Plateau, stuck at 160 lbs! HELP!

becky23 Posts: 60
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello all,

So here is my story. Back in November I weighed 180lbs. Since then I have lost 19lbs with diet and excercise. My routines consist of high impact circuit training, runnning, and lifting weights everyday. I burn around 300cals with the exercise. As far as my eating goes, I eat good protein; whey, chicken, fish, with every meal. Add both vegetables, fruit and a healthy fat (avocado, nuts, peanut butter) with every meal. I have realized I've only been eating around 900 cals a day and try my best to get up to 1200 most days, but I do get pretty full before I can finish my meals.

My problem is that I have been stuck at 160lbs the past 4:sad: weeks. I'm not losing pounds or inches, I'm also not gaining.

What is going on? What should I change? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!


  • I wish I had an answer for you, I've been stuck at 160 for 2 weeks myself. Not gaining, not losing. I'm hoping that by exceeding my calorie goal for a few days and adding in another 300ish calories of working out will jump start things again.

    Best of luck to you!
  • treisch
    treisch Posts: 13
    Make sure you are eating enough calories... are you eating the calories MFP tells you to (and eating your exercise calories?) If you are not your body thinks you are starving it and will not let you lose any weight.... "starvation mode"!
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    Your body is probably used to what you've been feeding it and what you are doing to workout. Change it up and try to boost every fourth day. You have to be consistent with the boosting. Track it under notes on your food diary. Boosting is doubling up on your protein or carbs during one meal every fourth day. It's tricks your body. I'll double up on protein for lunch one day and then the next time double up on carbs for dinner. Changing your workout routine can help as well. If you do the treadmill now, change to the elliptical or vice versa. Let us know how you are doing! Christine
  • abursey1
    abursey1 Posts: 36
    What I have heard do is to switch up your work out. I understand you do a lot of different work outs, but maybe you should try to pick up a different exercise. I just know that when you plateau, the experts suggest trying to switch things up. From my understanding, you plateau because your body is getting use to the way you eating, exercising,etc...It's normal for people to hit a plateau after dieting and exercise, it's just hard to break it. Sorry I couldn't be more help :)
  • hijduk
    hijduk Posts: 8
    try and change something in your diet or exercise. stop eating something that you eat every day. in a couple of days put it back in your diet. this will kick start your metabolism. if you do something everyday your body gets used to it and expects it. switch it up and trick your body into thinking something new is being added or subtracted. if you exercise everyday stop for one or two days and then go back. hope this helps.
  • flrelady
    flrelady Posts: 10 Member
    I have hit a plateau as well. I have lost 11 pds, but they go up and down 1-3 pds every week. I am stuck at 166 and did see it go down by a half pound twice. Then I go back up to 166 a pound or less. This is been going on for a month now. But still staying focus and trying to figure a way to break it. I don't want to keep adding more exercise because of time constraints. I do have a routine and so I am trying to shake it up by doing and eating differently for the week.
  • becky23
    becky23 Posts: 60
    I do a HUGE variety of workouts to switch it up every week. A week after I noticed I didn't lose anything I bought some new workout DVDs by Jillian Micheals. Longer, tougher workouts. THey make me feel great and strong. I also try to run when it's nice out. (30 degrees and above)

    I think it's my diet that I struggle with the most. I don't think I'm eating enough but I get nervous that I might gain some weight if I add more calories. Here is what I eat in a normal day...

    1 TBs natural peanut butter
    1/2 banana
    1 scoop whey protein
    8oz skim milk

    salad with
    3 oz grilled chicken breast
    2 oz low fat cottage cheese
    2 Tbs salsa
    sprinkle black beans
    yoplait light yogurt

    string cheese and apple
    peanut butter and apple

    (handful of mixed nuts between meals if I'm hungry)

    4oz. grilled chicken breast or fish
    1/2 c sweet potato or whole wheat bread
    1 cup steamed vegies

    What can I change? WHat should I add or take away? I figure I eat between 1200 and 1300 a day. My recommended cal intake is 1460. What should I add to my diet?
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I wonder if you couldn't eat more fruit, and maybe cut out some proteins (just throwing out an idea here) to make yourself eat more often, and be less full at each meal to get to your 1200 (and then 1500 with exercise) calories in. But I agree with everyone else - eat your calories and keep plugging away. And don't forget to search the community for other plateau ideas.

    Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Don't worry i was stuck there too , now i'm 159.2,................It is hard to get out of the decades for sure!! Keep it up!!!

    I started to limit bananas and cheese ...............try a new exercise.
  • ritagr
    ritagr Posts: 7 Member
    It's simple - eat more. 900 calories is not enough. Take a day off exercise occasionally to have a rest.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    You are not eating enough. You should be eating 1500 calories a day 1200 +300 exercise calories.

    Here's some reading.

    Need to read threads regarding eating exercise calories and link 700 calories and not losing.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Eat more.
  • becky23
    becky23 Posts: 60
    So, If I need 1450 calories (according to my BMR) and burn 300 calories in my workout I should be eating 1750 calories that day? WOW, I'm surprised!

    Does this mean I shouldn't be working out like I do everyday? My legs kill me by the end of the week! lol! I am on my feet for 8 hours at work starting at 6am and come home and workout.

    What about how often I should be eating? I heard every 4 hours is best, then I hear every 3 or every 2? What about eating before bed? Does that matter?
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I think you should up your calories, and if I were you , I would eat some more for breakfast. try adding some steel cut oatmeal. it doesnt seem like you are having enough there.

    as for working out, I workout 5 x a week, and burn at least 500 each time, I do weights 4 x a week, ( with cardio )and a long run on the 5 day . I dont think your working out too much, I wouldnt worry about that, and you said you do many different things, but you can always switch it up if you want!

    Eat more give that a try! dont give up!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    If your legs hurt, maybe give yourself a day or two rest from your workout. You also may try just having a cheat day or two and then get right back to it. Sometimes taking in alot of calories for one day will rev up my metabolism and make it easier to lose the next week.
  • Baerlin
    Baerlin Posts: 14
    all the above!!! mix everything up.
    Change your work-out routine "backwards",
    eat dinner for breakfast etc...
    add a little extra to you work-out, even if it is 10-15 min longer. Get ideas from youtube. They have 10 min exercise ideas, add them every other day. Good luck and do not give up!!

  • becky23
    becky23 Posts: 60
    So I ate pasta for the first time in a long time last night. WHole wheat of course! I feel soooo bloaded today. This will be really hard adding in carbs and calories. Ugh!
  • becky23
    becky23 Posts: 60
    Ok so here's my question...

    If I start eating my recommended amount of calories (1700) how much weight gain should I see for how long? Adding on 500 calories is a lot for me and I hear when you add on calories after not eating enough, you gain weight. What if I gain a lot? Do I back off on the calories?

    btw, this question is just about eating, not excerise, that, I know what to do with.
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    I was really frustrated with my current plateau at 180 until my sister reminded me that my last plateau was 195 - did I want to be back there??? Sometimes progress is agonizingly slow, but my sis reminded me that if I give up, I just have to cover ground I already have been over.

    That said, I personally make sure to get my proteins for sure, (healthy) fats next, and figure the carbs come on their own - so I don't worry too much about them. Also, I don't eat carbs after dinner (yogurt, nuts, cottage cheese, tuna salad, cheese if I need a snack).

    Also - thank you to whomever suggested upping your water intake. I totally don't drink enough as it is, but am inspired to do so now as a catalyst toward breaking my plateau!

    There have been alot of good reasonable recommendations made - something's gotta give!!!

    Thank you MFP members!!
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