Taking Control

Hi! Not really sure where to begin; I know you all don't need my life story...Bottom line, I got lazy in high school and college, ate to avoid dealing with stress, and paid the price. I have finally gotten to a place emotionally where I can take control of my body and my life and have lost 27 lbs since June. I joined MFP in September and it has been so helpful keeping me focused on cutting calories and working out!
I bought some new clothes to show off my new body and everyone at work was raving about how great I looked. :) It made me feel so proud of myself, but the problem is that now I am faltering. Because I've lost a bunch of weight, I am so tempted to go back to the comfort food but I don't want to relapse into those bad habits. I still have about 20lbs to go to reach my ideal weight (5'8', 145-150lbs). I'm hoping that interacting with the community here will help me stay on track. I just need a little encouragement to stay motivated!


  • hi. did you take a picture of yourself before you started this journey? if not try and dig out an old pic of you at your heaviest, frame it and keep on your desk(or where ever) at work and when you feel the craving just take a breath amd look at that picture. just a reminder of how far you have come and how little you still have to lose! i hope this helps you x
  • Thanks, that's a great idea! I usually try to avoid looking at pictures like that, but I think it will help remind me why I am doing this.