no hope for me...

I have been new to all this, diet changes, excercising and such.
I was doing 10 flights of stairs down and up everyday, my treadmill for 5 mins at 5 mph , for a few straight weeks now,
all the sudden i just cant, today and yesterday i lasted 3 minuites give or take on my treadmill at 4.9 mph, and only done stairs once the other day.....

what is wrong with me....

Then i really messed up and had an awful dinner today,and it was way over and put me over in my fat, by negative 19.
i feel hopless and useless and stressed and upset, i just want to lose weight,and im trying but, its just hopeless......


  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    You are not useless. You are doing this to get healthy. Sometimes your body needs a little rest. Don't overdo things. Listen to your body. Give it a couple days and if you still don't feel right, then you should probably consult your doctor and find out if you are receiving the proper nutrition/vitamins/minerals.
    Don't give up!!!!
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    It's not hopeless. Stressful, yes, but not hopeless. I was stuck at the same weight for nearly a month....actually I gained a pound. Now the weight is coming off again. And if I can lose weight after being nearly 300 pounds for over 10 years, then anyone can.
  • hilianka
    hilianka Posts: 1 Member
    Just because you had a bad day or two doesn't mean you should quit! Just accept the fact that you ate a bit too much. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone gets tired. I say that you should take a day or two off, but watch what you eat! Maybe just take a nice stroll around your neighborhood instead of your usual. Keep your head up high, and you'll reach your goals in no time :)
  • ajy1976
    ajy1976 Posts: 8 Member
    We didn't put the weight on in a short time and it shouldn't come off in a short time, not if you want it to stay off. How long have you at it?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    it's just one bad day.. you will have many but you will have more good ones and even more exceptionally good ones

    so pick yourself, keep going and stop feeling sorry for yourself . self pity gets you no where and doesnt burn any calories :smile:
  • Cricket09
    Cricket09 Posts: 41 Member
    I feel for you, but don't give up! Take it slow and steady and definitely go and talk to your doctor. Your body may be telling you something that you shouldn't ignore. I take a Complex B vitamin at about 3pm every day and that really seems to help me with my energy levels. I've heard B12 injections work really well too and they last for weeks. Maybe ask your doctor about that? Sometimes it helps me to log my food BEFORE I eat it. Then I can make nutritional adjustments to stay within my ranges before things go into my mouth. Sometimes I fall off and eat more than I should too, but I'm working on not letting that sabatoge my whole day, or week. Just that one meal and then do better the next one. Good luck to you and don't ever give up. :) You are worth it.
  • redmohca89
    redmohca89 Posts: 130 Member
    Thanks everyone, I know self pity gets nowhere, im not trying to feel sorry for myself, just stressed out i guess, Everyday is like a challenge, what am i gonna eat, wait whats in the calories ? whats in the fat, ? whats too much or too little, Its all just very stressful on top of my already stressed out head. I guess I just break easier than others, all of you who seem to be so strong and motivated.
  • ajy1976
    ajy1976 Posts: 8 Member
    I've been told fat is actually better for you than carbs when losing weight. The reason is how the body metabolizes sugar, which makes up carbs. Carbs are burned first and if you have too much of those, then your body won't metabolize the protein and fat.
    It doesn't mean you're going to get fatter, it is a common mistake for people who are new to nutrition.
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    There is hope, just take a break and then pick yourself up again. You are way ahead of me in the exercise area - if you don't do your usual, just get outside and walk for 30 mins instead. Exercise is exercise! You can do it, girl! Don't give up! We have faith in you!
  • redmohca89
    redmohca89 Posts: 130 Member
    perhaps walking on my treadmill for awhile until im better at running is a good idea, could anyone suggest a walking mph rate? like 2mph or 3 or whichever, and for how long, for a good healthy walk.
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    A comfortable pace for me is 3.2-3.8; but I walk slow because I have nerve damage in one of my legs.... but you can start there. And only walk as long as you are comfortable, until you build yourself up. I believe a good goal is 20-30 minutes.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    perhaps walking on my treadmill for awhile until im better at running is a good idea, could anyone suggest a walking mph rate? like 2mph or 3 or whichever, and for how long, for a good healthy walk.

    when i was JUST starting out, i went by my heart rate. back then it hurt to have my heart rate at 130 or above for over 5 minutes :laugh: so i worked my way up to being able to sustain that for 60 minutes. i think the pace was something like 3.2 or 3.5. i used to be an athlete so at first i was like :sad: but then i was like eff it, if i have to start over then i start over. that's better than doing nothing and i can only get better right?

