5'6'' - 140 lbs



  • jogo8995
    jogo8995 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi! I'm about 140 (139 at last check) and wanted to check in...just remember that if your goal is to lose fat that is not exactly the same thing as losing weight. You could lose 10 lbs and still have more stomach fat than you would like if you lose muscle along with fat in that 10 lbs.

    I would still like to (eventually) get to a lower weight but my first goal is athletic performance followed by fat loss. I've found looking at it like that has helped me. Most people wouldn't guess I weigh in around 140-145.

    Hi! What she says is right. I may just have to ditch the scale all together. I am 5'6" 143 lbs and fifty years old. I started with walking in August but added some strength training with Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred group in October. My body is firming and changing in some great ways but the scale hasn't budged in a month. I am eating smarter and healthier than ever with a reasonable 250- 300 daily calorie deficit. I am trying to give up on my scale and trust my mirror. Even measurements have not really changed but I am starting to think a firm toned body is the way to go and ignore the numbers.
  • SkippyKay
    SkippyKay Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5"5' and I'm currently 136. I was 145 a couple of months ago. I'm trying to get down to 124 by Christmas. I'm doing the Christmas challenge on here with a few other women, to try to lose a stone before Christmas. If you want to join in too, just add me and I'll send you the link.
  • mburger84
    mburger84 Posts: 19 Member
    Im 5'5' and about 139 lbs. Ill add you
  • Starzy696
    Starzy696 Posts: 133 Member
    I just started MFP about 4 days ago because I was starting to put weight on due to an inactive lifestyle. My perfect weight range is about 125-130 and around a size 6. Right now I am hovering around 140 and a size8/9. I notice a lot of stomach fat. My goal is to be where I want by Christmas this year, so just over 2 months to lose 10-15 lbs.

    Is there anyone around my stats who has just started that would like to compare progress? I am doing this with my sister but she is like 5'1'' and it is hard to compare my progress to hers because of different body types.

    I am 5'-6", 142 lbs and a size 2. I honestly am trying to get to the ideal weight of 135, but am starting to wonder if that is realistic. You can add me if you want and I can motivate you!
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    I'd literally KILL to be 5'6" and 140 right now. I'd kill to be 5'6"... :)

    I know this doesn't answer your original post, but maybe it helps you keep some perspective??? :wink:
  • al369
    al369 Posts: 170 Member
    5'6 and 158 right now. Down from 176. Size 8-10 at the moment. My goal is to get to 145 and reevaluate after that. I may decide 130-135 is ideal then.

    I'd like to have someone who is a similar size/height among my friends!
  • al369
    al369 Posts: 170 Member
    I'd literally KILL to be 5'6" and 140 right now. I'd kill to be 5'6"... :)

    I know this doesn't answer your original post, but maybe it helps you keep some perspective??? :wink:

    ha. Yeah. It's weird to see someone list your goal weight as their "fat" weight. :D But 140 is a little higher on the normal BMI range for 5'6.
  • Hey! I'm 5'7" and 139lbs. I would like to be down to 130lbs by Christmas. I've been exercising everyday and doing a lot more strength training and am noticing results (I started around 146lbs) and now I am obviously much more toned.

    Anyone feel free to add me!:)
  • HeatherWestgate
    HeatherWestgate Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5.6" and was about 150lbs. My goal was to lose about 20lbs and be down to 130. I decided to focus on losing body fat instead of just weight. After 6 months of keeping track of my calories and a lot of strength training I only lost 12lbs but my body fat percentage went from 30% to 18% and I've gone from a size 10 to a size 4.
    Don't worry about the scale too much!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I'm 5.6" and was about 150lbs. My goal was to lose about 20lbs and be down to 130. I decided to focus on losing body fat instead of just weight. After 6 months of keeping track of my calories and a lot of strength training I only lost 12lbs but my body fat percentage went from 30% to 18% and I've gone from a size 10 to a size 4.
    Don't worry about the scale too much!

    This is a great attitude. Check this out: http://www.leighpeele.com/body-fat-pictures-and-percentages

    Your goal is probably to look a certain way, right? Then focus on body fat percentage.