Any Beachbody coaches with advice?

I don't know much about the Beachbody system, except I've seen some WONDERFUL results, and don't know if there are any in the Indiana area. Any info. on diet/excercise or planning would be appreciated... Even before/after photos.


  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Save your money, eat real food, exercise.
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    Save your money, eat real food, exercise.

  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    is it a 'clean eating' program then?
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    is it a 'clean eating' program then?

    Lol, no. Beachbody has some good exercise programs - Insanity, P90X, Chalean, etc. But the "coaches" make their money by selling you shakes, supplements, and recovery drinks.

    You can get the same results with a moderate calorie deficit, a decent strength training and cardio regimine, and time.
  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    You don't the shakes and whatever else they try to sell you food-wise, but the Insanity DVDs are awesome and gave me great results. Do you need them? Not particularly; you could of course do high-intensity interval training on your own by researching exercises and putting together a full-body exercise program. If you are, however, willing to buy them, then I totally recommend them (assuming you fully intend on eating clean while doing them).

    Hope this helps! :)
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    People with NO CLUE have trigger fingers! Beachbody is a fantastic company...a LEGIT...fantastic company. I love the Shakes...but that's a personal thing and not everyone needs to drink them. Beachbody has a massive selection of at home workouts...P90X, Insanity, Turbofire etc. You can pre-order the new one now which is Les Mills Combat. I was flow to LA to be a part of the filming as they used me as a success story. It is going to be amazing. There are tons of workouts to chose from.
  • teamfit2day
    teamfit2day Posts: 213 Member
    I don't know much about the Beachbody system, except I've seen some WONDERFUL results, and don't know if there are any in the Indiana area. Any info. on diet/excercise or planning would be appreciated... Even before/after photos.

    Seriously, Its easy for people to tell you to simply "eat right" and "save your money" but the truth is that everyone doesnt have the motivation or drive and sometimes we need help. I know because I was that person who just couldnt do it on my own. When I did come across beachbody, it wasnt the shakes that sold me, it was the at home programs. why? because they were all already scheduled and layed out for me. I didnt have to prep anything, just follow their schedule and trust the system. Guess what? Ive lost 54lbs working out at home using their programs. As far as the shakes go, its the same scenario, some of us simpy dont know what we should be eating, or arent great at cooking ( I wasnt for a long time) so the shakes are simply a way to get you on track until your ready. By the way, here are my progress pics so far using beachbody programs and their shakes.

  • I don't know much about the Beachbody system, except I've seen some WONDERFUL results, and don't know if there are any in the Indiana area. Any info. on diet/excercise or planning would be appreciated... Even before/after photos.

    All I know is that after completing P90X I was in the best shape of my life. I personally need a set program that is already laid out for me and that I KNOW works. I don't have the time to go to the gym and do what I think feels right. I like being able to work out at home and I like working out with a program that has had amazing results and success stories.

    They do have shakes and supplements, but that's not the only way "coaches" make money and that's not all "coaches" do. There's a lot more to it than that. They also do a lot of amazing work with the military (and being a military spouse, that means a lot to me). :)

    Check out the websites, check out the success stories and make up your own mind. I don't have my own before and after photos up on the computer, but my friend Joyce does and she lost 50 pounds in 5 months from doing Slim in 6 and drinking the shakes. Oh, and those shakes also helped her get off her blood pressure medication.

