60lbs down and going strong!

Hi! I am looking for an online support system. My husband and parents have been super wonderful since I started losing weight in March, but I am looking for people that struggle with the same things that I do. I a 30 year old semi-newlywed with fibromylagia and neck,back and knee trouble. I was sick of feeling like a victim, so I started helping myself, albeit completely by accident! I would love to get to know some of you wonderful people!!!!


  • bet3120
    bet3120 Posts: 125
    welcome to this journey you can add me :)
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    I don't have the same health problems but I would be more than happy for you to add me. I started at 271lbs, have pcos and insulin resistance and have lost 30lbs since August this year.
  • BarbraJean82
    So far I have notice a MAJOR improvement in the way my body react to my fibro triggers. I love that so much! I am able to do so much more :)

    As far as mini-frustrations go, right now the extra skin is getting me down. I look thinner, but my tummy and arms sag. I am doing some lower body stuff and working my arms as well, it just cant happen soon enough, lol!

    I just wish my body would pick a size of clothing that would work. In March, I was a 24/26...now I am floating between an 18/16. 18s are HUGE on my and 16s dont look right yet. Any advice on clothes while your body is in transition??? I would love to hear other peoples solutions!
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    I have several pairs of plain black yoga style joggers. With a longer top that covers the waist band they're fine for work and they're comfy plus the drawstring waist adapts as I do.

    I'm currently a small 20, big 18 so a bit middle groundy too and everything is just a little bit too big or a little bit too small but hey it's better than being a size 22!

    I can't see from your profile if you're in the UK or not but if you are Asda do plain black joggers for £6, I've bought a pair in pretty much every size and when one gets too baggy I stick it in a 'Donate' pile and move onto a smaller pair.

    I've heard the extra skin can take a while to firm up, it took years to get like that so it's fair enough that it takes a while to fix :D The tips I have read and that I'm following are:

    Dry body brush to improve circulation
    Lots of water
    Multi vitamin for women that has all the good stuff like vit E and oils and such like in.
  • BarbraJean82
    Sadly, I am not from the UK, but i appreciate the advice! I live in the US, just outside of Nashville, TN