Looking for new friends to help me on my journey!

My name is Mike, and I am 32 years old from CT. I am starting MFP once again, this time for real, with hopes of losing 100lbs by next October 2013! That is my wedding on October 20th and I want to be in shape for me and my fiance and our future. I have tried several diet plans and never reached my goal, only to gain my weight back. I hope that with your help, my motivation, and my goals in mind, I can attain this goal once and for all! I encourage your help, feedback, motivation, advice, etc to help me get there, Thanks and I look forward in doing this voyage with all of you! My username is Mikec1980


  • melbatoast917
    melbatoast917 Posts: 370 Member
    Hi, my name is Jackie. I have been eating well and exercising for 7 months. I have gotten pretty good at this. If you have any questions, need tips, or just need someone to listen, feel free to add me.
  • targetweighless
    targetweighless Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me I'm wanting to loose 100lbs before I turn 30 next year
  • Hi feel free to add me, I have about 100 to lose myself.
  • FourLynne
    FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
    My name is Mike, and I am 32 years old from CT. I am starting MFP once again, this time for real, with hopes of losing 100lbs by next October 2013! That is my wedding on October 20th and I want to be in shape for me and my fiance and our future.

    Hi Mike, I think it is wonderful and congratulations on your upcoming wedding! I am also attending a wedding about the same time frame, but Nov 2013 for our son and his beautiful fiance! I also need to lose about 100lbs and am looking for support, too. Perhaps, we both could cheer each other on towards success! I know you can do it, and probably a lot faster than me. My husband and I live out on the East coast and our family is in the midwest. I would love to go back and surprise them all with a new me! We can do it!
  • Greg3705
    Greg3705 Posts: 122 Member
    Add me, my wife and I have start changing our lifestyle and trying to lose 100 pounds each. We have not chosen a specific diet. We are making better choices and exercising more.
  • mellowadam
    mellowadam Posts: 114 Member
    I'm new to the site as well. At my high weight (300lbs) I had about 100-110 pounds to lose. I lost 90 and got cocky. I have spent the last year and half backsliding over and over. I've only been able to maintain about 60 pounds of my loss so I'm looking to finally break through the 100 pound barrier and live the life I deserve.

    Get the weight off before that wedding!!!! You will be so glad that you did! I wish I would have put my all into it before my wedding. I had a trainer kicking my but but I was still eating crap constantly. I rarely look at my wedding pictures because I am so big in those pictures. Good luck and please add me. I need friends on here too.
  • I'm new to the program as well! Congrats on your upcoming wedding, how exciting! I'm trying to lose about 70 pounds, would love the support too!
  • deedoll76
    deedoll76 Posts: 10 Member
    About 100 to lose here too, and that sounds so scary to me. I'd like to do it in a year. I'm looking for as much support as possible too. Have sent a friend request. And would love to get to know others with similar goals, too!
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    Hi congratulations on starting your journey. I have an initial major goal of 100lbs (because anything more is too scary) I have a goal in mind of may 2014 - my 20th wedding anniversary but I think it will take longer. I definately want to be down by 60-80lb which might be more achievable. I have been using MFP for 3 weeks now and have found great support and encouragement here from the community. Feel free to add me if you like. Starting is hard so congratulations and we are here to help keep you on track and celebrate your success with you.
  • Congrats on joining MFP and on your wedding. You can it!!! Feel free to add me, support is important
  • hi my name is Tonya. im new as well (just started dieting yesterday) so u and anyone else feel free to add me :)