For those over 60, feedback please on Shingles virus



  • jeleclekat
    jeleclekat Posts: 124 Member
    Thank you. It just seems so many on here are skeptical about the vaccine, but, we KNOW how it feels.. I suppose there are slight cases, and there are severe cases. I just know that I couldn't lay on my back, had to lie on my right side, nothing could touch my left arm. I went several nights spending most of it in my computer chair so nothing touched my back or arm. I could sit and have such stabbing pains in my back that I would get up and push against a door jam to squeeze the area. Guess I was pushing against the nerves which were inflamed. As I said, I didn't have the rash, which may have made the ER diagnosis hard, but when I saw my family dr, and mentioned the sheet on the arm bit, he knew. He'd had shingles. He gave me meds and it began to ease up. I will not take the chance of getting it again if I can help it.
  • jeleclekat
    jeleclekat Posts: 124 Member
    Have to ask - do you still get colds?
  • olliekat3
    olliekat3 Posts: 1,780 Member
    Hi all, last year at 60 yrs. old I got shingles, it was the first time. I felt pretty crummy for about a week until I decided to go to the Doctor and he said yeap I had shingles. He gave me anti-viral meds, pain medication and suggested I get a ointment to rub on the rash which I would not recommend anyone doing that. When I put the ointment on my skin it was very painful, so I started using baby powder it that soothed the rash. I think all together I had the shingles for about 2 months. After I was well my Doctor gave me the vaccine. I did not have a reaction to the vaccine and I am glad I will not be getting shingles again since I have had the vaccine. My Doctor told me that insurance will not pay for the vaccine until you are 60. I do suggest if you can to get the vaccine, it will be worth if you can escape from getting the shingles.

  • mirsasha
    I'm 48 and never had chickenpox, so I can't get shingles unless i get chickenpox, right? I'm wondering if I should look into the chickenpox vaccine.
  • kimberliiw
    kimberliiw Posts: 242 Member
    My DH is over 60 and planning on getting the vaccine. I know 2 people that have gotten shingles and developed Bell's Palsy due to it. One never recovered and the side of his face affected by it was paralyzed for over three years.
  • pkoll
    pkoll Posts: 135 Member
    I am 54 and got the Shingle shot last year. the shot didn't bother me at all. I paid for it myself. It seams to me that it is cheaper to get the shot than pay for Dr appointments and meds for a case of the shingles,not to say anything about the suffering from the shingles. Especially if you get the shingles more than once!
  • jaharrison763
    jaharrison763 Posts: 99 Member
    I had a severe case of shingles 6 years ago, when I was 50. Mine was unbearable, and I have a fairly high pain tolerance. :sad: It started out with a slight discomfort under my bra along my ribs. Within a few days, I developed a blistery rash and I couldn't bear for anything to touch it. I was reading an article in the Wall Street Journal about shingles and thought "that's what I've got!" My doctor put me on Valtrex and a couple pain killers and basically quaratined me until the rash was gone. I think it was about 3 months before I felt normal again. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I'll get the vaccine when I turn 60.
  • Calebsgm
    I am 60. My grandmother, aunt and uncle (all on my mother's side) had shingles and all had it in their face/head. It wasn't pleasant for any of them. I am thinking of getting the shingles vaccine, but have held off for now. To me, the vaccine makes sense because I know how unpleasant shingles can be.
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    I can't get the vaccine because asthma is a contraindicator for it. But I've had shingles and if there is any way to prevent them, do it. I didn't realize what it was until I was in the emergency in such extreme pain that I was afraid I was going to start screaming and frighten the neighbors. It was months before the episodes of transient pain finally subsided.

    If you don't get the vaccine (or get shingles younger, like I did), the earlier you realize it and get treatment, the better.

    First I felt a shimmering under the skin, like wind through wheat.
    Then I felt like ants wearing ice skates were skating across the inside of my skin.
    Then my skin erupted in what looked (and felt) like 3rd degree burns.
    finally the entry point of the nerve into my spine began to hurt so badly that the desire to scream started.
    Never thought I'd welcome Demerol. But that was only for the first night. And I was way to far along for antivirals. So it was pain meds and then just living with it.

    Your insurance plan may well pay for your vaccine, and many pharmacies offer the vaccine to seniors. Not very expensive.