protein shakes

im curious to see what people think about protein shakes.... it appears to be good for building muscle which in the grand scheme of things will be good for weight loss/fat loss i would assume... so does anyone have any opinions on protein suppliments/shakes etc??


  • CSC00
    CSC00 Posts: 3

    I use a protein shake called Species and its got 0 gms of fat and 0 carbs and its just full of protein and you just add water... It Comes in great flavours im currently having Vanilla Peanut rocks... They say not to use it as a meal replacement, but it just depends, i myself use it to have straight after a workout so by the time i get home i dont eat the whole house lol. AND if u buy a Vanilla type protein powder u can always add in sugar free drinking chocolate, or the bananna flavour or the strawberry flavour and it mixes it up for you so after a month you dont get bored with the one protein powder flavour.
  • bdunt2646
    bdunt2646 Posts: 99 Member
    that seems like a great idea... i saw some cookies n creme one lol... sounded yummy... but so do the ones you listed too....

    has it helped any with weight loss though?
  • bonnieleedy
    bonnieleedy Posts: 3 Member

    I have been using a protein shake every morning since I started MyFitnessPal (about two weeks) and I've lost 5 pounds so far. I use one scoop of whey protein powder, frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries, flax seeds, a banana, and water. It makes two servings (I share this with my hubby) and one serving comes to 240 calories. I look forward to it every morning and am not sick of it so far! I do know you have to be careful what you put in it or you can quickly get the calorie count too high and the weigh loss will stop.

    Good luck!
  • CSC00
    CSC00 Posts: 3
    Yup its been great for me cos the flavour is sooooo good it stops you from snacking
    I am not a big breakfast person so i drink it in the mornings aswell so it can kick of my metabolism and then have brekkie about an hour later. One scoop has 110 calories in it which is awesome, sometimes i have it twice a day and its the best thing for you to have straight after training.

    i recommed definitely having a go, u want something low carbs low fat and high in proitein this will definitely help your weight loss
  • tinad5000
    tinad5000 Posts: 4 Member
    Protein shakes are fine if you are workng out. If you are not at the gym it is not good to give up the food. I put protein poweder in my oatmeal to add protein with my oats. I also add some nuts. I measure everything. calories do add up.
  • bdunt2646
    bdunt2646 Posts: 99 Member
    the whey protein powder i was looking at is to be mixed just with water... im not sure how it will taste lol... hopefully not too bad...ill have to see the calories on it as well cause i wouldnt want it to be the only thing i can have in a day
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You only need protein shakes to supplement your protein requirements that you get from food if you do not get enough that way. All they are is easy and convenient.

    Protein in itself will not build muscle - you need resistance training to do that in addition to the protein. Protein repairs muscles - but they have to be torn first to be repaired (where muscle gain comes from).

    ETA: you do not need to get your protein at any specific time of the day - there is an absorption window of over 24 hours for protein so as long as you get enough each day, you are good.
  • bdunt2646
    bdunt2646 Posts: 99 Member
    You only need protein shakes to supplement your protein requirements that you get from food if you do not get enough that way. All they are is easy and convenient.

    Protein in itself will not build muscle - you need resistance training to do that in addition to the protein. Protein repairs muscles - but they have to be torn first to be repaired (where muscle gain comes from).

    im def aware of how muscles are built... i never intended on using protein shakes as something to build my muscles alone.. i do workout 3-4times a week, and i do not slack at all while im there!!
  • bdunt2646
    bdunt2646 Posts: 99 Member
    Protein shakes are fine if you are workng out. If you are not at the gym it is not good to give up the food. I put protein poweder in my oatmeal to add protein with my oats. I also add some nuts. I measure everything. calories do add up.

    right... i do not intend on useing the shakes as a meal replacement... ive never used protein suppliments before either.... and i measure everything as well :) some things just add up SOO quickly
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You only need protein shakes to supplement your protein requirements that you get from food if you do not get enough that way. All they are is easy and convenient.

    Protein in itself will not build muscle - you need resistance training to do that in addition to the protein. Protein repairs muscles - but they have to be torn first to be repaired (where muscle gain comes from).

    im def aware of how muscles are built... i never intended on using protein shakes as something to build my muscles alone.. i do workout 3-4times a week, and i do not slack at all while im there!!

    Good - you did not mention it and no-one else did so I was just being clear for anyone reading this thread.
  • bdunt2646
    bdunt2646 Posts: 99 Member
    also... being about 100lbs over weight, i need to workout VERY hard to start building my muscles back up, which is why ive become interested in adding some extra protein in my diet
  • CSC00
    CSC00 Posts: 3
    before you buy something ask them for a tester, they iusually have something like a one serve packet that you can take home to try out. I was a bit the same with the whey, u might find that it makes u a bit gassy so shop around before u buy, cos when u do buy those buckets last forever lol and you dont want to be stuck with something that you hate, and lets face it theyre not cheap either, good luck.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    also... being about 100lbs over weight, i need to workout VERY hard to start building my muscles back up, which is why ive become interested in adding some extra protein in my diet

    Actually, you will have a higher LBM that people who are less overweight. You are doing exactly the right thing by trying to preserve as much as possible now. As you lose weight, you automatically lose LBM. One exception are folks who strength train and are significantly overweight.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    the whey protein powder i was looking at is to be mixed just with water... im not sure how it will taste lol... hopefully not too bad...ill have to see the calories on it as well cause i wouldnt want it to be the only thing i can have in a day

    Most protein powders are around 140 calories per serving. They are good to take around your workouts. I don't care much for them in plain water, but they are good blended with some skim milk, and frozen fruit. The fruit will also help get the protein to the muscles, especially high GI fruits like bananas. For a morning pick me up, I like to mix vanilla whey with some crystal light energy. The citrus flavor mixed with vanilla makes a pretty good orange cream shake. It is good with orange, or apple juice too.
  • JosephSB9389
    I drink Whey Chocolate tastes pretty good. I'm not too sure if it does all it promises to as far as building muscle, however what I LOVE about is the help it gives with recovery. I am never sore after a workout if I drink it.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I have always supplemented with protein powder and bars, they are easy to carry about and less hassle than preparing a meal if you are in a rush. They help me up my protein intake and depending on which one(s) you choose, they have varying amounts of carbs, etc. I do mostly strength training, but have found higher ratios of protein to carbs helps me lose excess fat whilst preserving lean mass, during weight loss phases.
  • sghannah12
    I like the sound of this protein shake. Where do you buy the protein whey powder?
  • bdunt2646
    bdunt2646 Posts: 99 Member
    I like the sound of this protein shake. Where do you buy the protein whey powder?

    the kind im going to look into is actually at a walmart.
  • robpetrov
    Just be mindful that there are basically two types of protein powder, a whey isolate and whey concentrate. The concentrate is basically a casein blend ( a 'slow release' protein), whereas the isolate is absorbed at a fast rate. This will cause a insulin spike (basically high GI) which can be beneficial around the time of a workout (especially immediately after). The casein blends are a preferred source of protein for evening meals (unless you workout in the evening), although it has been suggested to consume fats with a whey isolate to slow its absorption, in the absence of a casein type.
    I love low fat cottage cheese as a low GI protein, but keep an eye on the calories.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Just be mindful that there are basically two types of protein powder, a whey isolate and whey concentrate. The concentrate is basically a casein blend ( a 'slow release' protein), whereas the isolate is absorbed at a fast rate.

    no, whey concentrate is still whey protein.

    Casein is something else completely.

    Whey is still very fast absorbing, isolates have just been processed slightly more to remove most, if not all, of the fat, carbs and lactose.