Getting in shape at 40


I'm working hard to really get back in shape.
After heaving 2 kids i gained 8 kg. I'm glad I get that ringbell in my head that this was not the way i wanted to be. So i changed my lifestyle. I eat healthy and workout!

Age: 39
Length 5"25 (1.60 cm)
CW: 119 (54 kg)
Goal: to be fit and toned

From 68 kg to 54 kg in 1,5 year
So i lost 14 kg

I am determined to get rid of all my fat on my leggs.
I will get what i want someday soon!!


  • SP2Bfit
    SP2Bfit Posts: 114
    congratulations on what you have achieved! You look great :flowerforyou:
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    you can't just target your legs... spot reduction doesnt work. if you attempt to get leaner you will get rid of fat from all over your body.

    good luck...
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Good on you for making changes that count ...
  • WinwillLose
    Add some muscle onto your legs! Try a weight bearing class, Kettle bell is a great way to sling some weight and gain some muscle. For toning and shaping the legs, my gym has a Tabata class were we do intervals on a step with 2 risers. Not your 1980's step routine.... Last week some cute young thing tried the class for the first time, and spent most of the class gasping for air sitting on her but. Can't get to a class, you can get some DVD's, Jillian Michael's has one.
  • Angelien73
    Angelien73 Posts: 5 Member
    My workouts:
    Bodypump class
    Circuit training cardio and fitness
    I train my whole body, not just one muscle group.