Having loose skin = so demotivating

Hi all

Don't usually complain about this but today was a little much. I have lost 80kilograms (176lbs) over the last 7 years and sadly have a lot of loose skin as a result. I am still slightly overweight but I think a lot of the weight is just excess skin, it is very noticeable especially on my legs. Wearing board shorts when I go swimming I feel very very aware of it and self conscious about it. I want to be proud of my achievement and enjoy my body but I feel like I'll never get there because of this loose skin. I don't think I can go out in a bikini, or even wear pants that are shorter than knee height, or short sleeves. And it seems like there's nothing I can do about it other than surgery that I won't be able to afford for a long time. Sometimes when I try to be positive about losing some more weight I almost feel like it's kind of pointless.


  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    I feel you. I've lost 150 odd over 7 years as well, and while my weight is considered "healthy" for my height I could do with losing more fat. I've got tummy apron, batwings, odd thigh skin, my boobs are deflated... Sometimes I look down and feel suicidal. Sometimes, when I run up stairs, you can hear the skin. Ew. 70% of me is marked with stretchmarks from growing and shrinking. And I'm too scared to get surgery.
    I think there is still fat there for me, but a lot of it is skin. I'm hoping if I lower my bodyfat some more and gain more muscle (it's gonna take along time to do both) it'll tighten up a bit, but I don't expect miracles.
    Just... try to remember it's better than carrying a load of unhealthy weight.
  • DCHound
    DCHound Posts: 12
    Whether your skin will bounce back on its own depends on a lot of factors, like age and highest weight, and length of time at highest weight, but primarily on genetics. Over time a lot of peoples' skin will tighten up on its own without surgery but there are things you can do that help. There are a number of vitamins and minerals that will help tighten skin, some simple exercises you can do, and lifting weights is very important. In your case where the skin is on your legs, dry brushing will help a lot as well.

    I actually have done a lot of research on this as I've lost weight - nearly 200 pounds since 2008 - and I compiled all my research into a website (www.firmlooseskin) and a book, Firm Loose Skin, on Amazon in Kindle version (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009MT4588/ref=nosim?tag=firlooski-20&linkCode=sb1&camp=212353&creative=380549) and paperback (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009MT4588/ref=nosim?tag=firlooski-20&linkCode=sb1&camp=212353&creative=380549). You can read a sample of the book on the website.

    Great job on losing weight so far! I know how hard it is myself, but it's totally worth it.