hello all!

Hello everyone.
A little bit about my self:

21 female
Senior in college
currently 159lbs. 5"6

Goal weight : 140
Signed up for the Pittsburgh Half Marathon May 6th

I was an avid myfitness pal user this past summer and did excellent with it! I lost about 10lbs give or take and was in much better shape then I am in now. When I got back to school everything and then some went straight out the window just like I had expected but hoped it wouldnt.

I actually decided to delete my old account, start completely fresh with new friends and new goals. I signed myself up for the half marathon after I went through some tough times earlier this past month as a way to get me back on track and give me something to look forward too. I would love love love to have some friends who are supportive, perhaps doing their FIRST half marathon this year too, are currently on the Couch to 5k program (which i started again today), have some of the same measurements as myself, are college students, etc. I am also an avid user of jillian michaels!

Okay nice to meet you all, I look forward to this journey!:smile:


  • caldon4523
    caldon4523 Posts: 227 Member
    Hi ddr,

    Welcome aboard. I see no one has posted anything. I ran in the Columbus Marathon yesterday. I did the half in 2.03.35, a PR for me. I was the last to cross the start line. With 18,000 runners took 21 minutes to get there. I proceeded to pass over half the field and finished 57% ahead of the group. Not bad considering only about 10 folks passed me at one time or another. The last 5 miles I averaged about an 8 minute mile. So my time could have been better but for the first 8 miles or so I keep having to weave in and out of the slow runners and walkers.

    My next long race will probably be the Flying Pig in Cincinnati in May. I'll do the half again. I really enjoy running the half. I've ran 5 marathons and they kill me.

    I'm also looking for running friends. I'm purging my old friends who moan and complain about losing weight. I'm looking for runners (I'm a slow runner, by the way) who want to get out there and just go for the glory. Friend me if you like. Oh, and post a pic so I don't confuse you with the other blue avatars out there.
  • That's so great, I was an avid MFP user until I fell off the wagon for a while. But that's actually one of my goals to run a 5k, I just need to really get in shape first.