Lose the last 8-10lbs still eat anything?


I hope someone would be so kind to shed some light on this topic.
I am in the midst of losing the last 4kilos (8-9lbs) and it is taking forever and ever.

It is going soo slow that I feel like I will never reach my goal, yet I am so close.
I have relaxed approach to what I eat , meaning I eat anything I like witing my allocated calories.
Like today, all my calories was spent in chocholatecake :)

My question is.. Has anyone lost the last weight while still eating anything the like?

I dont excercise, so please dont suggest that. Hmm. Any tips at all?
I am a bit worried.. Because so far that is the best approach I have used and that is how I lost 19lbs.

Any thoughts on the matter?


  • LivingInPuglia
    LivingInPuglia Posts: 122 Member
    I know you said you don't exercise, but can't you incorporate more walking into your daily routine. I have been doing that, just making sure I walk around a lot more and with more body movement and it's really working for me.
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    I know you said you don't exercise, but can't you incorporate more walking into your daily routine. I have been doing that, just making sure I walk around a lot more and with more body movement and it's really working for me.

    How much walking are we talking about ? :flowerforyou:
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I eat anything I want, BUT in addition to overall calories, I also pay attention to my macros (carb/ protein/ fat). I want to look strong and fit in a bikini. It's not good enough to look good when covered up in cloths. To that end, I lift as heavy as I can, and eat a good amount of protein every day.

    Sooo that means I can still have cheesecake and fries and all that, but I have to do portion control. Which I'm okay with.

    Another thing is, sugary foods aren't very filling for me. 1000 calories of desserts won't even come close to filling me up, and I'll still be hungry after eating it. But 1000 calories of grilled chicken and broccoli? I'll be extremely full before I even finish it.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm down to the last 7 lbs. Weight loss has definitely slowed down. I used to eat 2 or three cheat meals a week...I've had to cut those out to down to maybe 2 or 3 a month, and most weeks I've jacked up the ammount of cardio i do. The diet is what makes the weight go away. You gotta be patient.
  • Dragonldy69
    Dragonldy69 Posts: 368 Member

    My question is.. Has anyone lost the last weight while still eating anything the like?

    I dont excercise, so please dont suggest that. Hmm. Any tips at all?
    I am a bit worried.. Because so far that is the best approach I have used and that is how I lost 19lbs.

    Any thoughts on the matter?

    I have always looked at I eat what I want but I watch how much I eat and what times..I have breakfast,a big lunch and usually a small dinner. I have snacks in between as well.. I try to eat healthy but sometimes don't.. I do execise atleast 3-4 time a week hard and walk everyday..I live life to the fullest and enjoy what I eat and drink..
    Hope this helps:drinker:
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    Bump :glasses:
  • LivingInPuglia
    LivingInPuglia Posts: 122 Member
    I know you said you don't exercise, but can't you incorporate more walking into your daily routine. I have been doing that, just making sure I walk around a lot more and with more body movement and it's really working for me.

    How much walking are we talking about ? :flowerforyou:

    I try to walk 40 minutes, fast pace (4mph) 3 or 4 times a week, usually early morning before the day gets in the way. The rest of the time I do things like park as far away from the supermarket complex, within the parking as possible; when I'm walking around at home I power walk .... take the long route to the laundry line .... in the evening walk about while watching tv, side steps, steps forwards, backwards etc..... it becomes second nature after a while. I don't spend a lot of time on the phone but I saw a tip from someone else who always walks about when they are on the phone.

    When I'm cooking, I have music on and move around as much as possible. All little things but they add up.
  • FitGirl329
    FitGirl329 Posts: 103 Member
    I only had 7-9 pounds to lose to begin with. I was frustrated because it was taking forever. I ended up going to a more low glycemic way of eating which also has me eating every 2-3 hours (smaller meals and snacks) without fail so my blood sugar never drops. I'm never every hungry. I also have a good fibrous carb, protein, and a good fat at every meal and snack. My macros are usually 40%carbs, 30% protein and 30%fat. Lots of veggies and some fruits that are low on the glycemic index. (good carbs: brown rice, quinoa, sweet potato, 100% whole grain or sprouted grain like Ezekiel bread....NO white potatoes or wheat breads...your body processes these the same and raises blood sugar...very high glycemic. Good fats: olive oil, avocado, nuts, natural peanut or almond butters, flax).