    as for the food, i think you're over thinking it :smile: just pick stuff in your calorie goal and eat it. i personally think that if someone is constantly worried about what they need to eat and if they are eating too much, then they have more than likely decreased their calories too much
  • redmohca89
    redmohca89 Posts: 130 Member
    thanks for your help. do you do this 7 days a week? or 5 ? or whats best, I hear its good to take rest days but then u also hear its good to not.. I have no idea , If its just walking it cant hurt everyday, right?
  • redmohca89
    redmohca89 Posts: 130 Member
    thanks for that Meshashesha20, I'll keep that in mind. great help .
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    perhaps walking on my treadmill for awhile until im better at running is a good idea, could anyone suggest a walking mph rate? like 2mph or 3 or whichever, and for how long, for a good healthy walk.

    when i was JUST starting out, i went by my heart rate. back then it hurt to have my heart rate at 130 or above for over 5 minutes :laugh: so i worked my way up to being able to sustain that for 60 minutes. i think the pace was something like 3.2 or 3.5. i used to be an athlete so at first i was like :sad: but then i was like eff it, if i have to start over then i start over. that's better than doing nothing and i can only get better right?

    as for the food, i think you're over thinking it :smile: just pick stuff in your calorie goal and eat it. i personally think that if someone is constantly worried about what they need to eat and if they are eating too much, then they have more than likely decreased their calories too much

    This post (and person) is full of awesome!

    Just do what you can manage and try each day (or week) to do just a little more. I know its hard but try not to manage the little detils too much. Too many people (and I have been guilty of this myself) spend so long looking for the 'ideal' way to eat and exercise, when really just getting off your butt and doing ANYTHING is the best option.
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    I always take at least 1 day off to do absolutely nothing. Sometimes that's once a week - other times its once a month. Listen to your body. It will tell you - you just have to listen. I think that is why you are at where you are now, your body was tired and needed a break. I see no problem walking everyday as long as you are not going like 20 miles or something ridulously crazy like that - then that IS exercise and you should treat it as such. I alternate 3 days of cardio and 3 days of strength training; and one free day to either goof off or do whatever exercise I feel like working on (whether that is extra abs or arms, etc...and ONLY that - not a full days workout). But that is my regimen; not everyone will want to do that. :bigsmile:
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    You're not eating enough.... I took a look at your diary, and you've had under 1200 for a few days in a row. Of course you'll be tired and not be able to work out if you don't fuel your body! There is nothing wrong with you---just something wrong with what you're doing to your body. If you're working out, you need to eat your exercise calories. I saw you logged some calories from exercising, but sounds like way less than what you probably actually burned if you're doing the exercises you listed here.

    You won't gain back everything you lost by eating your exercise calories, in fact you'll boost your metabolism and everything will work a lot better. You also won't gain back all you've lost or mess up all your hard work if you have a little extra fat each day. Fat, carbs, protein.... they're not bad for you, they are fuel for your body!

    Check out the Nutrition Diva (google it), she did an article this week about fat, carbs, protein. It will give you a better perspective. Check it out:

    Don't beat yourself up, don't be scared of food. It will help you work out, and it will help you to lose weight if you EAT! :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    thanks for your help. do you do this 7 days a week? or 5 ? or whats best, I hear its good to take rest days but then u also hear its good to not.. I have no idea , If its just walking it cant hurt everyday, right?
    when i first started i did 30 days straight since they say it takes 30 days to start a habit and i wanted to get back into the routine of doing something active at least 5 days a week. it was just walking so i wasnt damaging my joints or anything. it also sometimes took me 90 minutes to finish 60 minutes of walking (because i had to stop ). i was also unemployed so i was made of time, otherwise i would have just stuck to 60 minutes total in the gym.

    but you definitely want to pay attention to how your body feels. any paint in joints you want to pay attention to (i took advil and MSM to help with that).

    now i definitely take rest days (1-2) because my workouts are a lot more intense and i definitely need the days off.

    dont try starting too fast too soon since at first you just want to set up a habit and in order to be successful this should be a lifestyle change rather than something short term. same with your food, get into a habit of logging what you eat (even if it's a pan of brownies) and start coming up with different meal ideas that you can expand on as time goes on.

    and like i said, dont sweat the bad days. you're setting up new habits so it'll be really easy to fall into an old one when you're first starting. just start the next day fresh
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    Bad days are just part of life. This goes with ANYTHING not just working out. Brush it off. You need to ditch the negative attitude because that will be far more damaging to your goal than a single bad day will. Keep your head up and start again tomorrow =)
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    No one on this planet is useless. Ever. Saying it about yourself is giving other people permission to say it about you or others and its not ok.

    And having a hard time or a bad couple days doesn't make it hopeless. The only thing in your post that sounds hopeless is your attitude. You have to believe you can do it or you won't. It isn't gonna be easy, but it'll be worth it. You can totally turn it around if you want it bad enough. These might sound cliche but truer words have never been spoken. Nobody can do it for you. Your strength has to come from within yourself. Diet buddies and support systems are great but at the end of the day it's your blood, sweat, and tears that get the job done. I can give you the sympathy pat on the back "tomorrow is another day" stuff but what you really to hear is that you are WORTHY of making it a better day and no one can tell you that better than yourself. So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and MAKE tomorrow better. Make every day count.