My Knee

i am 48, weigh 311 lbs, and just started walking recently. my right knee is sore.. not to the point of having to take anything, but just sore.. and feels kinda like it wants to hyper extend.. hope thats the right terminology.. if not, if feels like it wants to go backward lol... should i stay off it.. or go slow and steady?


  • Definitely rest it for a few days and see how it goes. It's best to keep taking it slow and maybe invest in a knee brace if the issue continues.
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    You may want to ice it, take an anti-inflammatory, and really watch it. When I first started working out my left knee was sore and it gradually got worse, to the point I couldn't bear weight on it. Soreness can turn to pain if you're not careful. Listen to your body and go easy while your body adapts to you being more active.
  • jcnuebel
    Options the meantime, can you do some exercise in the water?? Since you have made such an effort to get walking, it would be great if you could keep that up. I know if I take some time off, a couple of days turns into weeks. Which is why it is back to the grind TOMORROW. Good luck!!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Take it easy, really check how you are walking, placing your feet, and maybe slow down your pace a bit if it feels as if you are hyper extending....if the pain gets worse some voltaren (anti-inflammatory) might help a bit...

    Another thing is to make sure you walk with a good pair of shows with proper support - personally I use good running shoes even for walking.

    If the pain gets worse see your GP, or a good Physiotherapist - there might be signs of osteo arthritis....
  • UWZander
    Learn how to walk. No offense meant. Go see a physical therapist and ask them how to walk/run. Proper walking form is pretty rare nowadays.
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    I am more than 300 lbs too, and I have been doing water exercises, since it is so much easier on all body least until i can get some of the weight off. You might try it - - it's fun AND when you get sweaty you can just dunk your head in the water to cool off!

    Good luck on your journey!
  • MagicWhispers
    thank you everyone... im sure my knee is just pissed that im actually making it work after practically a 3 year hiatus. It's not bad enough to take anything atm.. i have some naproxin (which is anti-anflamatory), if it gets worse.. i think i will just take it easy a bit... dont push it..and maybe do some work with dumbells and try to get rid of some of these bingo wings.

    @jenny- i know there is a pool at the YMCA here... i'll phone em tomorrow and find out about cost, classes, hours, etc... sounds fun.. thanks for the idea;)
  • Ldysw357
    Ldysw357 Posts: 118 Member
    I took water aerobics for awhile and loved it and yes, it is much easier on your joints. Definitely check into it. :)
  • sabrina32576
    sabrina32576 Posts: 364 Member
    Look up some knee stretches/exercises too. I just finished pt for mine because I did too much too soon. We found out that My knees are very weak and I've been working on strengthening them.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    OP, if you can afford one, look into a recumbent exercise bike. It's a low stress way to strengthen your leg muscles and burn calories without stress on your knees. I do an hour or more daily on mine. My left knee is a hot mess. The medial (side towards the body's midline) has no cartilage left at all. I'm waiting for the approval to have that half of my knee replaced, and wearing an unloader brace in the meantime. Unloader braces push on the good side of the knee and pull on the bad side to create less stress and pain on the bad side.
  • JRobinLee
    You might need to start differently. I would say aquafit and then laps