today was the first day!

Wooooo, ive finally decided to do something about my weight and today with the help of Slim Fast was the first day.....hopefully i will find enough time in the day to make sure i can continue this!!!:happy:


  • Lady_C_the_1st
    Good for you! I hope you manage to lose the weight you want to and stick with it. :) xx
  • Mommabee
    Mommabee Posts: 103
    Congratulations!!! We all started with that first day! You CAN and you WILL find the time to be healthy, the alternative is to terrible to even think about. Stick with it, keep at it, start again when you fall down, you will succeed.
    We are all here for you!
  • LosingLori
    Today is my first day too!!!! Let's kick some butt!!!!
  • weezy8150
    2 yrs ago slimfast/kmart did an incredible weight loss challenge...24,000 participated, and in 12 wks, there were only 2300 still in the had to lose 2 lbs every 2 wks to stay in...most of us lost 3 lbs per wk....I lost 34 in the 12 wks. There were huge prizes and cash for incentive, which became our focus to stay motivated. It was the first time for me ever losing that much weight....but it is doable if you stay motivated. There were only 5 winners nationwide of the huge prizes, and after the challenge, I returned to eating foods I love, fried, sugar, alcohol, and 1 lb a week am beginning to follow what I learned from that experience again ...joined WW this week, and am getting re-motivated. I had to find a goal for my focus, so planned a trip to see my son in southern CA 7 wks from now. Maybe, you could plan a trip for a day or weekend to get new clothes several wks from now....or an event coming up that you can keep in mind as your motivation for sticking to it. I know now I cannot return to my original eating, and need WW meetings to keep me on track, and a weigh in to keep me devoted each week. I'm new to this site, but it looks a lot like what we had in our slimfast challenge. The meal bars are awesome....there is a chocolate almond meal bar that is just like eating a brownie !! And it is all nutritious. Good Luck.
  • johnmcfarm
    Congratulations! All journeys begin with the first step, which can be the most difficult to make. Now, just take another step and another and enjoy the journey. Before you know it you will arrive at your destination a new person!