New member sayin' hello!

Hi There...I just joined yesterday as a way to track my food intake. I've been working on many different fitness goals and strategies to try to lose just a few pounds but have not been successful...this has been going on for years!! It's time to get serious! Any support you could send my way would be great, and I'll do the same for you...thanks!


  • TwentyTen
    Hi Anita.

    Glad you can join us. Together with the tools, and the wonderful supportive people here, I am sure you will have success.
    Just stick with us. You can do this!
  • Heather2346
    Welcome :) .. you are taking a great step in helping yourself. I also just joined this site so i could log better... I've been living over weight for to long!! Reading all the blogs are helping me, i need motivation!
  • Anita68
    Thanks for the support! :)