Theatre :)

OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
So who's into the theatre? Do you act or do backstage? Direct perhaps?

Are you an avid theatregoer? What are you favourite shows?

I'm an amateur actor, I do a pantomime every year, I take a lot of character parts in musicals (I'm not built like a lead) and I do a lot of plays I prefer Shakespeare and comedy.......

Let's hear about you!


  • Kap10
    Kap10 Posts: 229 Member
    I love going to the Theatre, but it has become so expensive in recent years. I love musicals with Chicago being right up there, nothing to do with lots of stockinged women really! My fav is the cult musical The Rocky Horror Show, funnily enough lots of stockings on stage and in the audience there .. I feel a theme developing
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    I cannot act for anything, but I have real respect for people who can and do it well. I wish I was more of an avid theatre goer, but I do try to go once in awhile. Shakespeare is my favorite to watch.
  • Aww, you're so cute, Olly! I actually love the theater but I hardly ever get the chance to go these days. I haven't been in forever but I used to go to see Shakespeare plays all the time with my grandpa. My first one was The Merry Wives of Windsor and I was hooked! :) I really can't decide my favorite but I really love seeing A Midsummer Night's Dream. It could easily be my fav. I've seen it at least 4 times and it's so different every time. I love musicals but sadly have only seen the film versions but I've seen all the classics at that and well, you know I love comedy! I'm very interested in this panto. We don't really have that here. I think I would like it though. I love British humor- I always have. :) I used to stay up late as a kid and watch all the old BBC reruns on PBS. They were my favorite. Does Mr. Bean count as panto? Hahaha! Anyway, I wish I could see more theater productions. xx
  • I love going to the Theatre, but it has become so expensive in recent years. I love musicals with Chicago being right up there, nothing to do with lots of stockinged women really! My fav is the cult musical The Rocky Horror Show, funnily enough lots of stockings on stage and in the audience there .. I feel a theme developing

    I LURVE Rocky Horror! Going for the 4th time next year!! :happy:
  • I'm an actor by trade, and part of my motivation to lose weight is for a role I'm hoping to film next year.

    But as for Theatre, anyone here heard of the Globe Theatre?I've performed there. Twice. I was Benedict in Much Ado About Nothing, and Caliban in the Tempest.

    I also directed a Comedy version of Romeo and Juliet set in the Wild West that was performed at the Globe and in Brighton
  • glengiles
    glengiles Posts: 147
    I have a BA and an MFA in Theatre. Met my wife in undergrad and she has the same education however my graduate degree was in Technical Production and Management and hers is in Directing. I left the field back in the 90's; got fed up with it. She's still in it and all our kids are in it. Some families are soccer families or baseball, etc. We're a Theatre family. Multiple shows, rehearsals, performances, etc. Our oldest is a senior this year and is applying to universities for a BFA in Acting degree. He could make more money doing just about anything else, but it's what he wants to do.

    Acting is fun and a lot of work if you're doing it right. I've had good and bad experiences doing it. Playing to a packed house and standing ovations every night is a lifetime thrill. Playing to a house that has fewer people in the seats than on stage is no fun at all.
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    Theatre student here :)
  • LadySylvanas
    LadySylvanas Posts: 133 Member
    I'm into opera if that counts :bigsmile:
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    I'm into opera if that counts :bigsmile:

    sure it does....i'm a wagner and Puccini man myself :)
  • Looooove theatre.

    I love watching it, love being a part of it, love every single thing about it. I have done some acting, but I am mostly a backstage person. I am a stage manager mostly right now, but I want to eventually get started in costume design (unfortunately, my school only offers a costume construction class and not a design class. Loved the construction class though because sewing is one of my favourite things in the world to do, so being able to get a grade for something I love to do? Awesome!)

    I just got back from New York City and sew Peter and the Starcatcher for a second time, and it was just as magical and still one of the best things I've ever seen on a stage and I highly recommend everyone to see it before it closes in January. I also saw Newsies on Sunday, which was a lot of fun!
  • rhvandan
    rhvandan Posts: 185
    I was a theater major. I mostly enjoyed backstage stuff. Props especially, but scene design and staging were fun too. I also loved acting, but I was too shy to ever do much of it. Part of my "list of things to do when my kids aren't such life and money sucking leeches" thing is to give up the 40 hour cubicle week and work on getting back into TV and/or Theater. I would also LOVE to do voiceovers. Took several workshops and enjoyed it immensely.

    Also was a Renaissance Faire actress for 3 years. Heavy into the So Cal circut. Seahawks/Port of the Black Sail anyone?

  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    Theatre was my first major in college, and I still love it, but have wandered off the theatre path in order to pay the bills, hah. Nowadays, I get my acting fix by working with Renaissance Festivals and related activities. I'm also in the training dept at my company, so having a theatre background has helped me rock the whole stand-up-and-present-to-a-crowd thing. Funny how many areas of your life theatre can impact. :drinker:
  • melelana
    melelana Posts: 122 Member
    I love theatre! I'm an actor mostly, but I'm also the artistic director at a children's program. When I was really active in the preforming end of theatre, is was my main exercise program, as I did a lot of dancing and physical comedy (pantomime clowning type things,) and so between conditioning, rehearsals, and performance, I really didn't need to work out! lol

    But yeah, I've gotten older and now with the Shakespeare and the backstage work, I've packed on some chub :P

    I sense a group forming... what do you guys say we form a theatre group on MFP?
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I was a theater geek in high school. Wish there was community theater around where I live. It would be neat to do it again.
  • Yaaaaayyyy theatre people!!!! I've done some, I'm an amateur actor and student trying to squeeze in shows when I can. ;) I've done lots of Victorian age shows, some of my favorites including The Matchmaker and Quality Street. You Can't Take It With You was A LOT of fun! I've done smaller shows and silly shows but its an amazing life for sure. Performed Jimmy Shine my last year in CO then moved out here and my most recent show was Rozencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, which was a FANTASTIC show, love it or hate it apparently, but I feel my director did a BAD *kitten* job at making it brilliant. ;) I prefer being on stage but if I feel otherwise creatively inclined I will do backstage-ness.

    I used to be able to sing. NOT SO MUCH ANYMORE!!! And I've never been able to dance haha. Two words: CABARET AUDITION. SO funny. Though I would kill to be in a musical such as that or Rock of Ages. Love most musicals, opera, classic and abstract theater, I love it all. :) YAY!
  • FabMrFox
    FabMrFox Posts: 259 Member
    uuuhhggg Thesbians