Orbit Addict

ReRe21 Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I just began an account on this site a little over a week ago and I've already been complemented by people who don't even know I'm doing this, so that's pretty much my motivation to stay on track since I usually fall off after a month. recently I've been chewing orbit gum to keep from eating all day, I can literately chew the same piece for hours on end without spitting it out. I've been feeling like I'm trying to quite smoking and is chewing Nicolette. Between water and gum I'm making it but I feel dependent on gum and it's sad, does anyone know a solution or am I just out of luck? I feel like I'm alone on this one.


  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I'm not sure it's that much of a problem. Does it have lots of sugar in it? Or are you just afraid if you quit Orbit, you'll eat everything in sight?!

    If it's the later, you can just switch it to healthy snacks. I eat loads of stuff during the day (especially at the office), so if you're looking for alternatives, green and red peppers and carrots do it for me. Plus you get in your servings of veggies by eating them!
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I'm a big fan of Orbit White:heart: ... chew it all the time - but then again, I've always been a big gum chewer:bigsmile: ... It's the only gum I'll chew... you'll find a box in my Jeep, by the computer, in the kitchen and in my jacket pockt... have to have it... almost as bad as having to have my smokes... :laugh: So, unless your orthodontist tells you to leave it alone... is there a problem with chewing it?
  • RJFarr
    RJFarr Posts: 10
    I'm pretty new to this site as well, and you've actually given me a way to lay off the munchies! thanks. I'll be chewing gum this week.
    But also like the other person said, veggies cut up are a great alternative.
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    i am also a gum addict. however my addiction is Stride gum. i am currently attempting to wean myself off of it and i'm doing pretty well. at first, i would use gum to ward off temptations at social events and as a way to curb my hunger before meal time. but now i am trying to train myself to stay away from food without it. the reason why i am stopping my addiction is because of the sugar substitutes and chemicals used in gum. the thought of all that aspertame and other crap accumulating inside me is enough for me to stay away from it. i have one more pack left. after i finish that, hopefully i won't have to buy any anymore (maybe at least stop having to buy it in bulk.) :laugh:
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