find that if I add a little lemon juice it is much more satisfying!

    - Our bodies NEED water. It's incredibly important to drink water just for proper functioning of our bodies.

    Note: some people say to drink 64oz of water a day. Here's what I've been finding in my research... the "64oz" figure is based on a 128lb, minimally active person. You should drink half of your (pounds) weight in ounces of water - for example, if I weight 140lb, I should drink a minimum of 70oz of water a day. But, that's the minimum, based on little activity. If you're working out, by all means drink more!

    Drinking lots of water is rarely dangerous. Some people will point out the "dangers of over-hydration" such as electrolyte imbalance and even heart attack... here's the thing on that. That's not going to happen if you're drinking 64oz of water a day. it won't happen if you drink 164oz of water a day. You MIGHT put yourself in danger if you, when incredibly thirsty (such as at boot camp after being forced to workout in hot hot weather for hours on end) you rapidly gulp several gallons of water. But seriously, how many of us are in that kind of situation? If you are in that kind of situation, and feel like gulping gallons of water, stop and think about drinking a few glasses of water, and some coconut water (lots of electrolytes) or have a banana, or something with salt (yup, salt is an electrolyte!), and pace your water consumption over several minutes.

    Honestly though, for most of us on here, drink that water up! Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Add a little lemon to make it more palatable - a little lemon never hurt anyone! It's good for our bodies in general, and our weight loss specifically (not to mention our complexions - they also benefit!) to drink lots of water. Sooo... bottoms up!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    when it says 8 glasses a day it means glasses. no cups. most large glasses hold 2.5 cups of water. so in reality you should drink 18 cups of water a day.
    It sounds like alot but its very easy.
    I buy the 50 cent waters at walmart it holds 3 cups with sports top. drink it all on my break refill and drink threw day then refill it about 5 more times at home till bed time. i use sugar free hawian punch makes the whole bottle tasting good. only 10 calories a bottle . So only 80 calories all day for 24 cups of water. not to bad right? u drink it so fast it taste so good u dont notice

    PS: Drinking a full bottle every 30 min like i do sometimes will make you pee lierally evey 30 min lol

    No, I'm pretty sure it's 8 of the 8 ounce cups of water a day that is recommended.
  • FearlessRobb
    FearlessRobb Posts: 249 Member
    Drinking water helps with weight loss for a number of reasons. Here are a few:

    - Often when we think we are hungry, we are actually thirsty... this happens to me a lot. So, when I think I'm hungry I try to drink 16oz water, then wait a few minutes, and see if I still feel hungry or if it was thirst

    - Water will fill up your stomach a bit, which can help stave off feelings of hunger for a little while, though in my experience if I'm truly hungry it only staves of the hunger briefly

    - For many of us, one of our big issues with eating is that we crave the act of eating - the act of consuming something. Drinking water can help meet that oral fixation to some extent. I find that if I add a little lemon juice it is much more satisfying!

    - Our bodies NEED water. It's incredibly important to drink water just for proper functioning of our bodies.

    Note: some people say to drink 64oz of water a day. Here's what I've been finding in my research... the "64oz" figure is based on a 128lb, minimally active person. You should drink half of your (pounds) weight in ounces of water - for example, if I weight 140lb, I should drink a minimum of 70oz of water a day. But, that's the minimum, based on little activity. If you're working out, by all means drink more!

    Drinking lots of water is rarely dangerous. Some people will point out the "dangers of over-hydration" such as electrolyte imbalance and even heart attack... here's the thing on that. That's not going to happen if you're drinking 64oz of water a day. it won't happen if you drink 164oz of water a day. You MIGHT put yourself in danger if you, when incredibly thirsty (such as at boot camp after being forced to workout in hot hot weather for hours on end) you rapidly gulp several gallons of water. But seriously, how many of us are in that kind of situation? If you are in that kind of situation, and feel like gulping gallons of water, stop and think about drinking a few glasses of water, and some coconut water (lots of electrolytes) or have a banana, or something with salt (yup, salt is an electrolyte!), and pace your water consumption over several minutes.