    But everyone is different. If you're curious, try it. If it doesn't work, they have a money-back guarantee, so you've got nothing to lose. Except maybe some weight.... :)
  • Love2lift72
    Love2lift72 Posts: 157 Member
    My husband started Insanity in May. He wanted something that was already laid out, and that he could do at home. He wanted to be pushed. He loved it and got wonderful results. So now he's moved on to P90X. He has talked me into doing ChaLean Extreme. He ordered the Shakeology for a few months. He stopped ordering because he wasn't using it regularly. I ended up using it more than he did. I love the chocolate but I'm sure I can find something out there just as good for less $.
  • I started ChaLEAN extreme on Sept 9th, by the 3rd week I had lost 6.6 inches. The workouts got me super pumped and since I noticed such great results I became a coach. I felt it was a good company to go behind. Beachbody will let you sign up as a coach just for the discount if you really want, you can coach because you want to help others feel as good as you do and have good results like you, or you can get it in for the business side of things. They STRESS that if you are not in it to help others you will fail at the sales part anyway. When you become a coach it is your own business. I figured I'd try it out and see how it goes. I'm now on my 6 week of ChaLEAN extreme, and I've lost 12.8 inches and 6 pounds. Yes you buy your products through coaches but we have no need to push them on you. Yes, made sales, but it was solely on people seeing my results. The best part is that I'm helping friends and family achieve the health and fitness levels that they've been working towards for years. I'm helping a friend beat type 2 diabetes and it is the most amazing feeling!! Every goal he reaches or small accomplishment he makes is worth it! I love the company because they aren't pushy and they dont make me sell products, you dont have to follow a specific diet or order BS food. Beachbody really helps keep you motivated (especially, at least for me, because its not same workout every single day). As for Shakeology, I HATED it at first and thought it was a waste of time. I put it real research about it and got a few samples. Now I drink chocolate Shakeology with 1 cup vanilla coconut milk and 1/2 a banana and I love it and my body feels good when I drink it. I stand behind Beachbody and would definitely suggest it, but it is ultimately up to you and what you think is best. I suggest going to the Teambeachbody site and looking throught the workouts to see if they would be a good fit for you! Good Luck!!!!!
  • 305muscle
    305muscle Posts: 97 Member
    beachbody coaches? whats that lol
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    People with NO CLUE have trigger fingers! Beachbody is a fantastic company...a LEGIT...fantastic company. I love the Shakes...but that's a personal thing and not everyone needs to drink them. Beachbody has a massive selection of at home workouts...P90X, Insanity, Turbofire etc. You can pre-order the new one now which is Les Mills Combat. I was flow to LA to be a part of the filming as they used me as a success story. It is going to be amazing. There are tons of workouts to chose from.

    In the interest of full disclosure perhaps you might want to mention that you're a beachbody "coach" and sell the products that you're so enthusiastically endorsing?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    People with NO CLUE have trigger fingers! Beachbody is a fantastic company...a LEGIT...fantastic company. I love the Shakes...but that's a personal thing and not everyone needs to drink them. Beachbody has a massive selection of at home workouts...P90X, Insanity, Turbofire etc. You can pre-order the new one now which is Les Mills Combat. I was flow to LA to be a part of the filming as they used me as a success story. It is going to be amazing. There are tons of workouts to chose from.

    In the interest of full disclosure perhaps you might want to mention that you're a beachbody "coach" and sell the products that you're so enthusiastically endorsing?

    Beat me to it Brian! Overpriced undervalued shakes. Workout programs seems to be popular with many. MLM marketing scheme. Coaches that are trained in the art of the info spin. I'm sure those of us that are not all enthusiastic about it will be accused of being haters soon. You can get result just as good without them and save your money. If you do buy their produces your are guarateed to lose your wallet.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    People with NO CLUE have trigger fingers! Beachbody is a fantastic company...a LEGIT...fantastic company. I love the Shakes...but that's a personal thing and not everyone needs to drink them. Beachbody has a massive selection of at home workouts...P90X, Insanity, Turbofire etc. You can pre-order the new one now which is Les Mills Combat. I was flow to LA to be a part of the filming as they used me as a success story. It is going to be amazing. There are tons of workouts to chose from.

    In the interest of full disclosure perhaps you might want to mention that you're a beachbody "coach" and sell the products that you're so enthusiastically endorsing?

    Beat me to it Brian! Overpriced undervalued shakes. Workout programs seems to be popular with many. MLM marketing scheme. Coaches that are trained in the art of the info spin. I'm sure those of us that are not all enthusiastic about it will be accused of being haters soon. You can get result just as good without them and save your money. If you do buy their produces your are guarateed to lose your wallet.
    Well said.