New Start

Hi, my name is Liza. I have been trying to lose weight for a long time, but I am never able to stick to it for more than a week. I am really frustrated. I want to look different by the time Christmas comes. I know I can do this and I am going to start tomorrow. I know I wont be perfect, but I really think I can do much better this time. I could use some encouragement! Thanks everyone!


  • SamanthaFl1
    Just take one day at a time. I just recently started here, and everyone is wonderful. Feel free to add me as a friend.. Ne1 can add me. I like more friends. :)

    Very good motivation, here. Keeps you on track. :)
  • ssb16
    ssb16 Posts: 38 Member
    Great time to start. Have a plan and if required just ask and we are all here to help
  • TanyshaBzs
    TanyshaBzs Posts: 23 Member
    It takes some effort but it's totally worth it. We are all here to help. Feel free to add me (that goes for anyone!!!)
    I know you can do this! :)