    Anyway, I've lost weight consistently, my sugar cravings are gone, my skin is clearer, I sleep and wake better. It's changed my life actually. I wish I'd done this years ago. It requires some prep at the start of the week. It's worth it. I work out and get about 1450-1600 calls avg per day. Most days I have to force some of those calories in which is SO opposite of how it was when I was eating processed stuff with more sugar and artificial sweeteners (I only use pure Stevia as a sweetener now...a good brand, not the big brand commercial ones mixed its chemicals.)

    I know you said you don't want to change a lot. But, you can keep doing things the same way and keep getting the same results or you can try something else that will work. I was spinning my wheels and not going anywhere and was tired of it, my body is changing now and it's great.
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    I suppose I should start eating clean :-)
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    I lost 20 lbs. eating pretty much whatever I wanted but keeping to the TDEE for my goal weight. I am down to the last 3-5 lbs. now and I found that I had to really cut back on the sodium (needed to do that anyway due to family history of HBP). Once I cut back on the sodium and worked hard to drink more water, I dropped about 3 lbs. pretty quickly. I am not too worried about losing the last 3-5. It will eventually come off, and I am pretty much OK with where I am now. 133 vs.153 at 5'4" and from 33% body fat to 26% body fat.
  • TigerLily1973
    We are in the exact same boat! I am at 147 and I am trying to get down to 139 ATLEAST. I originally thought 133-138 but i believe i will be happy w/ 139 :) And yes, those last pounds are SO hard to lose :P I do think the "clean" eating will definitely help! Also, reducing the sugars like a lot of people have suggested... eating more "whole" foods, low on the glycemic index...high fiber, lean proteins. Good luck to you, sweetie! You'll get there!! Oh and try just a nice, brisk 20 minute walk! You'll feel great :)
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    We are in the exact same boat! I am at 147 and I am trying to get down to 139 ATLEAST. I originally thought 133-138 but i believe i will be happy w/ 139 :) And yes, those last pounds are SO hard to lose :P I do think the "clean" eating will definitely help! Also, reducing the sugars like a lot of people have suggested... eating more "whole" foods, low on the glycemic index...high fiber, lean proteins. Good luck to you, sweetie! You'll get there!! Oh and try just a nice, brisk 20 minute walk! You'll feel great :)

    Thank you sweetheart :-)
    Me and you we can do this! My original goal was 61kg (134.5lbs) but made my life a little easier by changing my goal. At least for now. Who knows, it might be my ultimate goal :D
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I eat whatever I want, and I also just walk for exercise. I'm down to 4 lbs from my goal. I am working on making healthier swaps but I don't want to live without chocolate :)
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    Okay thanks to everybody :flowerforyou:
  • TigerLily1973
    We are in the exact same boat! I am at 147 and I am trying to get down to 139 ATLEAST. I originally thought 133-138 but i believe i will be happy w/ 139 :) And yes, those last pounds are SO hard to lose :P I do think the "clean" eating will definitely help! Also, reducing the sugars like a lot of people have suggested... eating more "whole" foods, low on the glycemic index...high fiber, lean proteins. Good luck to you, sweetie! You'll get there!! Oh and try just a nice, brisk 20 minute walk! You'll feel great :)

    Thank you sweetheart :-)
    Me and you we can do this! My original goal was 61kg (134.5lbs) but made my life a little easier by changing my goal. At least for now. Who knows, it might be my ultimate goal :D

    Yep! We can do it!!!!! ;) Thank you :flowerforyou: