How many calories should I be eating to loose weight?

I know you all get tired of ''new'' people asking the same questions over time.....and I know it is posted somewhere on here, but I can not find it.

I want to know how many calories I should be eating?

I am currently 5'7'' and weigh betweein 148 and 152. I want to loose 15 to 20 more lbs. I have always been told that I should eat 1200 calories per day, but now I am not sure ( I asked a few weeks ago about the macro break down- yea still don't completely understand that either).

I exercise for 30 min to 1 hour, four or more times a week....the workouts are different (not lifting weights yet, but running and Julian Michels 6 wk to 6pk, Zumba). My current goal is to loose weight, get tone, and eventually lift weights (more lean muscle mass).

Thanks if advance for your advice and help.


  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    Go to Settings at the top right of your screen

    Click on diet/fitness profile

    fill in all the deets

    and presto!
  • You can try using the automatic settings on here or you can modify them to you're own, although there are a lot of different ways to calculate you're proper caloric intake, but there is not a set limit that works for everyone. It all depends on you're weight, goals, and lean body mass, so that is why there are ways to calculate this.
    You could try a version I found to be pretty simple to calculate if you would like. Most of the information I get is from pro athletes so its good information. Although you would need to know you're body fat percentage. Let me know if you would like to try it and I will tell you how to calculate it.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Eat less than you use. Try 1500 for 4 weeks, if no loss then drop to 1300 and repeat.
  • Babicam
    Babicam Posts: 21 Member
    I read the information in Road May 2.0 posted by Dan ...and my espimated TDEE is 2020. Take that and subtract 20 - 30 % (I will do 25% as starting point)= which gives me 1515 calories.

    So I am going to try to up my calories to 1400 to 1500 range. To see how this will work out.

    I have also upped my cardio. The weight lifting has not been added yet as I have not found a local Gym to attend.

    So now my next question is...should I just keave the macros as MFP places them when I change my caloric intake? Or should I adjust them? (more protein, less carbs, etc...)

    and .....just to clarify my goal is to decrease my body fat, increase my lean muscle, and to look and feel fit.

    Sorry for all the questions, I really want this to be my lifestyle change and not just a diet.

    This is difficult to understand at times....
  • HMToomey
    HMToomey Posts: 276
    I read the information in Road May 2.0 posted by Dan ...and my espimated TDEE is 2020. Take that and subtract 20 - 30 % (I will do 25% as starting point)= which gives me 1515 calories.

    So I am going to try to up my calories to 1515. To see how this will work out.

    I have also upped my cardio. The weight lifting has not been added yet as I have not found a local Gym to attend.

    So now my next question is...should I just keave the macros as MFP places them when I change my caloric intake? Or should I adjust them? (more protein, less carbs, etc...)

    and .....just to clarify my goal is to decrease my body fat, increase my lean muscle, and to look and feel fit.

    Sorry for all the questions, I really want this to be my lifestyle change and not just a diet.

    This is difficult to understand at times....

    If you are going to up your cardio you are going to up your TDEE. Since you don't log exercises with that method you may want to be aware of that and recalculate if you really up it. I am losing a lot faster since I switched over and upped my calories I figured I would try it for a few weeks and see the first week I lost 3 pounds and since I have lost a pound a week!

    Go to carbs 40% fat protein at 30% and lift for muscle. I'm in search of a trainer right now who can work with me and my arthritis to train me to lift safely since I don't want to make it worse.
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    I would keep your cut at 15-20%, higher doesn't mean better. Remember it's for long terms, slow and steady wins the race. Did you figure your BMR?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    So now my next question is...should I just keave the macros as MFP places them when I change my caloric intake? Or should I adjust them? (more protein, less carbs, etc...)
    They are based on the (very) SAD diet and you would be well advised to increase the protein to 30-35% of calories and cut the carbs correspondingly.