Why is it....

that when you dont like something... but when you cannot have it... that is when you want it ... the most.


Friend has snickers bar... I dont even like candy... but just the smell made my taste buds say... I really wish I could have that... give that to me NOW!!!!!!! Ha Ha... I didnt even go there... I was a good girl. Dont even like chocolate or sweets... Now, if it were a freshly baked roll with butter... We would probably be fighting... :)

Hope everyone is having a great day, would love to have ya on my team... if you are not already there. :)

This place ROCKS... You all ROCK!!! :)


  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    I'm already there.....

    I know what you mean though.....I never noticed how much my wifey eats candy and carmel snickers until I got on my health kick....now I think she does it on purpose!! lol
  • SamanthaFl1
    Every once in a blue moon.. when I want a treat.. I take fat free cool whip... and put a few spoonfuls on a cookie sheet. I put an almond in the middle ... and put them in the freezer... until frozen... then drizzle a little hersheys chocolate syrup (Fat free kind)... on top... and throw it back in the freezer until it hardens. Instant Bon Bons. :)