    Honestly though, for most of us on here, drink that water up! Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Add a little lemon to make it more palatable - a little lemon never hurt anyone! It's good for our bodies in general, and our weight loss specifically (not to mention our complexions - they also benefit!) to drink lots of water. Sooo... bottoms up!

    I also agree with her. they say ur brain can swell and kill you if u drink to much water. It has happened but only to the people that force themselves to keep drinking as much as they can all at once to see what happens there mistake.
  • FearlessRobb
    FearlessRobb Posts: 249 Member
    when it says 8 glasses a day it means glasses. no cups. most large glasses hold 2.5 cups of water. so in reality you should drink 18 cups of water a day.
    It sounds like alot but its very easy.
    I buy the 50 cent waters at walmart it holds 3 cups with sports top. drink it all on my break refill and drink threw day then refill it about 5 more times at home till bed time. i use sugar free hawian punch makes the whole bottle tasting good. only 10 calories a bottle . So only 80 calories all day for 24 cups of water. not to bad right? u drink it so fast it taste so good u dont notice

    PS: Drinking a full bottle every 30 min like i do sometimes will make you pee lierally evey 30 min lol

    No, I'm pretty sure it's 8 of the 8 ounce cups of water a day that is recommended.

    Well its what every doctor has ever told me 8 large glass of water . either way drinking more water keeps u more full and is good for u so either way it helps somehow and helps flush ur system.
    Plus i drink 8 cups of water first 6 hrs of my day i can imagine not drinking more later cause im always thirsty
  • momofthreesons
    momofthreesons Posts: 162 Member
    The 8 cups a day with being at or below your calorie goal yes... 8 cups a day and eating over your calorie goal nope, pretty simple.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Drinking water hydrates you.
  • thomasxaviersayles
    Anytime you are outside in the sun and it is hot, drink water to the point where you continue to perspire and maybe even go to the bathroom sometime during the day. In hot climes, I drank two gallons a day minimum and that was just maintenance. At night I would continue to drink water before, during the night and upon waking up. Your liver, kidneys and other organs require lots of water. It may sound like a lot of water but it really isn't when you consider that perspiration is the bodily cooling system, urination the toxins excretion method, and flushing the organs system. Without water, you will not loose weight although dehydration will cause a temporary weight loss but then again if severe enough, you could put your health and life at risk. If you study the physiology of respiration and the metabolic process, everything requires H2O.
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    Drinking water helps with weight loss for a number of reasons. Here are a few:

    - Often when we think we are hungry, we are actually thirsty... this happens to me a lot. So, when I think I'm hungry I try to drink 16oz water, then wait a few minutes, and see if I still feel hungry or if it was thirst

    - Water will fill up your stomach a bit, which can help stave off feelings of hunger for a little while, though in my experience if I'm truly hungry it only staves of the hunger briefly

    - For many of us, one of our big issues with eating is that we crave the act of eating - the act of consuming something. Drinking water can help meet that oral fixation to some extent. I find that if I add a little lemon juice it is much more satisfying!

    - Our bodies NEED water. It's incredibly important to drink water just for proper functioning of our bodies.

    Note: some people say to drink 64oz of water a day. Here's what I've been finding in my research... the "64oz" figure is based on a 128lb, minimally active person. You should drink half of your (pounds) weight in ounces of water - for example, if I weight 140lb, I should drink a minimum of 70oz of water a day. But, that's the minimum, based on little activity. If you're working out, by all means drink more!

    Drinking lots of water is rarely dangerous. Some people will point out the "dangers of over-hydration" such as electrolyte imbalance and even heart attack... here's the thing on that. That's not going to happen if you're drinking 64oz of water a day. it won't happen if you drink 164oz of water a day. You MIGHT put yourself in danger if you, when incredibly thirsty (such as at boot camp after being forced to workout in hot hot weather for hours on end) you rapidly gulp several gallons of water. But seriously, how many of us are in that kind of situation? If you are in that kind of situation, and feel like gulping gallons of water, stop and think about drinking a few glasses of water, and some coconut water (lots of electrolytes) or have a banana, or something with salt (yup, salt is an electrolyte!), and pace your water consumption over several minutes.

    Honestly though, for most of us on here, drink that water up! Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Add a little lemon to make it more palatable - a little lemon never hurt anyone! It's good for our bodies in general, and our weight loss specifically (not to mention our complexions - they also benefit!) to drink lots of water. Sooo... bottoms up!

    In boot camp I almost passed out from over hydration. It was the middle of June we were out in the sun all day sweating. My vision got blurry and I got dizzy. I had to find a shady spot to sit and someone gave me a bag of sunflower seeds to eat. It sucked. That was an extreme case though.
  • FearlessRobb
    FearlessRobb Posts: 249 Member
    Anytime you are outside in the sun and it is hot, drink water to the point where you continue to perspire and maybe even go to the bathroom sometime during the day. In hot climes, I drank two gallons a day minimum and that was just maintenance. At night I would continue to drink water before, during the night and upon waking up. Your liver, kidneys and other organs require lots of water. It may sound like a lot of water but it really isn't when you consider that perspiration is the bodily cooling system, urination the toxins excretion method, and flushing the organs system. Without water, you will not loose weight although dehydration will cause a temporary weight loss but then again if severe enough, you could put your health and life at risk. If you study the physiology of respiration and the metabolic process, everything requires H2O.

    Now thats some high quality H2O lol
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    The shear act of drinking water does not make you loose weight. That formula is as simple as calories in have to be less than calories out.. Water, however has MANY positive health benefits. It can you feel fuller so you don't reach for food. Did you know that people often mistake dehydration as hunger? Drink a glass of water before you eat... It may help curb your appetite.
    Try to aim for half your body weight in ounces of water a day. For example, If you weight 150 pounds aim for 75 ounces of water.
  • payupalice
    payupalice Posts: 126 Member
    I actually just read something about this in my nutrition textbook today. It's more a matter of what you're eating and how water responds to those molecules. Water follows sodium & protein, so if you are taking in a large amount of those two substances, you can retain water - unless you drink enough to flush it out adequately. Basically, get your 8 cups in per day, but you might want to drink more if you follow a high-protein diet, or if you have a high-sodium day.
  • Salvi30
    Salvi30 Posts: 196 Member
    It`s recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses a day. I generally drink more water as I don`t drink juices, milk and very little pop. I have a big glass that holds 3.5 cups of water. Three of those a day is over 10 glasses. If you don`t like water, you can get MIO drops, which are sugar free and sodium free. Great to add to flavor water.

    I'm glad you wrote "pop", instead of soda. Love it! :D
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    when it says 8 glasses a day it means glasses. no cups. most large glasses hold 2.5 cups of water. so in reality you should drink 18 cups of water a day.
    It sounds like alot but its very easy.
    I buy the 50 cent waters at walmart it holds 3 cups with sports top. drink it all on my break refill and drink threw day then refill it about 5 more times at home till bed time. i use sugar free hawian punch makes the whole bottle tasting good. only 10 calories a bottle . So only 80 calories all day for 24 cups of water. not to bad right? u drink it so fast it taste so good u dont notice

    PS: Drinking a full bottle every 30 min like i do sometimes will make you pee lierally evey 30 min lol

    No...It means "cups" as in 8oz each...Not sure why you think this, but the estimated fluid requirements for the average normal health person is estimated at 30-35ml per kg of body weight.
  • citygirl04
    citygirl04 Posts: 286 Member
    Water does not make you lose weight.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Water flushes out all the sodium and toxins. So it will help you be less bloated. Plus it helps you feel better and "lighter". I drink anywhere from 60-100 oz a day. :)