I need some buddies. Who's in?

Hiya beautiful people - I'm McRory, but call me Mick. Yes, I'm a girl.

So here's the deal - who wants to be part of a group of people who motivate each-other in a tough-love kinda way (ie. PUT DOWN THAT CUPCAKE, YOU FATASS, AND GIVE ME TWENTY! etc) to lose the weight they're all desperate to lose? Obviously I'm all for it, but who else is in?

Come on people - think of the cute, tiny bikini, the fitness, the look-good-in-anything body, and just add me! xx


  • lauramcfarlane1994
    I need that kind of motivation! Sounds great I'm in!

    I'm 18 with about 20 lbs to eat.. now back away from the cake!
  • ekmoses
    Hi, I am Kay. I am in. What's our plan?:wink:
  • michelle12wbt
    Hi I'm Michelle and count me in!

    I just signed up to do Michelle Bridges 12WBT Challenge and am so nervous about giving up the comforts I have come to rely on so much!!!!

    Mish x
  • sam314159
    I want in too! Maybe I'd be less likely to finish off the other half of this pizza if my food diary was public!
  • sbrosp
    sbrosp Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in! Feel free to add me! :-)
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    McRoryMeg has deactivated their account.
  • Lianne30001
    I'm in. Lianne30001. Add me
  • boopmenow
    boopmenow Posts: 7 Member
    This is exactly what I need! I'm moving the wrong way and definately need some serious pushing. Count me in!
  • arosegeo
    arosegeo Posts: 254 Member
    im in ;)
  • xxloveiswarr
    well she deactivated her account but anyone else feel free to add me =]