Check out my diary

Sorry not gonna take advice from people that are going to go back a week and criticize me for every little thing when all i asked for was for a review of today....should have known not to ask on here because you people are PERFECT!!!!!! all i wanted was some advice geezzzz


  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    My imput would be to eat less processed food. Processed food=more sodium. :( Also why replace breakfast with SlimFast?
  • theskinnylist
    theskinnylist Posts: 286 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. Your weight loss will be different here and there, but from a cursory glance of your diary, I'd say.

    a) eat less processed foods - I didn't really see any clean foods (raw, etc)
    b) lower your macros for your carbs (perhaps 100-120g per day max, and don't go over)
    c) increase your macros for your protein (double what you're at - at least 100g per day, in my opinion)
    d) try to get 25g of fiber in your macros as well - fiber will give you the feeling of satiety
    b) Try keep your sodium below 2000mg
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I have three suggestions:

    1. Log everyday. I went back 8 days and you didn't log 4 of them.
    2. Less processed foods: You have Mcdonalds a couple times for breakfast and a slimfast shake. If you are short on time try overnight oats.
    3. Calculate your lean body mass and get .8 gram of protein / lb of LBM.
  • ShaGetFit23
    ShaGetFit23 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi I would say add veggies to your diet its ok to eat process food but limit it.
  • LuckyMe381
    LuckyMe381 Posts: 105 Member
    I have three suggestions:

    1. Log everyday. I went back 8 days and you didn't log 4 of them.
    2. Less processed foods: You have Mcdonalds a couple times for breakfast and a slimfast shake. If you are short on time try overnight oats.
    3. Calculate your lean body mass and get .8 gram of protein / lb of LBM.

    I asked for today to be viewed not the past week, yes i know i need to log everyday but that is not what i asked....thank you for your input though
  • s_rouse11
    s_rouse11 Posts: 9 Member
    As mentioned above, you might watch your calories, but they aren't "clean" calories, too much pre-packaged and processed. You should be having a protein and vegetable for every meal, starting with breakfast. Try a whole wheat wrap with 5 egg whites, spinach and feta. Very clean, and you'll be full. Should also try eating every 3 hours. You do have some snacks in there, but it's energy drinks and peanuts (not the healthiest nut choice). Try a piece of fruit and a handful of almonds, or some veggies and hummus. Chicken breast, fish, extra lean turkey/beef, eggs, fruits, veggies, almonds, beans (not fried)....those are the types of foods that will help you lose weight much faster (with the correct portions) and you'll have more energy. Also, water. It's amazing what drinking 3L of water a day will do. Try checking out the nutrition section and recipes of Oxygen Magazine for ideas. It's a women's body building magazine, but they show the types of food you should be eating to lose weight, gain muscle and not feel hungry. Good luck!
  • s_rouse11
    s_rouse11 Posts: 9 Member
    As for today specifically, get some fruits, veggies and water in there!:smile:
  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    One thing I noticed is that going back approx a week, there were days when you only ate 700+ or 800 calories. That's not good. You need more veggies and not the frozen kind. You could probably be better served by cooking some chicken breast and eating stuff like that than hot dogs and mcdonald's breakfasts. Those are all loaded with sodium and fat.
    If you are talking just today, you should eat an apple or a banana and some toast with plain peanut butter... Not the pB with sugar.

    Ultimately, you're not teaching yourself to eat good food; you're teaching yourself to eat only the required calories.
  • LuckyMe381
    LuckyMe381 Posts: 105 Member
    Ok well i can see that I am getting advice from people that don't even want to show their diary so yeah i dont think i will go with what yall are saying...i'll stick to asking people around me or my mfp friends that can show they know what they are talking about
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    You probably won't pay attention to this since my diary can only be viewed by my friends but I'm doing it anyways-

    Since you only want today looked at, I'd suggest if you're going to do tuna, try going for the Starkist - Chunk Light Tuna In Water, it comes in a pouch so you don't have to drain it and it's 80 calories for the whole thing and less sodium (230) than your package (crackers will change it depending on what you get but I've found you get more crackers for the same amount of calories/sodium as the package)

    Try something easy but more filling for breakfast like eggs-if you take that and cheese (I usually use Laughing Cow wedges cause they're about 35-50 calories per wedge depending on which you get) and put it in the microwave for 60 seconds, you have scrambled eggs.

