Mommy confessions

firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
I've nursed a child while playing wii (no criticism please-it was the only way to get my exercise!)
I've forgotten to buckle a carseat once or twice and only found out when I took the child out.
I've threatened to leave a cranky toddler in the house while I went to the store.
I've let a child out of the house dressed in pants, t-shirt, sandals, a skirt, a toy necklace, mittens and a crown...

More later, my brain is the last thing to recover from pregnancy. The first pregnancy...


  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Honey, we all have stories similar... you aren't alone! I had a daughter that wouldn't leave the house without her snow boots in July! I left her wear them... I too had a car seat that wasn't strapped in properly - didn't realize it until I went to take her and the seat out of the car (it was easier with my son - didn't need the car seats - 11 years between the 2 so the car seat thing was all new to me). As far as nursing while exercising, I'm sure the child didn't mind - did you?... :happy:
  • jawhwilson
    Nursed a baby while diapering two other kids and getting them ready for church.
    Walked away from my 9 yo who's puking cause i was about to puke from watching him.
    Slept on the couch because someone threw up in my bed and I was too tired to deal with it.
  • jarelary4
    jarelary4 Posts: 141 Member
    I too have forgotten to buckle the kids in.
    I have threatened my 5 year old with a call to police to deal with her temper tantrum (listen to high pitch screaming for 1 1/2 hours at a time and you might understand!)
    I have given my 3 year old candy when he woke up whiny and grouchy just to get him to leave me alone.
    I have lost my temper and thrown things when my kids are acting terrible. Great example huh?
    I think I need a massage and some quiet time now!
  • Raphi
    Raphi Posts: 124 Member
    I've nursed a child while playing wii (no criticism please-it was the only way to get my exercise!)
    I've forgotten to buckle a carseat once or twice and only found out when I took the child out.
    I've threatened to leave a cranky toddler in the house while I went to the store.
    I've let a child out of the house dressed in pants, t-shirt, sandals, a skirt, a toy necklace, mittens and a crown...

    More later, my brain is the last thing to recover from pregnancy. The first pregnancy...
    :laugh: just got a mental picture of your kid with her outfit and her crown:laugh: they're all the same, aren't they?!
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    I too have forgotten to buckle the kids in.
    I have threatened my 5 year old with a call to police to deal with her temper tantrum (listen to high pitch screaming for 1 1/2 hours at a time and you might understand!)
    I have given my 3 year old candy when he woke up whiny and grouchy just to get him to leave me alone.
    I have lost my temper and thrown things when my kids are acting terrible. Great example huh?
    I think I need a massage and some quiet time now!

    I would threaten the kids with the police..........But daddy is a police officer. I think something is getting through though. When my 3 year old asked for a tattoo today (I'm getting one on Wednesday and she heard me talking about it) and I explained to her that mommy would get into trouble if she got one, she said "and the police will come and take you away?" It was all I could do not to laugh.

    But I understand how shaken baby happens. I would never shake a baby, but I've had those moments where my daughter has screamed for an hour and a half, and about an hour in, I have to put myself in time out.

    And I totally give my daughter candy in the morning sometimes-especially when she's hit a growth spurt.
    :laugh: just got a mental picture of your kid with her outfit and her crown:laugh: they're all the same, aren't they?!

    I keep picturing adam sandler's big daddy!!!

    My daughter and my son (two months) just hit a growth spurt on Monday. ON THE SAME DAY!!! I know God has a sense of humor now...

    And now she's wearing her little red riding hood costume from halloween!
  • mhesterruns
    I to have had the daughter who woudl not leave the house with out her princess outfit or tutu. People looked at us weaird but hey I wear what I want to the store right? I can porudly say that now she wears things and though it may not match she loves her outfits and stylish things.

    Who hasn't found out when they go to get the child out of the seat that they didn't buckle it right...

    I have tricked my daughter into getting her ears pierces and told her that she wasn;t getting a shot when I knew she was at the doctors. The same daughter I have had to have 4 other people hold down for shots when she was 5 and even last month it took 3 nurses...she is 11!

    I have left the diaper off my baby and let her walk around. When she tooted convinceed my hubby she wasn't going to poop only to have her poop on the floor 3 minutes later...on TWO seperate occasions.

    No matter what I can look at my oldest and remember all the mistakes i made and cute things she did and be amazed at how wonderful she is! I look forward to feeling the same way about my stubborn 22 month old...she is sooo cute but has a temper and is stubborn unlike her older sister but still is wonderful!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member

    But I understand how shaken baby happens. I would never shake a baby, but I've had those moments where my daughter has screamed for an hour and a half, and about an hour in, I have to put myself in time out.

    I use this phrase all the time. My daughter was colic and I had no idea how to deal. I never understood shaken baby syndrome until I had my daughter.

    As far as dressing, we took my daughter to a Christmas boat show thing (all the boats come down the river all light up) and she wore her winter hat from our friend in WAS, a dress, 2 tutus, mittens and rain boots. I swear once she turned two she became a princess and I was not informed!
  • PoisonSugar
    This was just what I needed... lol
    *Left my kid unfastened in a seat belt... When I braked and the car seat flipped up was how I knew (NO she wasn't hurt)
    *Didn't realize my son had slipped out the front door until 30 seconds after he had done so - he was found headed to the back yard.
    *Put a towel over puke in his bed because I didn't feel like changing sheets for the 3rd time in 2 hours.
    *Given him a Fun Dip and a pack of Smarties right before he heads to grandma's house.
  • Raphi
    Raphi Posts: 124 Member
    Oh, the things I'll do to get 5 mins of peace :noway: !!

    Let them play with the remote or the phone¸
    let them empty my hand bag and play with my medical or credit cards
    let them empty a box of kleenex
    let them empty the cuppboards/pantry
    It's amazing how kids can empty things :laugh:
    Oh yeah: let them unroll the toilet paper...
    and thats all I can think of right now... but there is surely more:blushing:

    this is fun!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    My son would had a Hulk costume he wore all the time. He could only wear it at home after while because it got so worn that his but cheeks were hanging out!

    Chicken nuggets for breakfast!

    forgetting to buckle carseats!

    letting them crawl in my bed and then I go sleep in their bed!