    Veggies are always good and for me, feeling. Send me a friend request if you want some more ideas
  • theskinnylist
    theskinnylist Posts: 286 Member
    Ok well i can see that I am getting advice from people that don't even want to show their diary so yeah i dont think i will go with what yall are saying...i'll stick to asking people around me or my mfp friends that can show they know what they are talking about
    I'd like to think I gave you some pretty sound advice - regardless of my own diary. Good luck on your journey.
  • TheSink
    TheSink Posts: 97 Member
    Ok well i can see that I am getting advice from people that don't even want to show their diary so yeah i dont think i will go with what yall are saying...i'll stick to asking people around me or my mfp friends that can show they know what they are talking about

    Not being able to see your diary any longer (probably a good choice), I'm going to guess your diary for today included a heaping spoonful of crabby, a side of cranky, and for a drink, w(h)ine.
  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    >>all i wanted was some advice <<
    And that's what we gave you.
    You didn't ask to look at our diaries, that is a different question.

    >>i can see that I am getting advice from people that don't even want to show their diary <<
    A cardiologist I knew used to eat one Dove Chocolate Ice Cream bar every day. It didn't mean he would prescibe this to his heart patients. They came to him asking for help and advice. They didn't ask what *he* regularly ate.
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    Ok well i can see that I am getting advice from people that don't even want to show their diary so yeah i dont think i will go with what yall are saying...i'll stick to asking people around me or my mfp friends that can show they know what they are talking about

    My diary is open to the public and I'm far from perfect, but know what's worked and hasn't worked for me. I've lost 32 lbs since July following what advise I gave you. Expect constructive criticism on MFP. Its only going to help you, not hurt you. :)
  • LuckyMe381
    LuckyMe381 Posts: 105 Member
    Ok well i can see that I am getting advice from people that don't even want to show their diary so yeah i dont think i will go with what yall are saying...i'll stick to asking people around me or my mfp friends that can show they know what they are talking about

    Not being able to see your diary any longer (probably a good choice), I'm going to guess your diary for today included a heaping spoonful of crabby, a side of cranky, and for a drink, w(h)ine.

    Lol that was good....deff got a laugh out of me......
  • LuckyMe381
    LuckyMe381 Posts: 105 Member
    Ok you know what...i would like to apoligize for my "blow up" it was not meant for everyone that replied...i just get sick and tired of everytime i ask for advise, suggestions or anything you always have these people that have to criticize. I have lost weight just fine with the way i am eating (20lbs)...if i want to replace my breakfast with a slimfast because i am running late...then whatever....give suggestions or advice don't criticize over it...
  • Keltinator
    Isn't advice just a subtle, nicer form of criticism?
  • LuckyMe381
    LuckyMe381 Posts: 105 Member
    Isn't advice just a subtle, nicer form of criticism? not really...not when the advice is being asked for
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    Ok you know what...i would like to apoligize for my "blow up" it was not meant for everyone that replied...i just get sick and tired of everytime i ask for advise, suggestions or anything you always have these people that have to criticize. I have lost weight just fine with the way i am eating (20lbs)...if i want to replace my breakfast with a slimfast because i am running late...then whatever....give suggestions or advice don't criticize over it...

    In my defense, like you said, you told us just to comment on today's diary. Without looking back at other days and just focusing on today there would be no indication to me that you do or don't drink SlimFast everyday. Hence why I mentioned it initially. So yeah, if it's only a "I'm running late" meal then I get that :)
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ok you know what...i would like to apoligize for my "blow up" it was not meant for everyone that replied...i just get sick and tired of everytime i ask for advise, suggestions or anything you always have these people that have to criticize. I have lost weight just fine with the way i am eating (20lbs)...if i want to replace my breakfast with a slimfast because i am running late...then whatever....give suggestions or advice don't criticize over it...

    HTFU or don't ask for advice. Everyone tried to help. Good luck.